Stress and strain state for some types of hip joint stems.
Sticlaru, Carmen ; Davidescu, Arjana ; Crainic, Nicolae 等
The first modern total hip prostheses, implanted by the English
surgeon Philip Wiles, in 1938, had a short femoral component. The metal
ball sat on a short shaft, which passed through the thighbone's
neck and was firmly anchored by a plate on the outside of the thighbone.
In 1978 two Swiss surgeons (Jacob and Huggler) constructed a
similar total hip device. Their total hip had a femoral component with a
"thrust plate" (fig. 1). The thrust plate was an oval metal
plate resting on the femoral neck; the surgeon removed the diseased
femoral head carefully before creating an even area for support of the
thrust plate. The idea was that the body weight should pass through this
trust plate directly onto the femoral neck and upper part of the
thighbone, in theory at least. No bone cement is used.
The obvious advantage of this construction is that the marrow
cavity of the thighbone is left intact. If this total hip device should
fail and must be revised, the revision operation will be easy, say the
authors, practically as simple as in hips never operated before. (Buergi
et al., 2005). This operation is more radical than the surface
replacement; in that operation most of the femoral head is still
Since its introduction on the market in 1980, the device has been
redesigned two times, always a sign that something was wrong with the
previous models.
In the January 2005, four Swiss surgeons presented results of 102
operations with the latest model of the thrust plate total hip (Buergi
et al., 2005). This model has been on the market since 1992. The
patients were considerably improved by the operation, and the six years
survival of the prosthesis was 96%. There were, however, 2% of
postoperative infections.
There is a rather restricted number of Swiss, German, Indian, and
Australian surgeons performing this total hip replacement. The total hip
device is something between surface replacement and an ordinary total
hip joint. The obvious candidate is a young patient.
In the healthy hip joint the femoral head is continually in close
and stabile contact with the socket during all movements.
The stability of the healthy hip joint is provided by numerous
supporting structures around the hip joint, including a thick joint
capsule, a system of joint ligaments built in the joint capsule, and a
ligament inside the hip joint itself. These joint structures create a
passive resistant force on the hip joint that keeps the femoral head in
close contact with the hip joint socket during all movements.
Moreover, the 19 muscles surrounding the hip joint provide further
dynamic stability to the hip joint. Every surgeon who tried to extract
the femoral head from the hip joint in a patient with a broken femoral
neck (collum femurs fracture) knows how difficult task it is.
During total hip replacement a portion of these supporting
structures (muscles, ligaments, capsule) is cut (divided) for easier
access to the hip joint. Even if the surgeon tries to restore muscle and
soft tissue balance by suturing together the cut ligaments, muscles, and
joint capsule after the total hip replacement, there is usually some
imbalance of soft tissues left.
Figure 2.a.: In the healthy hip joint ligaments, joint capsule and
muscles around the joint (and one ligament inside the joint) provide
continuous close contact between the femoral head and joint socket. The
femoral head is large.
Figure 2.b.: During the total hip joint operations a portion of the
muscles, joint ligaments and joint capsule were severed to gain access
to the hip joint. Even if these structures were sutured back after
insertion of the artificial hip, the force which keeps the ball
component in close contact with the cup component has been impaired. The
size of the ball component is smaller than the removed head (Pennock et
al., 2002).
The stress shielding is a mechanism that protects the skeleton from
the natural stresses that the everyday life puts on it. Total hip device
exerts such stress shielding effect on the skeleton around it.
The skeleton is very economical system. Where the weight load on
the skeleton is large, the skeleton grows more bone tissue in the loaded
area; the net result is a more closely packed and stronger skeleton that
has the strength to sustain the increased load.
Femoral shaft component placed within a thighbone makes such
"two materials composite" where the femoral component sustains
the greater part of the load.
The shaft component of a total hip device is much stiffer than the
skeleton and will take the greater part of the body weight load.
Consequently, the shaft component is "overloaded", whereas the
skeleton around the shaft is "unloaded".
Figure 3.a presents the image of the stresses from the body weight
on the lower limb skeleton as a steady flow of impulses that starts in
the lower back. In the normal healthy skeleton, the stresses flow
symmetrically from there downwards through hip joints, thighbones, knee
joints, lower leg bones, and feet into the floor.
Figure 3.b presents that the situation changes when there is a
total hip joint device. The much stiffer shaft component of the total
hip takes over the majority of the load stresses.
Unfortunately, the thickening of the skeleton is often painful. The
patients with cementless shafts of total hip devices often claim about
the pain in the thigh, especially during the first years after the
surgery (Pennock et al., 2002).
The surgeons believe that stress shielding is harmful because the
weaker skeleton may fracture. The manufacturers are developing shaft
components that have less "shielding effect". Because the
stress shielding effect depends on the difference between the stiffness
of the shaft component and the stiffness of the thighbone, the
manufacturers try to produce shaft components with stiffness values more
close to the stiffness of the thighbone. "Diminished shielding
effect" of the femoral shaft component is one of the selling
arguments of new models of total hip devices (McGrory et al., 1995).
The introduction of finite element analysis (FEA) into orthopedic
biomechanics allowed continuum structural analysis of bone and
bone-implant composites of complicated shapes.
FE analysis was performed on four versions of the stem which are
characterised by different geometrical forms. Models were generated,
analysed and post processed using the ANSYS finite element package
(version 11). They were based on drawings realized in ProEngineer. A
full three-dimensional model for it is shown in figure 4. These are the
models which will be discussed in this paper. In any case, it was
desirable to produce as realistic model as possible for the narrow stem.
Figure 5 shows the meshed (a, b, c, d), constrained and loaded
three-dimensional models (e) of the stem.
In figures 6, 7 are presented some aspects depickted from FE
analyses. Figure 6 shows the stress state for the stem--it can be seen
that the maximum value appear for the stem without collar (fig. 6 a). It
is important for the the stress state (to obtain minimum values) that
the stem has a collar for support the stem in the femur, in possible
There have been many models of total hip device on the market; the
number is > 1 000. Moreover, new models appear steadily and are
advertised as decisive improvement. This paper improves these studies
with some FEA aspects for the presented stems. This result is consistent
with FE analyses of prostheses cemented into the femur which indicate
that the stress is greatest in the middle of the shaft (Mathiasa et al.,
1998). The stress in the shaft is believed to be acceptable for two
reasons. Firstly, this part of the stem closely resembles conventional
designs which have proved successful in the past. Secondly, the fatigue
limit for stainless steel in bending is approximately 370 MPa for a
maximum tensile strength of 870 MPa (Hute, 1995). This figure depends on
parameters such as surface finish and the method of machining. This
fatigue limit continues to increase for steels with tensile strengths of
up to 1100 MPa and then starts to level out. As the tensile strength of
the steel used for the prosthesis is 1460 MPa, the stresses encountered
here will be below this fatigue level. The values for the strain state
for the femur are also in the acceptabil limits and are positioned in
the lower part of the femur.
Buergi ML et al. (2005). Radiological Findings and Clinical Results
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Hutte (1995). Enginer Book, Fundamentals, Editura tehnica,
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McGrory et al. (1995). Effect of femoral offset on range of motion
and abductor muscle strength after a a total hip arthoplasty, J Bone
Joint Surg-Br 1995; 77-B:865-9
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