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  • 标题:Vision of European future of the University of Mostar.
  • 作者:Majstorovic, Vlado ; Bandic Glavas, Marijana ; Rakic, Kresimir
  • 期刊名称:Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings
  • 印刷版ISSN:1726-9679
  • 出版年度:2009
  • 期号:January
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:DAAAM International Vienna
  • 摘要:Modern organizations are now increasingly focused on increasing of the competitive advantage based on quality. Higher educational organizations, faculties and universities are not out of these trends. Implementation of the Bologna process is now a priority task of all European universities and universities which want to be part of that, and quality assurance is the main goal of this process (Majstorovic, 2009). Many analysis and discussions have been made within the current education reform indicating that radical changes are necessary in terms of transforming traditional universities into modern European ones. This paper tries to present a vision of European future of the University of Mostar, that is, to answer what goals it wants to achieve in the future and which direction to go. Related to that, the paper includes: the roots of the University of Mostar, its mission and objectives, analysis of internal and external environment, the main strategy and action plan, vision for the European future of the University and conclusion.
  • 关键词:Universities and colleges

Vision of European future of the University of Mostar.

Majstorovic, Vlado ; Bandic Glavas, Marijana ; Rakic, Kresimir 等


Modern organizations are now increasingly focused on increasing of the competitive advantage based on quality. Higher educational organizations, faculties and universities are not out of these trends. Implementation of the Bologna process is now a priority task of all European universities and universities which want to be part of that, and quality assurance is the main goal of this process (Majstorovic, 2009). Many analysis and discussions have been made within the current education reform indicating that radical changes are necessary in terms of transforming traditional universities into modern European ones. This paper tries to present a vision of European future of the University of Mostar, that is, to answer what goals it wants to achieve in the future and which direction to go. Related to that, the paper includes: the roots of the University of Mostar, its mission and objectives, analysis of internal and external environment, the main strategy and action plan, vision for the European future of the University and conclusion.


The fundamental mission of any higher educational institution as well as this one is education and scientific research. Beside that, the University has civilization-cultural mission and a task to support economic, cultural, social, and any other development and progress (Tomic et al., 2008).

The objectives of the University are end points to which its activities are directed, and the most important are the following: implementation of the reform of higher education which is promoted by the Bologna process; constant adjustment of study programs to the similar programs at European universities; providing knowledge, abilities and skills to the students for better life in the 21st century; development of University of Mostar into modern higher educational institution which will be recognized by its excellence, quality and competitiveness; ensuring the transfer of culture and knowledge into the public sector, community and business; promotion of the principles of academic freedom and university autonomy; acceptance of European standards and values in the field of higher education; creating of an integrated, competent, and effective university directed towards research; development of quality assurance systems and access into European Network for Quality; establishment of academic standards established in the culture of quality and internal quality assurance mechanisms; strengthening of human, material and spatial resources of the University; providing better conditions in the area of student standards and standards of employees; empowerment of the role of students and affirmation of mobility of both students and teachers; gathering and motivating the best and most successful staff as well as the most talented students around and at the University; development and promotion of inter-university cooperation in the country and in the world; improving cooperation between the University and the economy trying to develop new qualifications and study programs, and proper financing of the University as a scientific organization.


Internal and external environment is especially important in strategy forming. Concerning the internal environment, it is necessary to study and evaluate it with regards to the weaknesses and strengths. Also, it is necessary to identify threats and opportunities in current and future external environment. Based on the analysis of internal and external environment alternative strategies are made. University as an organization can follow many different kinds of strategies or a combination of some of them. That is why, they must be carefully evaluated before a choice is made. Strategy-makers have a large number of matrices on their disposal, which show links between the crucial variables. Thus, SWOT matrix is in analysis of the situation (Weihrich & Koontz, 1998). In fact, it is a conceptual framework for a systematic analysis that enables comparison of internal strengths and weaknesses with external threats and opportunities to the University. The point of this analysis is to determine whether the organization is able to survive in the conditions of environment (Koontz & Weihrich, 1989). In the SWOT analysis: Strength is a resource or capacity which the organization can use to achieve its goals; Weakness is a restriction or lack of organization which impedes it the achievement of goals; Opportunity is any favorable situation in the environment of the organization; Threat is any unfavorable situation in the environment of the organization.

