Management and calculation of the most important document in construction: the estimate documentation.
Breuer, Adela ; Frumusanu, Natalita Mihaela Lesconi ; Ciurea, Jeanina Biliana 等
In the construction sector, through the profile, we acknowledge a
new orientation towards developing products for the building that
respond to the multitude of performance requirements, such as
functional, technical, technological, economic and managerial.
In the current conditions, increased complexity of problems facing
the construction in economic and productive aspect requires the adoption
of ways of organization and leadership appropriate to a nationally
dynamic social-economic system (Toma & Margarit, 2002).
In this context, organization and management of the building must
be treated as a system because it engages a set of principles, methods
and techniques aimed at a wide range of issues arising from the human
creative process, in an attempt to integrate material entities in a
whole (Jaba, 2002)-building performance.
The diversity of materials, craftsmanship and mechanical means, the
unique nature of construction products, the development of productive
processes mostly outdoors, for a relatively large period, are some
features that define and individualize the construction production.
The main task of the managers is to link processes of construction
in such way that people, materials and equipment intervene at the right
time on a front of work, in order to execute them.
The method of disposing in space and time the production of
building, with their component processes, is a very serious problem with
a particular impact on the efficiency of organization and management of
the construction production.
A first step towards the success of the construction activities is
a properly performed project management, management which consists of
planning, organizing, coordinating and monitoring the project, from
beginning to end, with the aim of achieving the customer's requires
in production of a viable financially and functionally project, with the
standards of quality, costs and deadlines for implementation agreed.
Project construction is a limited action enterprise aimed to the
achievement, rehabilitation or demolition of an objective by building
works such as variable and non-standard in a given period, with a budget
and in compliance with the agreed quality specifications (Morris, 1981).
This evaluation is performed using the specification documentation, both
in the order phase, and phase development project implementation.
The estimate can be defined as an expression value of the project.
The estimates of investment works express their value calculated in the
price estimate.
In addition to the role of the estimate to establish the value of
investment in valoric expression, the importance of it is that the
estimate is a basic business planning, contracting, execution,
settlement and acceptance of construction works.
In construction, for the expression value of projects developed we
use three types of estimates: the estimate by category of works; the
object estimate; the general estimate.
The operation for the transposition in value expression of the
project is based on the execution plans and drawings, on signs of
estimate's rules and prices of currencies.
The rule of estimates includes the entire expression value estimate
for the processes of a specific category of works. The estimate norm
expresses the average consumption of materials, labor and the use of
machinery and construction machinery, for the implementation of a unit
of measure in a category of construction work (1 mc works of
embankments, 1 mc concrete).
Unit prices estimate represent in monetary expression the estimate
of the standard unit of measure. Estimate article is expressing
quantity, unit price and total cost of a separate work process, related
to construction works. It is one of the basic components of the
estimate. For establish the unit prices for estimate is taken into
account the estimate of prices and tariffs in force. Thus, for material
consumption is multiplied by the prices of materials, for labor, the
labor consumption wages by tariff schedules, and for equipment, the
specific hours of operating time with the cost of operation of equipment
(Craciunescu & Popa, 2004).
A. The estimate by category of works is the most important economic
piece of the project execution. It prepares for each category of works
for an object (construction, sanitation, electricity, heating), and it
is the basis for execution, settlement and reception work. The estimate
by category of works is being developed based on plans and drawings for
execution, of estimate rules and categories of unit prices, on items of
value estimate ante calculated express the category of those works.
Parts of the background estimate by category of works that constitute
the annexes are:
A1. Premeasuring is the first piece for estimate by category of
works that are incorporated in plans and drawings related to the
category of those works, in quantities of works, articles on the
estimate, in the order of the indicatives and signs of rules estimate.
The establishment of correct premeasurings has a decisive role in
determining the exact amount of investment. If sometimes the execution
and settlement of business difficulties arise due to disparity with
reality, they are due in the first place to how bad is the preparation
of premeasurings. Premeasurings are part of the link between
performances and estimate the types of work.
A2. Statements of material shall be made by the designer, on the
groups of materials. Quantities that are registered in the material
statement are determined based on the articles in premeasurings of
estimate provided on the basis of consumption norms of estimate. In the
statement of material we determine and write the materials necessary for
the execution of the works, and those for executing the production of
A3. The list of machinery and technology that requires functional
assembly shall be prepared separately for equipment and technology for
the function that requires assembly and for each type of equipment
included in the list are provided in the article estimate which contains
mounting the quantity and unit of measure.
