Kinematics of a lower limb--kinematical analysis.
Vancu, Alexandru-Emil ; Dolga, Valer ; Dolga, Lia 等
The lower limb is an important part of the human body (Pons, 2008;
Dolga, 2008). In order to develop diverse attachments for the limb, one
needs to understand the kinematics of the member (Dinn et al., 1970;
Perry 1992; Morris, 1973; Oberg, 1974). A proper mathematical
description of the movement states proficiency in designing and
constructing the required attachment.
There are different modes to analyse the limb kinematics. One of
them uses markers applied on the wanted limb or on a very appropriate
one (size & proportions). A high-speed camera takes pictures in
frames of a second to express the markers' spatial position (Holden
et al., 1997; Winter, 1982); then the kinematics is studied. The more
markers are considered, the more accurate the calculus will be. The
major trouble with this method is the appearance of noise in the images,
which can disturb the result (Winter et al., 1974). These pictures can
be filtered, to gain a flawless series of images. One of the analyzing
methods adds more cameras and then evaluates the results and eliminates
the obvious false ones (Pezzak et al., 1977). Also one can take the
gained data adding it to a table where one can get the kinematical data.
The results gained with this calculating method will be used in future
developments of human lower-limb ortheses. The new orthesis shall be
made of ultra light materials. Weight is a major problem of the
available orthesis and for this the pacient doesn't recover that
fast because he can not use it for a very long time.
Fig. 1a shows an integration of a gyroscopic sensorial element with
an acceleration element, to estimate the rotation angle and Fig. 1b the
mixture of actuators and climate sensors.
The attachments can very from stiff ones (a wooden foot), to
complex robotical systems (exoskeleton guided by the nerve terminals).
The latters help people who suffered an accident or some disease, but
they are also used in military or as powerenhacements for lifting higher
weight or reaching higher speeds. With the help of medical researchers,
one can develop even ortheses attached to the nervous system.
Given the coordinate data from anatomical markers at either end of
a limb segment, it is an easy step to calculate the absolute angle of
that segment in space. It is not necessary that the two markers be at
the extreme ends of the limb segment, so long as they are in line with
the long-bone axis.
Given the coordinate data from anatomical markers at either end of
a limb segment, it is an easy step to calculate the absolute angle of
that segment in space. It is not necessary that the two markers be at
the extreme ends of the limb segment, so long as they are in line with
the long-bone axis.
Fig. 2 sketches a leg with seven anatomical markers in a
four-segment three-joint system. Markers 1 and 2 define the thigh in the
sagittal plane. Note that by convention all angles are measured in a
counter clockwise direction starting with the horizontal equal to
0[degrees]. Thus [[theta].sub.43] is the angle of the leg in space:
[[theta].sub.43] = arctan[([y.sub.3] - [y.sub.4])/([x.sub.3] -
[x.sub.4])] (1) or, in more general notation;
[[theta].sub.ij] = arctan [([y.sub.j] - [y.sub.i])/([x.sub.j] -
[x.sub.i])] (2)
These segment angles are absolute in the defined spatial reference
system. It is therefore quite easy to calculate the joint angles from
the angles of the two adjacent segments.
Limb angles in the spatial reference system are positively defined
counterclockwise from the horizontal. Angular velocities and
accelerations are positive in a counterclockwise direction in the plane
of movement, which is essential for consistent use in subsequent kinetic
analyses. Convention for joint angles (that are relative) is subject to
wide variations among researchers, but the settlement must be
Each joint has a convention for describing its magnitude and
polarity. For example, when the knee is fully extended, it is described
as 0[degrees] flexion, and when the leg moves in a posterior direction
relative to the thigh, the knee is said to be in flexion. In terms of
the absolute angles described previously:
knee angle = [[theta].sub.k] = [[theta].sub.21] - [[theta].sub.43]
If [[theta].sub.21] > [[theta].sub.43], the knee is flexed; if
[[theta].sub.21] < [[theta].sub.43], the knee is extended.
The convention for the ankle is slightly different in that
90[degrees] between the leg and the foot is boundary between plantar flexion and dorsi flexion. Therefore,
ankle angle = [[theta].sub.a] = [[theta].sub.43] - [[theta].sub.65]
+ 90[degrees] (4)
If [[theta].sub.a] is positive, the foot is plantar flexed; If
[[theta].sub.a] is negative, the foot is dorsi flexed.
One assumes that the raw displacement data have been suitably
smoothed by digital filtering and a set of smoothed coordinates and
angles to operate upon is available. To calculate the velocity from
displacement data, all that is needed is to take the finite difference.
For instance, to find the velocity in the x direction, one calculates
[DELTA]x / [DELTA]t, where [DELTA]x = [x.sub.i+1] - [x.sub.i] and
[DELTA]t is the time between adjacent samples [x.sub.i+1] and [x.sub.i].
The velocity calculated in this manner does not represent the
velocity at either of the sample times. Rather, it represents the
velocity of a point in time halfway between the two samples. This can
result in errors later on when the study tries to relate the
velocity-derived information to displacement data, and both results do
not occur at the same point in time. A way around this problem is to
calculate the velocity and accelerations on the basis of 2 [DELTA]t
rather than [DELTA]t. Thus the velocity at the [] sample is:
Similarly to the previous exposed considerations, the acceleration
can be determined:
The equationship (6) requires displacement data from samples i + 2
and i - 2; thus a total of five successive data points go into the
An alternative and slightly better calculation of acceleration uses
only three successive data coordinates and operates with the calculated
velocities halfway between sample times:
The kinematics has an important function in regulating data for
stabilizing a system with feedback or optimal control of it.
It is necessary to calculate the start moment of the movement when
the heel doesn't have anymore contact with the floor, the landing
of the heel, the maximum height of the heel above ground level during
swing. When does this occur during the swing phase? The study shall
consider the lowest displacement of the heel marker during stance as an
indication of ground level. The analysis shall also determine the
vertical displacement of the toe marker when it reaches its lowest point
in late stance and compare that with the lowest point during swing, and
thereby determine how much toe clearance took place.
If the movement of the body can be calculated, one can reproduce it
easily with the same movement features.
By adding a small computer able to do the kinematical and dynamical
calculus of the lower limb, one can develop other better and safer
attachments for the leg.
In the future recovery will be much easier for patients who are
able to use modern attachments. The main purpose is to help people in
need and we can do this with the help of modern technology.
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