Viewpoints regarding the influence of temperature on determination of the oil limit viscosity in hydrodynamic bearings.
Motomancea, Adrian ; Popa, Constantin
The researches in the field of dynamics of sliding bearings
generally start from the well known equations of lubricant film
(Constantinescu et al., 1980) the integrations of which, numerical
integrations, as a rule, offer a quite complete image on the bearing
dynamic behavior. The number of parameters taken into account as
influencing this behavior type, complicates or simplifies, as the case
may be, the approach. Depending on the calculation methods used (long
finite bearing method, short bearing method, one-dimensional method
etc.), results are obtaining proceeding from the running of more or less
evolved numerical integration software (Bonneau et al., 1989)).
The non linear overall model introduced by the first author
(Motomancea et al., 2004) offers a more simple method and an analytical
solution for determining the critical amortization, starting from the
theory and study of stability of the equilibrium solutions of the
differential equations system that describe the motion of the spindle in
the bearing.
In principle, the non linear overall model method starts from the
premise of non coincidence of the centre of the spindle with the centre
of the sleeve during the operation of the bearing, i.e. upon a
displacement r of this point and consequent upon this the occurrence of
two interstices, one of minimum size and one of a maximum size, between
the spindle and the sleeve. Assuming that in the moment of coincidence
of the two centers, the uniform running play in the bearing is S as it
is shown in fig.1, the plays S-r and S+r corresponding to the minimum
interstice and the maximum interstice respectively shall occur
diametrically opposed.
The model relies on the assessment of the forces occurring in the
points of tangency with the shaft in these extreme interstices evidenced
in figure 2 and then on application of the general theorems of dynamics
in scalar projection on the axes: the mass center motion theorem and the
theorem of kinetic moment with respect to the rotation axis.
where [V.sub.A] respectively [V.sub.B] are the speeds in the
specified points, [epsilon] a dimensional coefficient, [OMEGA] angular
rotation speed of the spindle, and [omega] the derived function with
respect to time of the angle [theta] between OC and the fixed direction
Ox, and R the spindle radius.
The differential equations that describe the shaft motion under the
influence of the forces described above, of a elastic type equation with
the form [F.sub.e] = kr and of an amortization force of the form
[F.sub.a] = c[??] are:
k/m = [p.sup.2]; c/m = 2[alpha]; 2[epsilon]/m = [[epsilon].sub.1];
2[mu]R/J = [[epsilon].sub.2] (3)
J--shaft's mechanical inertia moment, m--mass within the
bearing of the spindle, k--elastic constant of the bearing, c--viscous
amortization coefficient.
The study of the equilibrium solutions of the differential
equations system (2) leads to the determination of two solutions
triplets. One of them is uninteresting, it being unconditionally met
(Motomancea et al., 2004). The other triplet is:
r = [square root of R[delta]([OMEGA] - p)/p; v = 0; [omega] = -p
The study of stability of this solution by means of small
perturbation method after the right member of the third equation in the
system (2) is previously transformed by Taylor's series development
and the equation proceeding from the determinant of the own values of
the Jacobi matrix and the application of Routh-Hourwitz stability
criterion is written, leads to the following inequation:
4[[alpha].sup.2]B + 2[alpha][B.sup.2] - 2[r.sub.0]pA > 0 (5)
From the inequation (5) the expression of critical amortization
coefficient results:
[[alpha].sub.[alpha]] = - [B.sup.2] + [square root of [B.sup.4] +
8AB[pr.sub.0]]/4B (7)
This critical amortization coefficient calculated by the formula
(7) offers results within an error range satisfactory with respect to
the classical methods that use the integration of the lubricant film
equations in conditions specific for the studied bearing type, for the
running and operating conditions (Motomancea et al., 2007). Starting
from this expression of critical amortization coefficient, the critical
viscosity, respectively the operating critical temperature of the
bearing will be determined.
There is introduced below the link relation between the coefficient
[alpha], which defines the amortization, and [mu]--dynamic viscosity.
