The efficiency of a new greedy heuristic for solving permutation flowshop scheduling problem.
Ancau, Mircea
The flowshop scheduling problem (FSP) plays an important role in
the field of combinatorial optimization NP-hard problems. Despite its
apparent simple definition, this problem is very difficult to solve
optimally in a polynomial time. The main problem objective is to
establish the manufacturing sequence of n jobs processed on m machines,
so that the total completion time (Cmax) or makespan is minimum. A
comprehensive list of the problem assumptions sorted by categories can
be found in (Gupta & Stafford, 2006). The heuristic techniques for
solving FSP are grouped in: constructive heuristics and improvement
heuristics. The constructive heuristic methods build a feasible
schedule, based on some specific rules, while the improvement heuristics
improve a previously generated schedule by applying some specific
The classic algorithm of Johnson (Johnson, 1954) builds the optimal
schedule for the case of n jobs on two machines. In the case of three or
more machines, the problem becomes NP-complete, even if there are
particular cases in which the Johnson algorithm may still be applied.
There are heuristics which divide the m machines into two groups, called
virtual machines and subsequently apply the algorithm of Johnson
(Campbell et al, 1970; Koulamas, 1988). Other heuristics techniques make
use of slope index (Palmer, 1965), or weight as in (Gupta, 1971; Hundal
& Rajgopal, 1988) assigned to each job. Then the jobs are sorted
using the weights as sort key, to create a feasible schedule. NEH algorithm (Nawaz et al, 1983) is recognized as the champion in this
field of heuristic techniques (Taillard, 1990). Many heuristic
techniques are based on NEH, but propose different starting sequences.
The algorithm presented in this research, builds the schedule by
applying a greedy technique to select candidates job and place them into
the list. This technique has the advantage of simplicity and ease to
program on the computer. The results are very closed to those of NEH. A
weak point of the proposed method is the higher CPU time for large size
problems. Future research will try to improve this.
Let consider a set of n jobs ([J.sub.1], [J.sub.2], [J.sub.n]). The
criterion upon the greedy selection is made is [C.sub.max]. The outline
of the algorithm is the following:
a) From the set of n jobs, find the ordered pair of jobs with the
minimum processing time. There will be necessary n(n-1) ordered pair of
jobs to check.
b) Set k = 2.
c) From the remaining (n-k) jobs, select the best candidate and its
relative position, to be appended in the partial ordered sequence. The
job and its relative position is selected according to minimum makespan
criterion for (k+1) jobs of the partial sequence.
d) If the set of remaining (n-k) jobs is empty, list the n-jobs
ordered sequence, or schedule, and its total completion time, as final
e) Or else, set k = k + 1, and go to step (c).
The first phase of the algorithm requires the partial processing
time calculation for n x (n -1) ordered pairs of jobs. If we call
[t.sup.(2J).sub.m] the makespan of a partial sequence involving 2 jobs,
then the necessary running time of this phase is:
n x (n - 1) x [t.sup.(2J).sub.m]; (1)
The selection of the first starting pair of jobs is similar to that
of SPIRIT (Widmer & Hertz, 1989). Unlike the SPIRIT algorithm in
which the insertion of jobs is made randomly, in the proposed algorithm,
each new job and its relative position are selected from the set of
remaining jobs, according to the criterion of minimum increasing of
partial processing time. When the third job is inserted, we need to
select, from the remaining (n-2) jobs, a single candidate and its
relative position among three possibilities. This thing requires the
examination of 3 x (n - 2) possible variants. For the fourth job
insertion the examination of 4 x (n - 3) variants will be necessary and
so on. The necessary time for the insertion of all (n-2) jobs is
calculated by:
where [t.sup.(kJ).sub.m] is the makespan of partial sequences for k
jobs. Equation (2) shows that the asymptotic time complexity of the
selective greedy algorithm is [THETA]([n.sup.3]).
