Modeling and simulation of an output electric current from a flux compression generator coil.
Dobref, Vasile ; Sotir, Alexandru ; Tarabuta, Octavian 等
Following the trail of new applications development regarding the
modern warfare information strategy and tactics, the technologies based
on the high energy electromagnetic pulse evolved continuously (Abrams,
2003). The newly developed research have been leading to the so called
electromagnetic bombs (projectiles), E-bombs, capable of taking out
enemy's C4I (command, control, communication, computers &
intelligence) equipment and systems with no collateral casualties.
The first damaging effects of the electromagnetic pulse (EMP) have
been noticed during the high altitude nuclear weapons tests, when
intense, extremely brief EMPs (hundreds of nanoseconds) have been
generated and transmitted over some distance according to Maxwell's
equations of the electromagnetic field.
Physically, an FCG is built from a copper cylinder (the armature)
which holds inside the explosive charge. A copper thick wire helical
coil, standing for the stator is placed around with a sufficient air gap
needed for the explosive's expansion during the explosion. The
initial current is produced through the discharge of an external
capacitor battery.
In order not to prematurely destroy the generator, a thick
protective non-magnetic material wrapping (fiber glass or Kevlar) is
placed on the coil's external surface - see Figure 1.
The simulation of the final current in the coil, estimated to be
produced by the explosive's detonation, has been done by the means
of a MATLAB program called PSCF-1.
The modeling of the coil current during the shortcircuit took into
account a linear evolution of the inductivity and resistance of the RL
series circuit, that is they are functions of time as variable (Fowler
et al., 1993). The solution of the differential equation depends in this
case by the integrals emerging in the computing program.
Thus, we considered:
R(t)=[R.sub.0](1-kt), [R.sub.0]=R and [R.sub.T](t)=R(t)+ [R.sub.b]
R=0,00155 [OMEGA] is the overall resistance of the coil, with the
loop and the armature; [R.sub.b]=3,6298 x [10.sup.-7] [omega] is the
resistance of the current (load) loop considered to be constant.
k = 1/[t.sub.i] = 1/52.14 x [10.sup.-6] = 1,9178 x [10.sup.4]
and [t.sub.i] = l/[v.sub.C] = 0,365/7000 = 52,14 x [10.sup.-6] (s)
= 52,14([mu]s)
is the explosion propagation duration. On the other hand,
L = [L.sub.0](1 - kt), [L.sub.0] = L and [L.sub.T](t) = L(5) +
[L.sub.b] (2)
There have been studied two cases (Dobref et al., 2008):
[1.sup.0] The real (measured) electrical parameters of the coil and
the current loop and the coil has an interior cylinder. In this case,
the values are: [L.sub.0]=42[mu]H, [R.sub.0]=0,097[OMEGA],
[L.sub.b]=0,1498[mu]H, [R.sub.b]=0,006466 [OMEGA], [L.sub.p]=2 nH.
[2.sup.0] The real (measured) electrical parameters of the coil and
the current loop and the coil doesn't have an interior cylinder.
For this case, the values are: [L.sub.0]=22[mu]H,
[R.sub.0]=0,097[OMEGA], [L.sub.b]=0,1498;[mu]H,
[R.sub.b]=0,006466[OMEGA], [L.sub.p]=2 nH.
Considering that
[R.sub.c]=R+[R.sub.b]; [L.sub.c]=L+[L.sub.b] (3)
The equations (1) and (2) become:
[R.sub.T](t)=[R.sub.C]-kR(t) and [L.sub.T](t)=L-kL(t) (4)
As we analyze the transitory process starting with the moment of
coil's short-circuiting, the differential homogenous equation of
the RL series circuit has the well-known form:
d/dt [L.sub.T] (t) i(t)+[R.sub.T] (t) i(t) = 0 (5)
In the same time, we know that:
d/dt [L(t) + [L.sub.b]=-k[L.sub.0] (7)
Equation (5), amended by the equations (6) and (7), is now:
([L.sub.c] - k[L.sub.0])/di/dt - k [L.sub.0] i + ([R.sub.c] - kRt)x
i = 0 (8)
([L.sub.c] - k[L.sub.0]t) di/dt + [([R.sub.c] - k[L.sub.0] - kRt] i
= 0 (9)
Equation (9) can be expressed as:
di/dt + ([R.sub.c] - k [L.sub.0]) - kRt/[L.sub.c] - k[L.sub.0]t i =
0 (10)
di/dt + [[R.sub.c] - k [L.sub.0])/[L.sub.c] - k [L.sub.0]t -
kRt/[L.sub.c] - k[L.sub.0]t] x i = 0 (11)
If we equalize the expression in the brackets with P(t), we obtain:
P(t) = [R.sub.c] - k [L.sub.0]/[L.sub.c] - k [L.sub.0]t -
kRt/[L.sub.c] - k [L.sub.0]t (12)
Therefore, equation (11) will be written as:
di/dt + P(t) x i = 0 (13)
After solving the equation (13), the formula of the transitory
current through the coil, during the explosion, has the form:
The computing program has numerically solved the equations above
and has two reverse applications.
a) If we want to find out the initial currents needed to obtain
imposed output currents (for example, 15 kA;10 kA; 5 kA), according to a
known elapsed time of the explosion, from equation (14) we will have:
[I.sub.o] = t ([t.sub.i]/exp[el([t.sub.1])] (15)
Where, again, we cose the values i(ti)=15kA; 10kA; 5kA.
Accordingly, we have found the values:
[I.sub.01] = 15000/exp[e1([t.sub.i])] = 226,163916A)
[I.sub.01] = 10000/exp[e1([t.sub.i])] = 150,77594455A)
[I.sub.01] = 5000/exp[e1([t.sub.i])] = 75,387972A)
b) On the basis of equation (14) we can find out the output current
through the FCG coil with parametric resistance and inductivity, for the
two cases mentioned above: the coil with or without an interior
[1.sup.0] The coil with an interior cylinder.
We adopted in the computations an initial current I1 = 551A. The
diagram of the function i(t) for the respective time interval is
presented in Figure 2. The computations have resulted into an output
current [I.sub.out] = 128,158.84 A.
[2.sup.0] The coil without an interior cylinder.
The starting current was [I.sub.1]=571 A. The evolution of the
output current during the explosion is presented in Figure 3. The final
value of the current was [I.sub.out] = 61,385.62 A.
By comparing the two output currents subsequent to the
short-circuiting process, we notice that the presence of an internal
metallic cylinder (steel) doubles the size of it.
The results of the modeling and simulation have been used in
further experimentation of a real FCG prototype and proved to be very
close to the experimental data. On the other hand, the results of the
present research could be used reversely, in order to take proper
measures of protecting electrical devices from the electromagnetic pulse
damaging effects.
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