The modelling of thrust force for generalised nozzles using supply coefficients.
Cuciumita, Cleopatra ; Silivestru, Valentin ; Stanciu, Virgil 等
The studies conducted in the field of propulsion systems revealed
that all the components participate, more or less, in the development of
the thrust force. It was also established that thrust force is obtained
through the modification of the parameters of the flow, the most
important being mass, thermal, mechanic (pressure) and geometric ones.
Therefore, each component of a propulsion system can be considered a
generalized nozzle, capable of generating a thrust force or even an
active force. The designated literature offers some models for the
assessment of the thrust force these current evaluating models are time
consuming and not able to actually reveal how the thrust force is
produced. The goal of elaborating this model was to determine a
simplified expression of the thrust force developed by a gasodynamic and
geometrical configuration in which the fluid is substantially modified.
This research was conducted as part of the University
"Politehnica" of Bucharest PhD scholarships Project ID 5159.
The model is based on fundamental thrust force expression, which
derives from the conservation of impulse equation applied to a volume
which includes the propulsion system (Carafoli & Constantinescu,
Independently of the flow regime, the acting force of a fluid is
given by:
F = [F.sub.fc1] - [F.sub.fc2] (1)
where 1 is the index for inlet, 2 for outlet and [F.sub.fc]
represents the flow force function (Pimsner, 1984)
[F.sub.fc] = [??]V + S(p - [p.sub.H]) (2)
The variables involved represent:
* [??], mass flow rate;
* V, velocity;
* [p.sub.H], exterior pressure;
* p, static pressure;
* S, area.
In equation 2, the thrust function can be pointed out:
[F.sub.t] = [??]V + Sp (3)
If the variables are expressed as a function of the speed
coefficient, [lambda], after some calculus, the thrust function becomes:
[F.sub.t] = k + 1/k [[??]] Z{[lambda]) (4)
In this equation, k represents the adiabatic factor, [] the
critical speed of sound and Z ([lambda]) is the gasodynamic function of
thrust, given by the following expression (Rogers & Mayhew, 1992):
Z([lambda]) = 1/k ([lambda] + 1/[lambda]) (5)
Following similar steps, the mass flow rate can be obtained,
[??] = a [p.sup.*]/[square root of [T.sup.*]] Sq([lambda]) (6)
where mass flow rate gasodynamic function is:
q([lambda]) = [lambda] [(k + 1/2).sup.1/k - 1] [(1 - k - 1/k + 1
[[lambda].sup.2]).sup.1/k - 1] (7)
The fundamental idea of the supply coefficients model is to express
the performances of a propulsion system dependant on the basic variables
which can generate thrust force (mass, geometrical, thermal, and
mechanical). In order to obtain such an expression, a connection has
been established between the two gasodynamic functions, Z ([lambda]) and
q ([lambda]), separately for the subsonic and supersonic regimes due to
different boundary conditions (Carafoli & Oroveanu, 1955). The rate
of these two curves can be seen in figures 1 and 2.
2.1 Subsonic regime
The scope is to find a function [F.sub.sS] to satisfy the equation
8 and taking into account the boundary conditions:
* [lambda] = 1, q([lambda]) = 1, Z([lambda]) = 1,
[F.sub.sS][q([lambda])] = 1;
* [[lambda] = 1, dZ([lambda])/d[lambda] =
d{[F.sub.sS][q([lambda])]/dq([lambda]) = 0;
* [lambda] [right arrow] 0, [F.sub.sS][q([lambda])] [right arrow]
Z([lambda]) [approximately equal to] [F.sub.sS][q([lambda])] (8)
Considering the rate of the two gasodynamic functions, the
following approximation function is suggested:
[F.sub.sS][q([lambda])] = [C.sub.1]q([lambda]) +
[C.sub.2]/q([lambda]) + [C.sub.3] (9)
The rate of the newly obtained curve is represented in figure 3.
The constants involved are fluid dependant. For example, in case of
air, when k=1.4,
* [C.sub.1] = 0.215, [C.sub.2] = 0.79, [C.sub.3] = - 0.005.
This approximation is valid for 0.05 [less than or equal to]
[lambda] [less than or equal to] 1, which includes the speeds usually
encountered in jet propulsion engines.
2.2 Supersonic regime
Just like in the previous case, a function [F.sub.SS] to correlate
the two gasodynamic functions is required. In this case,
* [lambda] = 1, q([lambda]) = 1, [F.sub.SS][q([lambda])] = 1;
* [lambda] = [[lambda].sub.max], q ([[lambda].sub.max] = 0,
[F.sub.SS](0) = z ([[lambda].sub.max]).
