Synthetic aperture radar interferometry coherence analysis.
Dana, Iulia Florentina ; Badea, Alexandru ; Moise, Cristian 等
This study is basically focusing on coherence analysis. For a
selected test area, namely Bucharest, a number of coherence maps are
generated using data provided by different SAR sensors. The complex
analysis is taking into account the temporal baseline, the perpendicular
baseline, the wavelength of the SAR sensor and other elements that
affect the coherence between each pair of available SAR data.
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is an active microwave imaging
system. Its advantages in comparison with the optical remote sensing
sensors consist of: SAR has cloud-penetrating capabilities and it is
operational during night and day. A complex SAR image is a
bi-dimensional matrix of pixels that store in the form of a complex
number the amplitude and the phase of the signal backscattered by the
ground targets towards the sensor (Ferretti et al., 2007).
Interferometry is based on the following principle: the same area
on the ground is viewed from slightly different positions. This
interferometric acquisition geometry can be obtained either
simultaneously--with two radar systems on the same platform--or at
different moment in time--by repeated passes of the same satellite
platform. The difference of phase between these two radar images can be
used to measure differences or geometric distortions in the range
direction (Massonnet & Souyris, 2008).
The products that can be derived using interferometry are: Digital
Elevation Models (by conventional interferometry or simply
interferometry--InSAR) or Displacement Maps (by differential
A key parameter in interferometry is the perpendicular baseline
(projection perpendicular to the slant range of the interferometer baseline). If the value of the perpendicular baseline is low, then the
interferometric pair is more suitable for a DInSAR application; in this
case, the phase sensitivity to ground displacements is much higher than
the phase sensitivity to topography.
Within a pixel, the difference in phase between two complex SAR
images can be translated into a combination of contributing factors like
topography, ground displacement, atmosphere and noise (Teleaga et al.,
2009). According to (Massonnet & Souyris, 2008), the coherence is a
self-validating indicator of the phase measurement which depends on the
proportion of useful signal to non-useful signal.
Thus, the phase noise can be estimated by means of the local
coherence [gamma] and it represents the cross-correlation coefficient of
the SAR image pair estimated over a small window (usually between 16 to
40 independent pixels), once all the deterministic phase components are
compensated for (Ferretti et al., 2007).
A method of coherence calculation is based on relation (1), where
[absolute value of [u.sub.1]], [absolute value of [u.sub.2]] are the
amplitudes of the two initial images and E is the expected value of the
random variable x (Ferretti et al., 2007):
Absolute values of coherence y varies from 0 to 1, where 0 means
that the interferometric phase is completely affected by noise and 1
represents absence of noise.
4.1 ERS 1 / ERS 2
The first ERS satellite was launched by ESA (European Space Agency)
in 1991 and the second one in 1995. The SAR sensor on board the ERS
platform is operating in C-band (5.6 cm wavelength), on a sun
synchronous orbit, at about 800 km altitude. The revisiting interval is
35 days. In 1995, the two satellites were linked in order to form the
first ever Tandem mission which offered very good interferometric pairs
for DEM generation due to the very short time interval of 24 hours
between two acquisitions (
ENVISAT is also an ESA satellite that was launched in 2002. The
ASAR (Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar) sensor is designed to ensure
continuity of the ERS SAR instrument. Both satellite platforms are using
the same band for the SAR sensor and they operate on similar orbits,
having the same repeat cycle of 35 days (
4.3 TerraSAR-X
TerraSAR-X is a German SAR mission launched in 2007. It is a
side-looking X band synthetic aperture radar equipped with an array
antenna which is capable of acquiring data in different imaging modes.
The platform's nominal orbit height at the equator is 514 km and
the orbit repeat cycle is 11 days (Eineder et al., 2008).
