New approach for the crankshafts grinding and determination of the 3D surface roughness model for the crankshafts bearings.
Torims, Toms ; Vilcans, Janis ; Zarins, Marcis 等
This article is closely related with one of EU significant
manufacturing industry branch--ship building and ship repair. When the
ship's diesel engine repairs are done normally the crankshaft
journal (bearing) surfaces must be renewed according very precise
geometrical and surface roughness requirements. Currently technologies
available for ship repair enterprises are sufficient to ensure these
requirements; however, they are very expensive and time consuming.
Therefore it was decided to conduct a comprehensive research of the
shipboard diesel engines crankshaft journals surfaces machining. This
allowed us to improve technological processes by designing the novel
grinding equipment as well as to determinate the respective surface
roughness parameters.
Furthermore, it is important to note that crankshaft bearing
surfaces must be seen as 3D object with definition of microtopographical
surface roughness parameters which reflect to real surface. By analysing
the scientific researches in this field we found that there are no
comprehensive researches available in this particular field, especially
as regards the shipboard engines crankshaft journals surface
microtopography. Taking into consideration the above mention arguments
in the research work the new technological approach has been used, which
significantly simplifies technological work and allows crankshaft
journal grinding performing inside the housing without removing it from
engine. This technology saves significant financial resources as well as
time of engine repair itself.
Therefore this research has real production assignment with
practical implication. Solving problems related with surface accuracy it
is possible to considerably improve the crankshaft machining process as
well as performance of maintenance operations and consequently overall
quality of repair works.
Used scientific methodology: research of the diesel engines
crankshaft journals surface roughness was based on theory of contingency
fields, which gave opportunity to create the credible (maximally close
to the real conditions) model of surface roughness and
microtopographical surface roughness parameters related to this model.
The grinding device is elaborated for crank pin journals grinding
to the next "repair" dimensions or into any other dimension
when geometrical and surface roughness parameters should be renewed.
Furthermore, when the grinding operations are carried out the grinding
device is based directly on crankshaft journal, with previous
dismantling of the connection road and bearing liners (see Figure 1). It
is important to note that grinding device also can be used for machining
of the crankshaft main journals--in this case crankshaft should be
centred in the stationary turning machine.
In principle by changing of the base rings and liners of the
grinding device (depending of journal dimensions) it is possible to use
this grinding device for machining of any type of diesel engines
crankshafts. However additional difficulties occur when is necessary to
process very small (journal [empty set] < 100 mm) and very large
(journal [empty set] > 350 mm) crankshafts.
The renewable crankshaft journal surface is abrasively processed by
the flat surface of grinding stone. Such kind of abrasive stone
placement is very unusual for grinding operations, however, only in this
manner it is possible to carry out crankshaft journals grinding in very
limited space (inside the engine housing). Therefore, relatively small
diameter and specific position are compensated by the high rotation
speed of the grinding stone.
Feeding motion of grinding device is ensured manually by operator,
who steady moves the device in parallel to machining surface and in the
same time performing cyclic round-shape motions. The grinding depth is
fixed by the special adjustment plates and screws. In exceptional cases,
when at the end of machining is necessary to achieve the very smooth
surface it is possible to use the special polishing discs and polishing
wax. Furthermore, the grinding device fully ensures high accuracy of the
geometrical and surface roughness parameters in accordance with the
technical requirements for this type of repair operations. The
elaborated device is experimentally tested in production and fully
proved its efficiency.
The grinding device is electro-mechanical hand instrument, whose
principal construction is relatively simple and safe. Its main parts are
following: drive mechanism, reduction gear, base plate, regulation and
basing system, grinding stone, fixing mechanism and iron ring of
grinding stone, load control gauge, as well as complimentary equipment.
The grinding stone placed in the iron ring by assistance of the
bronze bushing is fixed on the drive shaft of mechanical reduction gear.
Sufficient and tight connection between grinding stone and drive shaft
is achieved by usage of special fixation nut. The drive mechanism is
connected with the basic plate of grinding device on which in its turn
is fixed regulation and basing system. Thus the orientation of the
grinding stone towards the crankshaft journal surface is ensured.