As regard the machines that require assembly, they must correspond
to the values listed in the contracts concluded inter recipient and
supplier, and in their absence, with the amounts listed in the estimate
of overall investment, which add costs to their delivery to the
recipient to place of assembly. The price estimate for the estimate on
the categories of works are: direct costs related to estimate articles,
other direct costs related to estimate articles, indirect costs, profit.
In the direct costs related articles estimate fall of premeasurings
articles grouped on parts of objects in the current order, with symbols
and codes, name, unit of measure and quantity resulting from
premeasurings. Values entered in this part of the estimate by category
of works are the total of: materials, labor, construction equipment,
transport material and total weight of main materials, each unique
object and the total estimate. Totals from these materials, labor and
construction machines apply percentage reductions in order to upgrade
consumption of resources, achieving the total I--articles estimate.
Part two--other direct costs--the estimate of the categories of
works shall bear the following:
1. Expenditure on transport of the main supplier to the
beneficiary, costs to transport materials from the station to the
destination range of means for lifting the object, and to put in place
to work;
2. Costs of handling materials, manual and mechanical means, which
is determined by applying the average percentage rate for a group of
categories of works which fall in the respectively estimate;
3. Growth of labor.
By the aggregation of the values recorded in the first part (I
total) with the values entered in the second part of the estimate, we
obtain total II--direct costs (Calin & Man, 2008)--the estimate of
the categories of works, the breakdown of cost elements (material,
labor, equipment construction). The third part of the estimate by
category of work-indirect costs--is determined by applying an average
rate of indirect costs related to a group of categories of works which
fall in the estimate, the total value II. Indirect costs related to the
works include construction and installation costs related to the
management and supervision of works (TESA personnel, depreciation of
buildings and facilities provisional, (Dutescu, 2003). The last part of
the estimate--profit--is determined by applying a percentage rate on the
cumulative estimate of the total together with the third.
B. The object estimate. Because currencies categories works reflect
not only the value of the group of works, for the estimate of the value
of an article, it is necessary to proceed the sum up of the estimates
for all categories of works relating thereto. It is well known that the
subject of building construction is a distinct, delimited space,
characterized by a well known destination function.
Estimate object construction sums up all currency amounts, by
categories of related objects that work (construction, sanitation,
heating). This estimate object can be defined as written piece of
documentation of technical--economic, that determine the value of the
estimate an object in the second phase of design (project
The object estimate is part of the value estimate of construction
works, installation works and functional interior, functional machines
that require assembly, according to the list of machines function
estimate for an hour. In case that the investment is only one object,
the object estimate takes the place of the general estimate and in order
to determine the total amount, we add other expenses which compete for
the respective investments (design and technical assistance, land
leveling, fences, organizing site). The estimate of the object must be
regarded as binding, as the written piece at the approval of the
contracting and construction work. In exceptional cases, this estimate
may be amended or supplemented by additional notes and order issued by
the investment owner, upon notification of the manufacturer or designer.
C. The general estimate is economic and technical documentation
that reflects the total investment. In terms of structural point of
view, general estimate includes all currency object for investment,
including currency spending on financial planning, staff training,
technical supervision during the execution of work, organization the
site, evidence technology and share diverse and unexpected expenses. In
general, estimates are all grouped together.
Why the estimate of work is considered one of the most important
documents in construction? Because the yield and profitability of the
construction works depends on the correct elaboration. Because with its
help we establish the dates necessary for technical, organizational and
financial accounting point of view. Because starting with it, we can
establish the consumption and the consumption overcome, the profit or
loss, and depending on the results, managers can take the right
decisions on both project progress and the future. In my opinion, the
success of construction activity is conditioned by the correct uploaded
documents that regard the measuring, materials, work and equipment. What
I was trying to show on this article is the importance of the estimate
of work, by presenting the components of it and the steps you most
follow for having a successful construction business : start with a well
done paper and you will have a well done construction!
Calin, O. & Man, M. (2008). Managerial Accounting"
("Contabilitate manageriala"), Publisher Didactica si
Pedagogica, Bucuresti
Craciunescu, L.& Popa, E. (2004). "Construction's
materials" ("Materiale de constructii"), Publisher
MatrixRom, ISBN 973-685- 787-5, Bucuresti
Dutescu, A. (2003). "Entreprise acconting politics"
("Politici contabile de intreprindere"), Publisher
C.E.C.C.A.R., Bucuresti
Jaba, O. (2002). production and operations management"
("Gestiunea productiei si a operatiilor"), Publisher
Economica, ISBN 973-590-593-0, Bucuresti
Morris, P. (1981). "Managing Project Interfaces: Key Points
for Project Success", Prentice Hall
Toma, M. & Margarit, N. (2002). "Construction's
Management", ("Managementul constructiilor") Publisher
Economica, ISBN973-590-670-8, Bucuresti