Knowledge-based expert system applied in oral health towards tobacco use prevention and smoking cessation.
Hanganu, Stela Carmen ; Hanganu, Lucian Constantin
Within the present context of tobacco-induced epidemics
globalization, we considered a large research study in oral health area,
approached in the research project theme, to be extremely necessary for
at least two essential reasons (Anderson et al., 2002; Bentz, et al.,
* to create a theoretical and scientific database, given the
complexity of the problem;
* to offer the scientific base required for the individualization and implementation of the targeted programs for tobacco use prevention
and smoking cessation in Romania.
The project adds important contributions in:
* the training and support of all peoples involved in tobacco
control activities, including research, implementation and evaluation;
* the gradual elaboration of a national system for the
epidemiological surveillance of tobacco consumption and of social,
economic and health indicators related to it;
* the identification and testing of the methods of accelerated
scientific results transfer into practice using dental medicine as a
* the evaluation of cognitive factors involved in the development
and implementation of smoking control innovative methods and strategies
in the dental practice;
* Romania participation as a partner to the global network of
scientific research in smoking area in order to contribute to field
knowledge development and improved access to information and to
facilitate partners communication.
With these objectives in view, Romanian health policy included new
principles, such as: the government responsibility of giving priority to
health and to the concern for the own citizens' life, the
recognition of non-smoking as a norm and of citizens' right to a
smokeless environment, their protection from the negative effects of the
passive exposure to smoke, the necessity to decrease yearly the
prevalence of smoking in all the segments of the society, including the
implementation of the Romanian national program Stop Smoking in 2007 by
the Ministry of Health.
The knowledge-based expert system SANFACTOR aims mainly positive
influence patterns of behavior. Based on information received from the
user, SANFACTOR makes an individual report for that particular user. It
also aims to monitor progress of the user to obtain desired changes in
behavior, the ultimate goal being the tobacco prevention and smoking
cessation (Hanganu & Murariu, 2007; Hanganu, 2008). The structure of
the knowledge-based expert system SANFACTOR is shown in figure 1. The
main modules of this knowledge-based expert system are the interface
dialogue, inference engine and knowledge base. The interface dialog
allows a dialogue with users (patients) during the consultation sessions
(digitized questionnaires and their answers), and access to facts and
basic knowledge in adding or updating knowledge. It also allows expert
users (health professionals) to bring the knowledge in a form recognized
by the system and update the knowledge base of expert system.
The inference engine takes knowledge of the facts used to build
reasoning. It seeks a number of major objectives, such as: choice of
control strategy depending on the problem of the current development,
solving plan development problem as necessary, switching from one
control strategy to another, implementation of the measures provided in
the solving plan. Although the inference engine consists of a set of
procedures in the normal word sense, how to use knowledge is not
required by the program, but depends on the available knowledge.
Due to huge volume of information, the major benefit of this system
is that it can store and process data more accurately than any human
expert. SANFACTOR expert system should be seen as a tool to extend the
medical skills and not as a substitute for it.
From the functional point of view, in general, the expert system
SANFACTOR requires:
* a knowledge base - collection of facts and rules on the tobacco
prevention and smoking cessation;
* an inference engine - which uses inference procedures for solving
problems based on facts and rules in knowledge base.
The workflow of the knowledge-based expert system SANFACTOR is
shown in figure 2.
The main stages of SANFACTOR operation are:
* the pacients must answer to an electronic questionnaire, with one
or more existing answers; the questionnaire can be completed with the
doctor help, or remotely using the Internet, and transmitting the
standard form; all responses will be recorded for subsequent analysis;
type of questions, type of answers and form of presentation will be
chosen with experts on tobacco prevention and smoking cessation. the
questionnaires will contain questions related to smoking habit (number
of cigarettes per day etc.), risk factors for smoking-associated
diseases (diabetes, heart disease etc.), actions trigger smoking (when
it is drinking a coffee or alcohol etc.), psychological barriers that
discourage early smoking (fear of fattening etc.), risk factors that
affect the capability to quit smoking and early stage pre-smoking;
* the expert system SANFACTOR transforms data previously entered
into a series of scores, representing a plurality of variables extracted
from the trans-theoretical model of change;
* the variables extracted above are assessed to give a result
appropriate attitude and behavior of the user;
* it is generated a report containing appropriate treatments (where
applicable), forecasting (in the form of percentages), comparisons with
similar cases in which the change of behavior took place successfully;
this report is based on today medical and psychological literature
information, with personalized messages and techniques of self-guidance
for early smoking cessation, including nicotine replacement solutions;
the results prove to be useful for those less motivated users who need
real examples to mobilize them (Reiter et al., 2003).
The realization and implementation for the first time in Romania of
a knowledge-based expert system in oral health towards tobacco use
prevention and smoking cessation appeal to techniques of knowledge gain
in the field of doctor-patient dialogue using specific communication
means based on Natural Language Generation (NLG). The database will be
structured as a personalized information package allowing the approach
of specific applications designed for the implementation of new
preventive and interventional methods of tobacco use control and smoking
cessation, as a feedback to tobacco-induced epidemics globalization.
Thus, will be created conditions for a better collaboration between
various research-development entities in oral and general health area
such as sanitary authorities, universities of medicine, Ministry of
Health, institutes of public health, hospitals, medical R&D
institutes, non-governmental organizations, in order to ensure the
highest living standards--figure 3.
This research was conducted within the framework of the PNCDI II
Project 42123/2008 for which the authors acknowledge financing
authority--The Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation of
Romanian Government.
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