Study regarding consumer behavior in Romania.
Rahau, Loredana ; Neagu, Gheorghe ; Forgaciu, Flavia 等
Marketing research, the success of decisions based on lessons
learned and measures taken to respond to buyer pressure led to the
regulation, stimulation and boosting of the economy. The most
illustrative example is the American success. Since the second decade of
the twentieth century, most notable representatives of the Chicago
School, psychologists and sociologists, have formulated the thesis,
which became subsequently paradigm that the human point sense of human
is found in obtaining a desirable behavior from consumers. The
behavioralist thesis inspired by the pragmatism of the American society
places primerely influencing and determining the behavior considered
acceptable. This paradigm has expanded successfully inside the market
field by marketing studies that have been developed since the fifth
decade of the last century. Currently, globalization leads to the
generalization and universalization of the market, multiplication of
producers, diversification of goods and services, competition (Iliescu
& Petre, 2004). Under these terms, knowledge of purchase consumption
and behavior in order to make correct and profitable decisions is
essential. In marketing, studies production decissions and marketing
decisions depend fundamentally on the purchase and consumption.
Bibliographic research on purchasing consumption and behavior has
allowed formulation of several conclusions:
--the need to study the behavior of consumers and customers is
generated by deciphering the feedback between production and
consumption, sale and purchase;
--investigation and analysis of feedback sent by the buyer to the
manufacturer and distributor is required in order for the manager to
take and implement decisions that meet the needs, tastes and
expectations of the purchaser;
--accelerated dynamics of consumer attitude and the increased
capacity of individual and group expertise, of different categories of
buyers pressurize producers to adjust their production to the
constraints caused by growing consumer expectations and informed
--psychological factors have an increasingly important share in
definiting purchase consumption and behavior, and motivation,
perception, taste, beliefs and preferences are the subjective, but very
active and persuasive substrate of consumption and behavior of buying.
Family and reference groups (neighbors, friends, work colleagues) play
an important role in guiding and supporting the purchasing consumption
and behavior (Forgaciu, 2008);
--cultural factors, expressed through a set of values, perceptions,
patterns, aspirations, patterns of behavior, undertake a major role in
the formation and manifestation of dot-matrix of buyer's behavior
(Plaias, 1997);
--increases more the impact of the brand on to the activation of
consumer potential, as well as the ability to represent and personalize the products by purchasers;
--role of media in producing and transmitting information about
products, brands, as well as consumer advice has become a tool that
mediates between production and consumption (Petre & Nicola, 2004).
Premise from which we started this research is that marketing
studies are needed in order to meet the needs, desires and expectations
of people as buyers and consumers. Producers and intermediaries need to
permanently know standing opinions, tastes, consumer habits and
attitudes of individuals in order to influence their behavior in a
beneficial way (Mihut & Pop, 1997). We considered that the
information that may be collected through market studies may relate to
both targets and actual behavior, specificall to what people do in real
mode (to inform, buy, consume) as well as subjective or mental behaviors
(What they think, What their incentives are, their perceptions and
attitudes at the time of purchase or consumption of a product). The
study of purchasing behavior and consumption was carried out for milk
products. The purpose and goals of the case study, with special emphasis
on the X brand, consisted of:
--the extent to which subjects of the sample know (spontaneous y or
assisted) the brands of dairy products;
--frequency of consumption of brands (the last 12 months, last 3
months, last month);
--assessing by qualifications the various brands of dairy products
(brand X, A brand, I mark, D mark, etc.);
--image of functional attributes of the brands (brand X, A brand,
mark I, mark D, etc.).
--benefits of consuming the X mark on the consumer health;
--the image of brand X;
--customizing the mark brand X;
--reasons for the refusal to use brand X;
--reasons to consume brand X;
--the consumption of brand X (period, frequency, occasions, way of
consumption, choises of products, consumtion inside the family unit;
--brand new products of X mark;
--general consumer habits and health;
--future attitudes.
The survey is a pilot research having mainly a didactic purpose,
but was designed and conducted scientifically, using structured and
representative sampling. The instrument used is the questionnaire, which
was applied to the subjects (respondents in the target group). The
target market included the following:
--the target "A" (mother) market:
i. mothers with children between the ages of 2 and 15, consumers of
brand X;
ii. mothers with children between the ages of 2 and 15, with
knowledge of brand X;
--the target "B" (adult) market:
i. adults between the ages of 16 and 54, consumers of brand X;
ii. adults between the ages of 16 and 54, with knowledge of brand
--the target "C" (senior) market:
i. seniors between the ages of 55 and 65, consumers of brand X; ii.
seniors between the ages 55 and 65, with knowledge of brand X.
