Rolling elements diagnosis.
Nicodim, Mariana ; Tudose, Virgil ; Gheorghiu, Horia 等
To detect defects on the rolling bearing, we can use the shock
impulse method. The need of using this method is given by the high
accuracy information regarding the mechanical state of the bearing area
and lubrication conditions, throughout the life of the bearings. Shock
pulse method consists of identifying noise in operation and in grouping
them into two categories (LR--Low Rate and HR--High Rate). HR shocks are
the most common shocks, normally functioning shocks, and LR shocks are
abnormal shocks indicating a fault or an incorrect operation (no-
lubrication, roll jam, pitting, fretting, etc.) and the difference
between LR and HR shows the nature of the defect. A small value of HR
and LR indicate a normal functioning, as both values increase the
highlight the development of the defect. When the difference between LR
and HR is high enough it already indicates that the defect has occurred
and the replacement of the bearing is required.
When a ball hits a damaged area on the rolling bearing, it produces
a shock wave. Each shock is a unique event repeated at regular
intervals, an interval is the gap between the time a ball passes over
the defect and the next ball passage.
To identify the sources of shock impulses, the article presents a
test using a mechanism that can through steel balls at the end of a hard
steel bar.
An essential step to achieve this is to use a system for generating
Dirac signals (Fig. 1). The Dirac signal is a relatively
"sharp" signal and the most important feature of this signal
is that the Fourier transform contains all the frequencies.
A real signal that is very "sharp", found in real
applications, contains a wide range of frequencies, while a
"low" signal is more limited in the spectrum.
The steel ball speed of the bal mechanism of "throwing with
balls" can be controlled and measured. For registration of the
elastic wave (shock impulse) that is propagated through the steel bar (5
000 m/s speed) we used a Doppler laser vibrometer
The vibrometer is very sensitive and shows the vibration results as
velocity (mm/s). The entire system is controlled from a Lab View
The first figure 2 presents the signal which is relatively
"sharp" with a duration of about 40 us as a response of the
surface at the end of the bar when the ball hits the opposite side (the
delay time between the impact and the bar movement is 0.57 ms).
The second figure 2 shows Fourier transformed of the same signal
and it can be seen that there is a wide spectrum with a peak around 10
KHz frequencies; there is an increase of energy in the frequency
spectrum. Even a small impact (the steel ball barely reaches the steel
bar) produces a similar spectrum but with a lower amplitude. The idea is
that if the transducer (SPM transducer) which is mounted on the steel
bar of the "ball shooting" mechanism is very sensitive to a
certain high frequency (32 KHz), it will select sharp elastic waves
(shock pulse), because shock impulse is normally a broadband signal.
The third figure 2 shows the signal received from the Doppler laser
vibrometer over a long period of time. Shock impulse "jumps"
practically between the ends of the steel bar due to reflections.
Repetition frequency is nearly 900 Hz.
1/(2,85 * 2/5000 M/S) = 877 (Hz] (1)
The main damage of the bearings can be detected using transducers,
therefore the article notes the utility and importance of an SPM
transducer. Following the tests illustrated in the article we present
both the output signal for an SPM transducer mounted on a steel bar
(Fig. 3) and the adjacent data (tab.1.).
SPM transducers are the essence of true monitoring of shock pulse;
they are build and calibrated only for shock measurements work only at
their resonance frequency of 32 KHz and they are seven times more
sensitive than the conventional vibration transducers.
TMU unit contains an inductive component (a transformer) which
together with the SPM transducer capacitance form a band-pass filter
which further increases the pass-band system characteristics. Anyway,
the main purpose of the TMU is to convert impedance in order to allow
more cables.
If the SPM transducer's answer is superimposed over the output
frequency of the steel bar then it is clear that the SPM transducer will
choose the content with high frequency from the steel bar and will
produce a 32 KHz signal. Low-frequency vibrations have no influence on
the signal. Fig 4. presents the frequency spectrum.
Shock waves are transitions, short-term waves starting with
relatively high amplitude which is quickly absorbed. When the distance
between transitions is constant and corresponds to the crossing ball
frequency, there is the proof of a damaged bearing. In the area around
the resonance frequency, we can record a signal over time showing clear
transitions from damaged bearing (fig.5.). The signal from the
transducer is treated by rectification (which cuts negative amplitudes)
and enveloping (which produces well-defined peaks). After enveloping the
peaks can be counted on time, thereby achieving their frequency of
occurrence and we can compare it to the ball pass frequency, run on the
inside or the outside race.
An elastic wave (shock pulse) can be seen as compression and
decompression of material in a structure, while a vibration can be seen
as material moving. A "real" vibration is a mixture of these
It was found that the amplitude of the shock impulse is
proportional to the square of the object speed which hits the mass of
steel, while mass does not affect the amplitude (as long as the object
is smaller than the steel bar). In the spectrum, the peak amplitude is
determined by the vibration's energy content at any frequency.
Compared to the energy of the spindle frequency, the shock energy caused
by damaged bearing is negligible. Thus, the line of ball crossing
frequency has low amplitude and is easily lost among the
It was also notified that in case of a bearing, the speed of steel
balls can be calculated using the spindle diameter and the velocity, the
dBi calculated amount is used, both to remove the dependence on velocity
and to extract "normal" shock pulse that is proportional to
the squared ball speed.
The secret behind the true monitoring of the shock impulse is the
SPM transducer for shock pulse. It can be shaken without getting any
response, but when gently struck by a hard object or a shock wave that
is transmitted through a metal element of the machine, it will deliver a
powerful electric pulse.
The paper was conceived in the framework P.O.S.D.R.U. program at
University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest
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*** (1999) Accesed
Tab. 1. Data for output signal of a SPM transducer
velocity Amplitude raw signal dBsv
0,157 m/s 0,018 Vp-p 40
0,3 m/s 0,094 Vp-p 54
0,7 m/s 0,680 Vp-p 72
0,98 m/s 0,120 Vp-p 76
1,1 m/s 1,450 Vp-p 78