[F.sub.SS][q([lambda])] = Z([[lambda.sub.max]) + [1 -
Z([[lambda].sub.max])][[q([lambda])].sup.[alpha]] (10)
For air, k=1.4, [alpha] = 0.59 and Z([[lambda].sub.max]) =
[k/[square root of [k.sup.2] - 1].
2.3 The expressions of the flow force function
Taking into account all the above, the expressions of the two flow
force functions become:
[F.sub.fcsS] = [[alpha].sub.s] + [[??].sup.2][T.sup.*]/[p.sup.*]s +
[[beta].sub.s][p.sup.*]S + [[gamma].sub.s][??] [square root of
[T.sup.*]] - [[delta].sub.S]S (11)
[F.sub.fcSS] = [[alpha].sub.s]
[[??].sup.[alpha]+1][([T.sup.*]).sup.[alpha]+1/2] + [[gamma].sub.S][??]
[square root of [T.sup.*]] - [[delta].sub.S] S (12)
The constants involved in these two functions represent:
* [[alpha].sub.s] = [square root of 2 k+1/k] R [square root of
[T.sup.*]] [C.sub.1]q([[lambda].sub.1]);
* [[beta].sub.s] = [square root of 2 k+1/k] R [square root of
[T.sup.*] [C.sub.2] 1/q([[lambda].sub.1]);
* [[gamma].sub.s] = [square root of 2 k+1/k R [square root of
[T.sup.*]] [C.sub.3];
* [[alpha].sub.s] = [square root of 2 k+1/k] R [square root of
[T.sup.*]] [1 - Z([[lambda].sub.max])] 1/[a.sup.[alpha]];
* a = [square root of k/R[(2/k+1).sup.k+1/k-1];
* [[gamma].sub.s] = [square root of 2 k+1/k] R [square root of
[T.sup.*]] Z ([[lambda].sub.max]);
* [[delta].sub.s] = [[delta].sub.s] = [p.sub.H].
2.4 The expressions of the specific thrust force
Applying the relations 11 and 12 for the main sections of the flow,
inlet and outlet, based on equation 1, results the expressions of the
specific thrust force (Pimsner, 1983) for the subsonic and supersonic
These expressions are valid in the hypothesis that the fluid
doesn't suffer changes in composition, which means that all the
parameters depending on its nature are constant.
It can be noticed that, regardless of the regime, the specific
thrust force can be expressed as a function of the supply coefficients
* [??], mass supply coefficient;
* [bar.[T.sup.*]], thermal supply coefficient;
* [bar.[p.sup.*]], mechanical supply coefficient;
* [bar.S], geometrical supply coefficient.
The expressions 13 and 14 can be singularized for simple nozzles
(mass, geometrical or thermal) according to the particular values of
these coefficients and the nature of the fluid involved.
The main advantages of the supply coefficients model are the fact
that is easy to be applied and has a practical character. The whole
process of modelling the trhust force of a system was simplified to one
single expression. The established formulas, for each regime, are simple
enough to allow discussions with respect to the influence of each
modification made on the system. The values of mass, thermal, mechanical
or geometrical contributions of the fluid to the obtaining of thrust
force can be calculated.
This paper can be extended to determine the influence of each type
of contribution for both regimes studies but also to apply this model
for least common "nozzles", as turbines and compressors can be
However, this model is limitated by the correlation function between the gasodynamic functions of thrust and mass flow rate, as its
values is an approximate one. Therefore, the results must be validated
in practice.
Carafoli, E. & Oroveanu, T. (1955). Mecanica fluidelor (Fluid
Mechanics), Editura Academiei, B000WSDV5Q, Bucharest
Carafoli, E. & Constantinescu, V. N. (1984). Dynamics of
compressible fluids, Editura Academiei R.S.R., B00144KASI, Bucharest
Pimsner, V. (1983). Motoare aeroreactoare (Aero-jet engines),
Editura Didactica si Pedagogica, 3521983IPCLUMO, Bucharest
Pimsner, V. (1984). Teoria si constructia sistemelor de propulsie
(The theory and construction of propulsion systems), Institutul
Politehnic Bucuresti, Bucharest
Rogers, G.F. & Mayhew V.R. (1992). Engineering thermodynamics:
Work and Heat transfer, Longman Group UK Limited,
ISBN-978-0-582-04566-8, London