Techniques of obtaining geometric models.
Cosma, Cristian ; Cioana, Cristian ; Stan, Daniel 等
The process of obtaining digital models from an existing physical
model by acquiring surface information using scanning or measurement
devices is usually called reverse engineering.
From the 3D physical models, reverse engineering techniques and
systems such as RapidFormTM, can be used to construct surface from
unorganized 3D measured points; while for 3D sketching, there are some
challenges in constructing surface from unorganized curves (Moustakas et
al., 2009).
In the following will present the two methods of making geometric
models from a physical model. The part that was done study (digitized
mouse) was initially measured on a machine coordinate measured (figure
1). Measurements where defined by a probe attached to the third moving
axis of this machine. There are two types of collecting the data (1)
contact type (mechanical type) and (2) non-contact type (optical type).
We used a mechanical probe, which is used to collect the data, by
touching the surface at various points on part profile that is
coordinate point's xyz.
2.1 Getting geometrical model using reverse engineering techniques
For obtaining the cloud points, and so the geometric
characteristics of the model we used the scanning machine Modela MDX 15.
The machine is automated and uses a mechanical probe which is drawn
along the surface of the object. The automated scanning is more accurate
than manual scanning. However, the scanning method is slightly less
accurate than individual point method. The software allows the machine
setting area which is intended to be scanned and the pitch will be used.
After the scan, the file obtained (cloud points) is saved in STL format. Then, using special software from reverse engineering, through
various Boolean operations (intersection, merge) is obtained the
geometric model of the scanned part--figure 1 (Cosma et al., 2008).
2.2 Getting part using 3D sketch method
The paper presents a style for 3D modeling, which includes the
integration of scanned images, drawings, in the modeling process. These
images serve as a guide for the user when they are modeling the virtual
object. We can say that this method is part of Top-Down methodology. One
can say this, because the designer is using the drawings to make a
better image of the new product. This method is based on creating 3D
models sketching the important curves of the product, thus making the
frame. The curves which are composing the skeleton are drawn up
according to the 2D drawings that represent the views of the product:
Top view, Front view and Side view. This method combines 3D sketch
technique with traditional design (Kara et al., 2007).
a). Placing the *.* jpg files in the appropriate planes
We insert the images into CAD software where we resize them
according to the gauge of the physical model, obtained in previous
stage. To achieve skeleton part we can use several methods. One method
consists in building plane and 3D sketches, based on the contour of the
image, loft them together to form surfaces. After trimming or extending
the surfaces later we can knit them together, shelled and split into
various components. The method takes a lot of time and patience, but the
result is better than using other methods.
b). Drawing the spline skeleton of the model
The skeleton of the model is composed of both plane sketches but
also 3D sketches (Sapidis et al., 2005). Using the points of the spline
curves, was followed the contour of the pictures, trying to adjust the
spline in such way that it will take the form of the model. In figure 2
is shown the tracing of a sketch using spline curves, obtaining the
desired contour by altering the position of points. It creates several
sketches which accurately copy the lines which define the contours of
the product (figure 3). Using the method to create surfaces by Sweep
function is not needed to use Mirror function, the model is achieving in
its entirety.
c). Creating surfaces that will form the model
We mentioned the use of spline curves (B-spline) without mentioning
the definition and their usage; thereof, curve splines such are
interpolation curves controlled by points which are respect the
condition and continuity of the curve. Shape control is made through the
change of the points and angle of contact; this makes them more
difficult to handle for the creation of so called Free forms.
Otherwise, are noted generating surfaces that will shape the
product? We can generate two types of surfaces; surfaces obtained by
using lines or curves and also NURBS (Non Uniform Rational Basis Spline)
which are called Freeform surfaces consist of B-Splines, obtained using
3D outlines, which allow the formation of links with spline points in
different areas (Seiculescu et al., 2009).
Areas with freeform have no fixed points, they can change like the
designer wants, resulting in new models. Designer can modify the surface
by changing the position of points in space. Forms can be in a wide
range of surfaces whose shape cannot be measured, only approximated.
The main functions used were those of Sweep, Planar Surface and
Surface Extrude. After, being used all drawings which formed the
skeleton of the part.
Finally, using different modifications and complete details of the
model we obtain the geometrical model (figure 4).
As it can be observed, the differences between physical model
values and virtual model values (Tulcan et al., 2004) are presented in
table 1.
In the figure below (figure 5) is presented values of the virtual
geometric models obtained by the two methods outlined above.
Once the geometric model is obtained we can manufacture the replica
or the insertions of mold (Figure 6).
This paper presents two methods of obtaining certain products for
which there is no technical documentation. The first one appeals to
modern techniques of reverse engineering (hardware and software) is a
relatively simple method, but not cheap.
The second method involves more modest resources, but requires
knowledge of the applicant further in terms of geometrical modeling.
Constraints that have emerged in the research were held by the
complexity of parts. If in the case of reverse engineering are less
obvious, in the 3D sketch method with increasing complexity of the parts
the graders difficulty in obtaining their geometric models is
This tool should improve the method considerably because the user
will be focused in the creative process instead of computer interface
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Tab. 1. Comparisons between real and virtual values
Axis Physical Virtual Virtual model value
model model through Sketch based
value [mm] value [mm] 3D modeling [mm]
X 107.9875 108.2766 107,24
Y 65.6573 65.7346 64,36
Z 28.4314 28.674 26,91