Techniques used in creative accounting.
Lungu, Ionut ; Potecea, Valeriu ; Rotaru, Horatiu 等
Despite the potential importance of the financial statemens and
increasing the rigidity of normalization institutions accounting
information fails to meet only part of its functions are assigned. The
most obvious consequence of this is many failed financial scandals.
As a journalist, Griffiths, I. notes that the figures presented to
investors were completely changed to protect the guilty. This is in fact
a scam and a legitimate name creative accounting (Griffiths, 1995).
Jameson, M., states that "The accounting involves dealing with
different views and resolve conflicts between them in order to present
transactions. Such flexibility facilitates manipulation, deception and
distortion (Jameson, 1988).
Trotman defines creative accounting as a technique aimed at
improving communication of information provided to investors. On the
same line, Colasse B. is of the opinion that the expression designates
creative accounting "practices of accounting information, often at
the limit of legality, practiced by some companies who have the
advantage of normalization, seeking to beautify the image and financial
position and economic performance and financial.
According to Naser K.: "process by which, given the existence
of breach rules, handling accounting figures, and taking advantage of
flexibility, choose those practices of measurement and information
processing that allows financial statements from which should be in what
managers want; process by which transactions are structured in such a
way as to enable the "produce" the desired accounting
result." (Naser, 1993).
The following deserve to be quoted, without an order of priority:
intensity of competition in a context of crisis; degradation results and
financial position; need financing: insufficient equity, the need to
meet certain indicators (rate indebtedness, the result per share
increased pressure on enterprises to communications the
"elegant", especially coming from investors and analysts;
desire to ensure a stable course to launch private companies wish to be
given listed (Mulford & Comiskey, 1996). Accounting for pension
reserves, capitalization of costs, investment accounts and short-term
claims of customers, accounting for inventories of tangible and
intangible assets and accounting for long-term debt is not an option and
some creativity (Moeller & Landry, 2009). Therefore we can say,
maybe in a provocative manner that in these circumstances, there is
creative accounting. We will allow only the fact that for several years,
the economic situation pushes companies to use more possibilities left
by the legal text and doctrine (Naser, 1993).
4.1 Tangible assets
(a) The practice of "subjective depreciation" of assets
creates proper field of creativity in accounting. In the exercise of
professional reasoning, IAS 36 requires that at each balance sheet date
to determine whether there are indications that the asset depreciation
suffered analyzed. If management estimates that the recoverable value is
lower than the net accounting assets are considered impaired for the
difference. In this case the result will be affected by recording a
depreciation expenses. On the opposite side, if the management company
seeks an attitude "optimistic" about the outcome, will
appreciate that there are no indications that the asset has suffered
depreciation, thus avoiding diminishing results.
(b) The lease-back as they highlight the impact of a value that
will be established in the year of sale, results. Charges will be
recorded during the leasing contract (Jameson, 1988).
4.2 Goodwill
Underestimation assets purchased leads to increase goodwill. Cost
of goodwill amortization resulting from the reduction outcome, with the
exchange rate and competitiveness of the shares bids competitive.
Charging goodwill to equity to reduce their lead, the result of years of
future costs are not influenced by goodwill amortization (Griffiths,
4.3 Depreciation
Option for a particular method of depreciation or otherwise in
connection with the accounting policy of the undertaking, the assignment
in a systematic way the depreciation of an asset during its useful
economic life has an impact on the profit and loss. Thus, a different
method of depreciation has a different impact on the outcome (Moeller
& Landry, 2009).
Depending on the method chosen is amended in time allocation of
expenditure. An option on different useful life leads to different
expenditure. Review of useful life lead to adjustment costs with current
depreciation period and future periods. Deducting the residual value has
the effect of reducing depreciation and therefore increases the outcome
of exercise.
4.4 Inventories
The inventories provide sufficient opportunities for creative
accounting and subjectivism. An error detected on a voluntary basis in
determining the size of existing stock in assets at the end of exercise
can lead to a practice of "polishing" of the result, meaning
that the underestimation or supraevaluarea stock finally has an impact
not only on the financial statements of the current year but also on the
belonging the following year.
