The determination of the characteristics of a welding transformer with DAQ system.
Suciu, Lenuta ; Marta, Constantin ; Tatucu, Iancu 等
In the process of monitoring, control and adjustment of industrial
welding transformers it is necessary to acquire a large volume of
information of difference origin, as well as to stock transmit and
process it, in order to make certain decision or to intervene.
The application part of the paper presents the acquisition of
several signals, during the idle running of a welding transformer, with
the help of the programming environment LabVIEW.
The idle running regime is characterised by the fact that the
transformer is connected only to the primary network and the secondary
circuit of the transformer is open, Z=[infinity] or [I.sub.z]=0.[3] The
equations of the idle running transformer are:
[U.sub.1] = [I.sub.10] x [Z.sub.1] - [U.sub.e1] (1)
[U,.sub.20] = [U.sub.e1] = -[Z.sub.1m] x [I.sub.10] (2)
[I.sub.10] = [I.sub.1] (3)
where [U,.sub.20] is the secondary voltage reduced to the primary,
corresponding to the idle running regime, [I.sub.10] is the complex
expression of current [i.sub.10] passing through the primary winding in
this case, called idle current.
This current has a small value compared to the nominal current:
[I.sub.10]=(0,02/0,10) [I.sub.n]. [2] For the high-power transformers:
[I.sub.10]=(0,015/0,30) [I.sub.n].
The idle current of the transformer varies depending on the nominal
power of the transformer, ranging between approx. 10% and approx. 2.5%
of [I.sub.n] in the case of the mono-phased transformers' powers
varying between 0.6 and 40 000kVA. The purpose of the paper is the
reduction of the failure risk of the most expensive pieces of welding
equipment. Consequently it is necessary to monitor their operation, by
collecting and processing detailed information about the condition of
the transformers, in order to avoid their possible breakdown, with the
help of the data acquisition systems.
The monitoring by means of data acquisition systems must provide
information for a very reliable estimation of the transformer's
remaining life duration. For this purpose we should remind two aspects.
The risk of a transformer's failure increases after 10 years
of operation, and consequently a warning system is absolutely necessary.
Taking into account the high price for the purchase of a new
transformer and even for its repair (depending on the defect), the
necessity of introducing a monitoring and diagnosis system, combined
with a rapid and efficient protection, is fully justified.
In order to acquire the voltage and current from the montage, we
used the SCXI 1125 module, which is a module of signal conditioning,
with isolated programmable channels, with the help of which we took the
signals acquired and digitised by the SCXI 1600 module. At the signal
filtering the accepted frequency is of 4 Hz or 10 Hz, the average
filtering value is of 5,000 points at 10000 samples per second, the
effective value of the working voltage is of 300 V, scanning is
flexible, the sampling rate is of 333kS/s, the input impedance 1 Gff,
the output impedance 4,5 Mff, for parallel module 330 ff, parallel or
multiplex functioning module.
After the data acquisition and the supply of necessary data, the
results are graphically shown.
In order to perform the plotting of the characteristics of the
electric transformer in idle running regime in figure 2 we represented
the block diagram of the virtual instrument for the module of data
continuous acquisition during the transformer's' idle running,
and the front panel in figure 3. In the first stage we verified the
precision of the transducer for smaller values of the primary voltage,
primary current, secondary voltage, and in the second case we verified
the running of the transducer at higher values of the primary voltage,
primary current, secondary voltage. From the two running tests we found
that at high values of the primary voltage the current is deformed and
at small values the current has a perfectly sinusoidal shape, the
primary voltage is dephased by 180[degrees] before the primary current.
In the block diagram in Figure 2 we used a "while"--type time
loop which is executed until the condition becomes real, i.e. in the
present case the acquisition of the effective value of the primary
voltage is executed up to the value of 200V that we preset or until we
press the stop button.
The characteristics were obtained by modifying the voltage at the
terminals of the transformer's primary. We also introduced a time
delay--Time Delay for the data acquisition to be performed
simultaneously with the transducer working time, with the purpose of
avoiding the occurrence of parasite signals. As a result of the course
of the programme from two running tests we remarked that at high values
of the current depending on frequency the current is deformed, and when
applying the Fourier transformed only the fundamental, 1st order
harmonic appears.
Unlike the case when at small currents more harmonics occur,
harmonic of the 1st, 3rd, 5th order, as the electric transformer has an
uneven number of harmonics, Figure 3 and 4. After the course of the
programme we remark that the secondary voltage is dephased by
180[degrees] before the primary current, and the secondary one by
180[degrees] behind the current, considering as phase origin the current
depending on the primary voltage.
By processing from the primary data we can extract the useful
information, we obtain statistic data, we model the phenomena, we
elaborate optimum actions and strategies, we perform transformations in
order to obtain characterisations in the time and frequency ranges.
With this paper we aimed at determining the characteristics of the
mono-phase electric transformer with the help of one of the newest and
most rapid programming environments, i.e. LabVIEW.
In view of performing a numerical processing, we need to transform
the analogic signals in numerical signals with a data acquisition
The use of the data acquisition systems allows the recording of
events taking place within the electrical equipment of the
machine-building companies, in view of certain analyses focused on the
quality of welded joinings.
Moreover, the analysis of certain post-breakdown unwanted events
allows the identification of the causes of certain events or anomalies
in the interior of the electric transformers, as well as their
The economic effects of the use of the equipment proposed to be
realised will be, among others, the reduction of the own technologies
losses from the welding installations, the observance of the electric
power quality standards, the minimisation of the failure rate, as well
as the reduction of the electric power consumption.
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