The algorithm was tested on four groups of benchmark problems from
OR Library (see /info.html) which are
Taillard's test instances. Table 1 and Table 2 show the
computational results of these test instances. The results corresponding
to NEH heuristic were taken from (Agarwal et al,2006) only for the
evaluation of performances. The Gap, in percents, which is being
referred to as the difference between the Makespan and Upper Bound, was
calculated by:
Gap = Makespan - UB/UB - 100%; (3)
Until now researches have demonstrated the efficiency of NEH
heuristic, against most recognized heuristics (Ruiz and Morato, 2005),
(Agarwal et al,2006), (Gupta et al, 2006), (Chakraborty and Laha,2007).
This is another reason why, in this paper, the performances of the
proposed algorithm are related to those of NEH algorithm.
The numerical experiments were performed on a PC with an Intel
Pentium processor at 1.6 GHz. The proposed greedy algorithm was tested
on more than eighty test instances. On nineteen cases, the greedy
algorithm found better solution than NEH. In most of test instances
examined, the solutions found by greedy algorithm are very close to
those of NEH.
Looking at the average gaps in Table 2, from Taillard's
instances of size 20x5, 20x10 and 20x20, one may conclude that for the
SG algorithm, the average gap increases as the number of machines
increase. But this conclusion does not stand while the average gap for
the size 20x20 is lower than that of size 20x10.
Nevertheless, more important to remark is the constancy of the
results' quality in the same size instance. The algorithm have
large CPU times for larger instances and this fact is owed to its higher
computational complexity degree.
This paper presents an original algorithm for solving the flowshop
scheduling problem. This variant is a constructive heuristic based on a
greedy selection. The algorithm is elegant, very simple to implement and
offer high quality solutions.
The numerical results show the high performances of the algorithm,
similar to those of NEH. In the same time, we must remark the constancy
of solutions for the same size of instance. A possibility may yet occur
that several starting pair of jobs will have the same minimum processing
time. In the present research, the algorithm considered as starting pair
of jobs, the first pair which met the selection criterion, but future
research may take into consideration the other pairs of jobs which
fulfill the mentioned condition.
For higher test instances with more than 150 jobs, the CPU time
becomes too high. This situation appears due to the high calculation
complexity degree of the greedy algorithm. Future research have to solve
this problem in order to reduce CPU time.
It will be taken into consideration the possibility to introduce
some random factors in order to escape from local optimum, and transform
the algorithm from a deterministic one into a stochastic one.
The present research is a part of the research grant CNCSIS code
188 / 2009, supported by ANCS Bucharest, Romania.
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Tab. 1. Makespans and gaps for Taillard's benchmark
Problem Upper Makespan Gap [%]
instance bound NEH Greedy NEH Greedy
ta001-20x5 1278 1286 1286 0.62 0.62
ta003-20x5 1081 1159 1141 7.21 5.55
ta004-20x5 1236 1305 1301 5.58 5.25
ta005-20x5 1195 1228 1224 2.76 2.42
ta006-20x5 1239 1278 1264 3.14 2.01
ta007-20x5 1230 1291 1277 4.95 3.82
ta008-20x5 1108 1151 1144 3.88 3.24
ta009-20x10 1582 1680 1600 6.19 1.13
ta010-20x20 2237 2320 2289 3.71 2.32
ta011-50x5 2751 2782 2782 1.12 1.12
ta012-50x5 2782 2790 2787 0.28 0.17
ta013-50x10 3006 3178 3157 5.72 5.02
ta014-50x10 3091 3257 3206 5.37 3.72
ta015-50x20 3771 4082 4052 8.24 7.45
ta016-50x20 3696 4079 3973 10.36 7.49
ta017-100x5 5268 5348 5304 1.51 0.68
ta018-100x5 5454 5489 5485 0.64 0.56
ta019-200x10 10494 10716 10625 2.11 1.24
Tab. 2. Average gap for Taillard benchmark problems
Instance size Number of Average gap [%]
instances NEH Greedy
20 x 5 10 3.246 3.365
20 x 10 10 4.587 5.643
20 x 20 10 3.721 5.46
50 x 5 10 0.723 2.047
50 x 10 10 4.567 5.485
50 x 20 10 8.329 8.606
100 x 5 10 0.476 0.945
200 x 10 10 1.282 1.550