Inclusion in stock inventory or death is a moral waste handling
method. If stocks or death moral waste will be removed from management,
spending will be affected, with consequences on the outcome in the sense
acestuia. La reduce the opposite side, the management company can show a
atitutudine optimistic, considering that these stocks will be dead
recovered, especially in the situation of an economic recession.
The inclusion of financial costs in the cost of production of
stocks has the effect of the increase in the outcome in which the
inclusion of expenses. On the opposite side, where the management has a
pessimistic vision of the outcome, the result will apply the method,
treating interest expense as an element of the power exercised.
4.5 Provisions for liabilities and charges
Practice provisions (increase, reduction) is an effective tool for
"leveling" outcome. Establishment of provisions in the years
where the profit result leads to the decrease, while the resumption of
the provisions in the income year in which the registers deficit
increase leads to the result.
Mechanisms that have an impact on the balance sheet are listed in
table 2.
a) Reducing the number of permitted accounting methods or by
specifying the circumstances under which each method should be used;
b) Trading links will be considered as a whole (substance over
c) Recourse to regular review (revaluation of the assets); Creating
an arbitration institution; The Court has the authority to require
managers to review the financial and charged to their costs;
d) Auditors should to intensify their efforts to identify the
possible manipulation of information supplied by the financial
statements. In this regard, the audit should include an assessment of
internal control of the company to prevent cases of creative accounting
or fraud. To provide an extensive surveillance and more stringent, the
auditors should be prepared to fight against their clients.
Freedom of choice of accounting policies by management companies,
resulting in an increase or a bed and schedules of income, are in our
view one of the main limits informational account profit and loss.
Moreover, in practice there are cases where accountants, on grounds
concerning the power conferred by the existing rules to make estimates
and forecasts or to turn to alternative accounting treatments permitted
use in some creative accounting techniques that are often limit laws and
Griffiths, I. (1995). New Creative accounting, Palgrave MacMillan,
ISBN 0333628659, UK
Jameson, M. (1988). A practical guide to creative accounting, Kogan
Page, ISBN 1850413013, UK
Mulford, Ch.; Comiskey, E. (1996). The Financial Number Game:
Detecting Creative Accounting Practices, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0471370088,
Moeller, L; Landry, E. (2009) How to Maximize Creativity,
Accountability, and ROI, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0071615059, UK
Naser, K. (1993). Creative financial accounting: its nature and
use, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0130617636, UK
Tab. 1. Opportunities, solutions and accounting traditions
regarding creative accounting on the balance sheet
Opportunities for Solutions that stops Accounting traditions,
creative accounting creative accounting where solutions are
easy to apply
Options regarding Reducing the number Western accounting
the accounting of accounting model
methods methods permitted
Trends to estimate Minimize the Western accounting
opportunity for model
Entering into a "Substance over form" Anglo-Saxon
transaction Accounting
artificial model
Planning Prescribing Anglo-Saxon
transactions revaluations Accounting
authentic model
Tab. 2. Mechanisms that have an impact on the balance
Elements Mechanisms Impact on balance sheet
Tangible assets Lease-back: the sale of --Improvement
fixed assets, followed by revolving fund;
taking them in the --Improve cash.
immediate location
Tangible assets Revaluation of tangible --Increased asset
and equtiy assets value (increase in
depreciation expenses)
--Increased equity
Minority Inserting in equity, --Change indebtedness and
Interests debt, or between the two equity.
Loans In substance defeasance --Reduced rate
arrangement by which the indebtedness;
transferred assets to a --Increase rate financial
trust, which incorporates autonomy;
the same time and --Increase financial
management of debt. profitability.
Customer Claims Discounting of ticket --Reducing the need
orders for working capital;
--Increased Treasury
Assignment of claims from --Slight decrease of
a pool of receivables for working capital
obtaining cash (from the difference
between price and value
of transaction);
--Decreased need for
working capital
--Increased Treasury