From the dimensional analysis of the two quantities, it may be written:
[mu] = [alpha] m/[delta] (8)
With respect to the dependency of viscosity on temperature, the
relation usually accepted in the specialty literature will be used
(Constantinescu et al., 1980):
where [[mu].sub.0] is viscosity at the reference temperature
[T.sub.0] and [kappa] - a coefficient. From the expressions (8) si (9)
the formula of dependency of the amortization temperature is easily
T = [T.sub.0] - 1/[kappa] ln [alpha]m.[delta][[mu].sub.0] (10)
The variation of viscosity with temperature within a broad
temperature interval may not be represented with a sufficient accuracy
by a simple mathematical relation. None of the numerous proposed
mathematical relations permits the examination of variation of oils
viscosity with temperature by an only value. Therefore, varied
conventional systems have been employed, the most used being the one
based on Dean Devis viscosity coefficient. This coefficient uses as
reference the paraffin oils of Pennsylvania with a small viscosity-
temperature coefficient (ratio between viscosity in saybolt seconds at
100 and 210 F) considered to have a V.I. = 100, and the naphtene
aromatic oils of Gulf Coast with a high viscosity- temperature
coefficient considered to have a V.I. = 0 For a series of oils of the
same origin the inclination of the viscosity- temperature curve deepens
as the viscosity increases. Therefore, empiric equations have been
employed to express the viscosity at 100 F (37.8 [degrees]C) depending
on the viscosity at 210 F (98.9 [degrees]C) for each of the two series
of oils chosen as reference.
The viscosity index is calculated based on the cinematic viscosity
at 37.8 [degrees]C and 98.9 [degrees]C or at 40 or 100 [degrees]C. The
formulas (9) or (10) satisfactorily approximate the calculus of critical
dynamic viscosity, respectively of the critical temperature of operation
of lubricant film accomplished by varied empiric methods accepted by the
scientific community.
Likewise, upon the simple view of the formula (9) showing the
dependence of viscosity on temperature, it is noticed that the said
viscosity dramatically decreases with the temperature increase, which
lead to the idea that the bearing operation viscosity requested by the
designer should be maintained by a strict control of the temperature in
the lubricant film.
The results of the above described study will be hereinafter
applied to a practical example: a hydrodynamic bearing that equips a RFC 320 grinding machine without centers, which made the research and
re-designing subject matter for the authors.
The technical data of the bearing are as follows: Spindle diameter
D=150 mm (radius R=75 mm). Shaft mass (the grinding stone included) =
450 Kg. Shaft speed n=1200 rpm.
Calculating the coefficients A, B (implicitly [[epsilon].sub.2]
which depends on [epsilon]), [r.sub.0], using specific nomograms for
calculation of the quantities k, c etc. (Constantinescu et al., 1980),
the problem is to assess the coefficient s. Analyzing the relations (1),
it can be noticed that this coefficient has the dimension of an impulse.
Let's consider the spindle impulse
H = mv m[OMEGA]r (11)
where v is the spindle speed.
As a rule, this type of grinding machine uses in its bearings oils
of which cinematic viscosity varies between 7-10 cSt. Whatever oil type
is used, the viscosity value is kept constant by control of temperature.
Likewise, an increase of the temperature with 20 [degrees]C over the
ambient temperature is not permitted by the usual regulations.
Therefore, the temperature variation in the bearing is usually placed in
the range of 20-50 [degrees]C.
Using the calculations introduced before and the calculated value
of the critical amortization coefficient [[alpha]] for this type
of bearing and a value of the oil viscosity of 8 [[alpha].sub.St], a
value of the critical temperature in the bearing (the temperature that
maintains the viscosity constant) of about 38[degrees]C is obtained. The
value obtained by probe measurement at the bearing level indicates the
temperature of 35[degrees]C, which means that the error introduced by
the use of this method is of about 7.8%, which is remarkable taking into
account the absence of some accurate formulas in the specialty
literature in this field.
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Annals of DAAAM 2007 & Proceedings pp.483-484, ISSN 1726-9679 ISBN 3-901-509-58-5. (ISI Thomson Scientific Proceedinngs-Thomson Gale