5.1 Test site and available data
Test area is represented by the city of Bucharest, an urban area
which offers a complex mixture of buildings, paved roads, vegetation,
natural and artificial water bodies, etc. The surroundings of the city
are mainly represented by agricultural fields and forested areas, the
height interval ranging from 35 m to 143 m. The terrain is flat up to
rolling. The interferometric SAR pairs (ERS Tandem, ENVISAT, TerraSAR-X
Stripmap) used for this study are presented in Table 1.
5.2 Methodology
The processing chain is composed of the following steps: data input
(read master and slave data, crop, precise orbits, master timing),
azimuth common band filtering, co-registration (coarse and fine), slave
resampling, optimal spectral shift filtering, interferogram generation,
differential interferogram computation and coherence estimation.
5.3 Results
High coherence values are obtained over the urban area, especially
in the case of TerraSAR-X and ENVISAT. Usually, high coherence values
are expected in areas with lack of vegetation like built-up areas or
exposed rocks (Ferretti et al., 2007). Contrary, the ERS Tandem
coherence map shows lower coherence values for the urban area than it
was expected. One possible explanation might be given by the fact that
coherence values are strongly affected by the local weather.
All coherence maps show very low coherence values for the forested
areas and also for the areas covered by water (the dark pixels
correspond to low coherence). Even in the case of ERS Tandem (one day
time interval between the acquisitions), the coherence is very low
because the surface of the water and the leaves of the trees are
constantly moving.
Agricultural fields present good coherence values in case of ERS
Tandem due to the very short acquisition interval. In case of TerraSAR-X
and ENVISAT the corresponding coherence values are lower. ENVISAT
coherence values are low due to the very large time interval and also
the season of acquisitions (summer). In order to obtain high coherence
values, it is recommended to choose images rather from the same season
(but one or more years apart) than from different seasons (Ferretti et
al., 2007). Also, the recommended season is winter.
The main causes for coherence loss are represented by the large
time interval between the interferometric acquisitions and the value of
the perpendicular baseline. These disadvantages will be overcome by the
future SAR missions: TanDEM-X (second TerraSAR-X satellite, operating in
tandem mode with the first one) and CosmoSkyMed (constellation of four
SAR satellites). These new missions will offer very short revisiting
times (few hours) and optimal interferometric baselines that will enable
the generation of high quality coherence maps.
The ERS and ENVISAT data used in this study were kindly provided by
ESA under the ESA Category-1 Proposal ID 6050.
The TerraSAR-X images were acquired under the German Aerospace
Center (DLR) TerraSAR-X Project, pre-launch proposal ID LAN_0130.
Eineder, M.; Fritz, T.; Mittermayer, J.; Roth, A.; Borner, E. &
Breit, H. (2008). TerraSAR-X Ground Segment Basic Product Specification
Document, Available from: Accessed:
Ferretti, A.; Monti-Guarnieri, A.; Prati, C.; Rocca, F. &
Massonnet, D. (2007). InSAR Principles: Guidelines for SAR
Interferometry Processing and Interpretation, ESA Publications, ISBN 92-9092-233-8, ESTEC, The Netherlands
Massonnet, D. & Souyris, J. C. (2008). Imaging with Synthetic
Aperture Radar, CRC Press, ISBN 978-0-8493-8239-0 (CRC Press), USA
Teleaga, D.; Poncos, V.; Dana, I. F.; Nedelcu, I. & Olteanu, V.
G. (2009). Urban Infrastructure Monitoring Using Spaceborne
Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Techniques, Proceedings of the
1st International Conference on Space Technology, August 2009,
Thessaloniki, Greece
*** (2008) Space Agency, Observing the
Earth, ESA's Earth Observation Missions, Accessed on: 2009-06-12
Tab. 1. Interferometric SAR data for coherence analysis
Perpendicular Time
Satellite Date baseline interval
ERS 08.10.1999 [approximately 1 day
09.10.1999 equal to]= 229 m
ENVISAT 09.06.2007 [approximately 385 days
28.06.2008 equal to]= 165 m
TerraSAR-X 12.02.2008 [approximately 44 days
27.03.2008 equal to]= 555 m