Elaborated grinding device is innovative, there are no known
analogical in the ship repair, therefore it is important to understand
and follow to the specific requirements which are foreseen for the work
with this device as well as scrupulously perform the technical
maintenance of equipment. Furthermore, the exact nature and properties
should be investigated as well. For this very reason the 3D crankshaft
bearings surface modes shall be elaborated (Blunt & Jiang, 2003).
The mathematical model of the surface roughness has to be complete
enough to describe the real surface and in the same time simple enough
for practical use in industry. In order to successfully work out the
crankshaft journals surface roughness model, classification of rough
surfaces and research of irregular roughness model has been done
(Torims, 2005).
It was defined that every type of mechanical machining and surface
creation process has their own, unique surface roughness topography.
However, all mechanically processed surfaces principally can be divided
into two groups: isotropic and anisotropic surfaces. The isotropic
surface is surface whose roughness parameters in the all directions are
the same but for anisotropic surface the roughness parameters are
different depending on measuring direction.
Isotropic roughness structure is typical for details which surface
is machined by following methods: EDM, sand or pellet blasting,
vibro--abrasive, polishing and lapping. But anisotropic surface
structure is characteristic for surfaces machined by various abrasive
methods, e.g. grinding, superfinish, rolling and broaching, etc.
Despite the above mentioned classification surfaces with the
identical structure can have absolutely different character of surface
inequalities. Therefore, in the research the detailed surface
irregularities classification were done. Generally by surface roughness
mathematical functions these surfaces can be divided into three groups,
namely, with regular character, irregular character and mixed type.
The regular type of irregularities characterises by periodical bodies of inequalities which are very similar and in the first
approximation can be described by the periodical mathematical function
(Rudzitis et al., 2001).
But the irregular type of inequalities characterises with irregular
height and form of roughness. Furthermore, mixed type of profile is
forming when regular and irregular character factors are combined, in
fact this type is allocated between both above described kinds of
According above described classification, the shipboard diesel
engines crankshaft journals machining with the mechanical grinding
method, can be looked as anisotropic surface with irregular character of
surface roughness. This kind of surface can be described by normal
distribution or Gaussian law. The probability density in separate
surface cross-sections can be described by the Equation 1 (Rudzitis,
where: h--surface heights deviation from the mean line;
[sigma]--standard deviation of surface roughness profile.
Furthermore [sigma] is mathematically related with the roughness
height parameter [R.sub.a], and this can be extracted in the following
[R.sub.a] [approximately equal to] [square root of 2/[pi] [sigma]]
But for the 3D approach the microtopografical surface height
parameter should be introduced:
[R.sub.aT] = 1/A [integral][[integral].sub.[OMEGA]][absolute value
of h(x,y)]dxdy (3)
where: A--area of the covered surface, [mm.sup.2];
h(x,y)--surface roughness (points) deviation from the mean plane,
in planes x and y.
Although, [R.sub.aT] describes surface roughness height in three
dimensions it is not sufficient for the full description of the surface,
because the surface irregularities density is not covered yet (Gohar
& Rahnejat, 2008). Figure 2 shows how different heights
concentration can be for the same [R.sub.a].
Therefore, in order to achieve the complete surface roughness model
for the crankshafts bearings spatial parameters should be used too,
namely [S.sub.m]:
[S.sub.m] [approximately equal to] 2/n(0) (4)
The 3D spacing parameters [S.sub.m1] and [S.sub.m2] can be
[S.sub.m1,2] = 2/n[(0).sub.1,2] (5)
where: n(0)1,2--number of "zeros" within one length unit,
when the profile crosses the mean plane in the two perpendicular
directions to each other.
Blunt, L. & Jiang, X. (2003). Advanced techniques for
assessment surface topography. Elsevier, UK
Torims, T. (2005). Researches on machining of diesel engine
crankshaft journals surfaces. (2005) Doctoral Thesis. Riga Technical
University. Latvia. Riga
Rudzitis, J.; Shiron, E.; Skurba, M. & Torims, T. (2001).
Classification of rough surfaces. Scientific proceedings of Riga
Technical University. Part 6. Vol. 2. Riga
Gohar, R. & Rahnejat, H. (2008). Fundamentals of Tribology.
Imperial College Press, UK