As socio-demographic variables the following were used: gender,
age, level of education and residential environment. For example, the
adult sample is given in Table 1:
The questionnaire includes a number of 40 closed questions and 10
opened questions. In the questionnaire were used Likert-type scale, with
notes grades from 1 (minimum) to 5 (maximum), but also the Osgood
differential, with feedback through qualifiers (very good, good, medium,
weak, very weak). Some questions demanded a single answer and others
could be awarded multiple answers. Administering the questionnaire was
conducted by students of the University "Dimitrie Cantemir" in
Targu Mures. Data processing was done carried out by a program developed
for this purpose. Quantitative and qualitative information was processed
by histogram and other forms of graphic representation.
Conclusions regarding the purchase and consumption behavior of
individuals in the case of dairy products with priority for brand X, are
the following:
--with regard to the degree awareness of various brands of milk
products, the best known are: A mark (73% of respondents), the mark M
(68%) and the X mark (63%), so the brand X, the object of study case, is
located in position 3 as degree of knowledge;
--there are large differences between spontaneous awareness and
assisted knowledge, the latier being 25% higher than the first;
--the mark X is known in particular by mothers with small children
and women, but less so by men;
--with regard to the consumption of dairy products, consumer
behavior is expressed thus: X is the preferred brand for 33% of
subjects, mark A of 35% and D mark of only 28%;
--the biggest consumption of brand X is achieved by the family of
respondent mothers with small children as well as adults who take care
of small children (grandfather/ grandmother, pensioners);
--those between 16-25 of age know only very little about brand X.
Specifically, 75% do not know the X mark at all 95% have never used it;
--X brand consumers or those who only know the brand associate it
the following qualities: as energizer, as provider of resistance to
disease, contribute to strengthening the immune system. Among the
functional attributes of brand X, the most frequently expressed are:
attributes associated to health; attributes associated to product
quality; attributes associated to the credibility of the mark;
attributes associated to the natural (organic) quality;
--the majority of subjects (65%) describe brand X by attributes
such as quality, naturalness energy and health;
--mark X is a active, friendly, sociable, optimistic and educatied
--among the varieties of brand X, the most commonly used are:
Natural X (32%), X Multifruct (46%) and X berries (30%);
--with regard the family consumption, we found that the largest
consumers are children (82%), followed by the other respondents (24%),
usually mothers and grandmothers. At the household/ family level, the
consumption of brand X is closely related to family structure and
composition, meaning that the presence of children determines the
--family income is an essential determinant of brand consumption.
While in families with income below 1,000 RON only 38% consume brand X
in families with an income over 2000 RON over 85% consume this brand;
--the level of training and education is a factor in determining
consumer behavior. Among consumers of brand X or buyers for their
children, 57% have high education, 28% have secondary education and 15%
have general studies;
--reffering to the habits of consumption, the highest consumption
is recorded during winter (64%) and autumn (46%);
--occasions in which the brand X is consumed are breakfast and
--expectations of buyers towards brand new X products aim
requirements such as containing plant extract (89%), multivitamin (76%),
iron (68%), royal jelly (68%) and minerals (48%).
The pilot study we conducted, which may be considered also as a
case study can be regarded as a methodological exercise in the area of
market research from the feedback of the buyer and consumer perspective.
This does not invalidate the value of information collected and
conclusions drawn. They are valid for the investigated sample, without
the possibility of generatizing so a macrosocial level. In the
structured sample batch the information is valid, and the conclusions
contain the constituent elements of the behavior of buyers and consumers
of the selected product (brand X). For the future we intend to develop
this pilot study within a wider project, conducted on a representative
sample at national level.
Forgaciu F. (2008). Purchase decision within families, Challenges
of European Integration, Risoprint Publisher House, ISBN 973-751-893-4,
Iliescu D.& Petre D. (2004). The Psychology of the consumer,, ISBN 973-711-001-3
Mihut I.& Pop M. (1996). The consumer and the management of the
supply, Dacia Publisher House, Cluj Napoca
Petre D.& Nicola M. (2004). Introduction to Advertising,, ISBN 973-711-004-8
Plaias. I. (1997). Behavior of consumer, Intelcredo Publisher
House, ISBN 973-97879-5-9, Deva
Tab. 1. The structure of the sample adult
Total Women
16-25 25-34 35-54 55-65
27 3 1 6 2
Total Men
16-25 25-34 35- 55-65
27 4 2 6 3