Piezoelectic controlled sub-micrometer machining station.
Nichol, Tyler ; Puschitz, Falko ; Bleicher, Friedrich 等
The ability to accurately machine devices on a submicrometer scale
is a goal towards which many institutions are striving. These devices
have countless useful applications in fields as diverse as aerospace,
medicine, and materials science; however, available technologies for
machining on this length scale (e.g. EDM, laser machining, etc.) have
limited applications. For this reason, the Institute for Production
Engineering at the Vienna University of Technology is developing a tool
which operates in a manner similar to a traditional milling machine in
that material is removed by purely mechanical forces, but it is expected
to be capable of machining with a precision on the order of 100 nm.
Using this method, the machining of detailed three-dimensional
components and surface structures on a small scale is possible.
In this project, a three axis stage is constructed onto which the
workpiece as well as the cutting tool are mounted. Piezoelectrics are
implemented to move the cutting tool relative to the workpiece to
machine with greater accuracy than can be achieved with other types of
Research has shown that by controlling the surface structure of a
material at the micrometer scale, certain beneficial tribological
characteristics can be achieved. Currently this surface microstructure is manufactured using techniques such as laser machining or
photolithography; however these methods present certain challenges which
make them unsuitable for many applications. The development of
mechanical microstructuring opens many opportunities for tribological
research on materials and with geometries that were previously
inaccessible with existing methods.
Mechanical micromachining could be especially beneficial for the
purposes of mimicking the Lotus Effect. This refers to the property of
superhydrophobicity exhibited by the leaves of lotus flowers, whose
surface microstructure causes the contact angle of water droplets to
exceed 160[degrees]. This results in a self-cleaning phenomenon whereby
water droplets pick up dirt particles as they roll off the leaves.
Reproducing this effect on machined surfaces would be instrumental in
preventing corrosion or contamination by foreign particles. Water
contact angles of greater than 160[degrees] have been achieved using
techniques such as Au assisted HF/[H.sub.2] [O.sub.2] etching (Xiu et
al., 2008) and Xe[F.sub.2] etching (Kwon et al., 2008) of silicon
wafers, but these processes are not applicable to other materials. The
mechanical surface micromachining technique presented here will be
capable of machining a wider range of materials which can benefit from
One limitation to this application of mechanical machining is the
size of the cutting tool. Research has shown that to achieve
superhydrophobicity, two geometrical length scales are required: one
involving ordered structures on a micrometer scale as well as a
nanoscopic rough surface topography (Gao & McCarthy, 2006).
Currently, the available end mill sizes are the limiting factor in
determining the minimum distance between structures. Micro end mills
have been fabricated to diameters as small as 50 urn (Yan et al., 2008),
which is sufficient for the larger of the two length scales, but other
methods are required to apply the finer surface roughness.
In order to control the rough position of the workpiece, three
Physik Instrumente M-404.2DG linear translation stages are arranged into
a coordinate axis frame. The workpiece is mounted to one linear stage,
which is itself mounted to another perpendicular stage, allowing for
positioning of the workpiece in the X-Y-plane with an accuracy of
roughly 0.8 um. The cutting tool is mounted to a third linear stage,
allowing for movement of the tool in the vertical Z-direction (Fig. 1).
The high precision of the micro-machining station is achieved
through the use of piezoelectric (PZT) actuators to control the exact
position of the cutting tool in the X-Y-plane. A total of four PZT
actuators are used to mount the cutting tool spindle to the Z-axis
stage: two in the X-Z-plane oriented parallel to the X-axis and two in
the Y-Z-plane oriented parallel to the Y-axis. Each pair of actuators is
countered by springs on the opposite side of the spindle cylinder (Fig.
2). When a pair is actuated in unison, the cutting tool is moved in
either the X-or the Y-direction while maintaining its vertical
orientation. Two additional degrees of freedom are achieved by actuating
each PZT device in a pair separately, enabling rotation of the cutting
tool to slight angles about the X- or Y-axes.
During the actual cutting process, the linear X- and Y-axis stages
remain fixed. The cut profile is determined entirely by the positioning
of the cutting tool via the piezoelectric actuators, as well as the
vertical motion of the Z-axis stage. The resolution of the tool position
is in large part determined by the resolution of the output voltage of
the computer controller hardware and the sensitivity of the piezo devices. The current configuration uses a 16-bit DAQ with an output
range of zero to 10 V and a voltage output resolution of 0.153 mV. The
output voltage is converted to an analog signal from zero to 120 V.
Tests will be conducted to determine the sensitivity and, subsequently,
the resolution of the deflection of the PZT actuators corresponding to
the DAQ output. Closed-loop control is implemented using sensors capable
of resolution on the order of 10 nm to ensure the greatest precision is
achieved. This control strategy is discussed in the following section.
The cutting tool is fixed to a high speed precision pneumatic
spindle which is capable of reaching up to 65000 RPM. Since the cutting
tool itself can reach sizes as small as 50 [micro]m in diameter, the
high angular velocity of the pneumatic spindle is required to achieve
appropriate cutting speeds.
The PZT actuators are capable of a maximum deflection of 50
[micro]m, therefore the cutting area in the X-Y-plane for a single
machining step is limited to an area of 50x50 um. Given the size of the
cutting tool, this is not sufficient to machine useful devices or
surface structures; however, the successful execution of this machining
station is the first step toward the design of larger machines with
similar tolerance capabilities.
For the purposes of experimentation, a program was written using
the LabVIEW virtual instrument software. The three linear stages are
controlled using virtual instruments (VIs) provided by Physik
Instrumente which were specifically designed for integration into the
LabVIEW environment. These VIs are capable of controlling the position,
velocity, acceleration, and other characteristics of the linear stages.
The piezoelectric actuators are controlled in the same principle VI
as the linear stages, allowing for seamless integration of both control
steps. The piezos are controlled using the measured sensitivity of
deflection to DAQ output voltage for each piezo device. The user inputs
the desired cut dimensions and the program calculates the required
voltage that must be applied across the terminals of each PZT device to
achieve the necessary deflection. For more complicated cut profiles such
as curves, the LabVIEW program takes a path dictated by the user and
determines four functions of voltage with respect to time, one for each
piezoelectric actuator, which when executed simultaneously achieve the
desired cut profile. In this way, the micromachining station is able to
operate as a fully automated NC-machine capable of machining
sophisticated patterns quickly and accurately.
Closed-loop control is implemented using four highly accurate
ductile length measuring LVDT probes. The probes are capable of
resolution as high as 10 nm and are positioned near each piezoelectric
actuator. The high resolution of the probes is useful for controlling
the deflection of each piezo. If the voltage applied across a piezo
device is too great, the piezo will be caused to deflect to an undesired
location; however, this can be prevented using the LVDT probes. The
distance sensors monitor the position of the spindle within its housing
and, by extension, the tool center point. From this, the deviation of
the tool with respect to the programmed cut path is calculated. If this
deviation is found to increase past a maximum allowed value, the LabVIEW
software adjusts the voltage being applied across the terminals of the
piezos in order to reduce the deviation to an acceptable level. This
ensures that the desired cut profile is followed with the greatest
possible accuracy.
Due to the very small size of the cutting tool, materials must
exhibit certain properties in order to take full advantage of the high
precision machining capabilities. Materials with large grain sizes will
have difficulty in this machine due to the increased stiffness of the
material during cutting. This subjects the end mill to greater forces,
which subsequently cause greater deformation of the end mill as well as
increased wear of the tool. For this reason, the performance of the
micro-machining station will be tested using special aluminum as a
workpiece. Aluminum stock is first passed through the equal-channel
angular extrusion process developed by the Chemnitz University of
Technology, in which a bar of aluminum stock is forced through a channel
with a 90 degree bend. The large strain to which the aluminum is
subjected as a result of being passed through the angled channel causes
a reduction of the grain size to the ultrafine grain region between 100
nm and a few micrometers (Hockauf et al., 2008).
The Institute for Production Engineering is developing a mechanical
machining station with sub-micrometer precision. The tool is controlled
using piezoelectric actuators and ductile position sensors to enable
closed-loop control on the order of 100 nm. This tool can serve
functions in the field of tribological research as well as any industry
where micro-scale components are used. Testing still needs to be
conducted in order to determine the exact tolerances to which the device
can machine with various materials. This small scale machining station
is the first step in the design of machines with a larger working area
and similar tolerance capabilities.
Gao, L. & McCarthy, T. (2006). The Lotus Effect Explained: Two
Reasons Why Two Length Scales of Topography Are Important. Langmuir, 22,
7, March 2006, pp 2966-2977, ISSN: 07437463
Hockauf, M.; Meyer, L.W.; Nickel, D.; Alisch, G.; Lampke, T.;
Wielage, B. & Krilger, L. (2008). Mechanical properties and
corrosion behaviour of ultrafine-grained AA6082 produced by
equal-channel angular pressing. Journal of Materials Science, 43, 23-24,
December 2008, pp 74097417, ISSN: 00222461
Kwon, Y.; Patankar, N.; Choi, J. & Lee, J. (2008). Design of
Surface Hierarchy for Extreme Hydrophobicity, Langmuir, 25, 11, February
2009, pp 6129-6136, ISSN: 07437463
Xiu, Y.; Hess, D. W. & Wong, C. P. (2008). Hierarchically
Etched Silicon Lotus Effect Surface Structures for Reduced Light
Reflection, Proceedings of Electronics Packaging Technology Conference,
pp 916-922, ISBN: 9781424421176, Singapore, December 2008, IEEE, Los
Alamitos CA
Yan, J.; Uchida, K.; Yoshihara N. & Kuriyagawa T. (2008).
Fabrication of micro end mills by wire EDM and some micro cutting tests,
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 19, 2, January 2009,
ISSN: 09601317