The results of the SWOT analysis at the University are given below. Strength of the University means: clear vision, mission and goals of the University; awareness of responsibilities for self-development as well as development of the entire region; the existence of necessary critical mass of teachers and associates willing to implement reforms; great potential of our current and former students; recognizable identity of the University in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in wider environment; infrastructure which is better every day--a modern university campus; developed international cooperation and international network of contacts at home and abroad (partners, friends, associates); readiness of the University for implementation of life-long education for needs in the region. Weaknesses at the University are: inadequate legal, financial and infrastructure conditions for development of integrated university; lack of research capacities (adequate personnel, space and equipment); insufficient motivation of employees; lack of own staff for certain fields; overloading with teaching activities. Opportunities are: commitment of Bosnia and Herzegovina to perform reform of higher education; decision to provide implementation of Bologna process at the University; forming of an integrated university; making of interdisciplinary programs; coming of new generations which have grown up in digital age and who communicate easily, easily connect to virtual community and who wish to participate in social processes; opening the access to the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina, that is, the academic community, to European projects (FP7, ERASMUS, CEEPUS, ...); coming of younger generation of high-quality to university, who are computer literate and very good at foreign languages; attractiveness of the study programs and study conditions that are created for students from all over Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region; geographic location of the University; increased attractiveness of the University as a partner in the international projects, networks and post graduate studies. Threats are: economic situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Europe and the world; vague and constantly actual political design of BH-society; unstable political and economic environment in which the University works; insufficient and irregular financing of the University; higher education is still understood as consumption rather than investment in human resources; rejection of the society to accept necessary autonomy of the University in EU-sense; adverse economic situation in the country and the lack of material resources required to implement changes; uncontrolled expansion of higher educational institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina at the expense of quality; constant "brain drain".


Based on previous considerations, possible strategies and action plan are formulated to achieve the goals set at the University. These strategies are: strategy of new qualifications and study programs; funding strategy; organizational strategy, human resources strategy, strategy of space and research resources, quality strategy, marketing strategy and public relations strategy.

Many more strategies are possible in above mentioned fields. Each of them requires further analysis, formulation and creation of alternative strategies, and careful evaluation before choice making. In addition to these strategies, a possible action plan has been made in which these specific activities and directions of action to achieve the goals are listed. These activities are: continued implementation of the Bologna process; encouraging and opening of postgraduate studies, especially in cooperation with partner universities in the country and abroad; harmonization of normative acts of the University with new legislation; finding additional sources of financing; strengthening of human, material, space resources of the University; improving coordination and awareness at all levels of the University; improving the efficiency of monitoring the implementation of management decisions at all levels of the University; development of common infrastructure of the University (Office for the International Cooperation, Center for Quality Assurance, IT Center, Center for transfer of knowledge and technology, Center for promotion of research, Center for students support, Center for Lifelong Learning, Center of excellence and establishing of association of graduates of the University of Mostar).

To implementation any plan and so this action plan, it is necessary to achieve that all actors are devoted to its realization. To succeed in this, it is necessary, through constant communication and information at all university levels, to ensure understanding of the mission, vision and strategic goals of the University as well as mechanisms for achieving them.


Mission of the University as starting point in creating its future cannot be neglected. Creation of knowledge and its transfer to new generations, scientific research and cultural creation are the fundamental tasks by which universities make continuity of countries, start social changes and contribute to general social and cultural progress. In addition to taking over the driving role of social change based on knowledge, the University also has its traditional civilization-cultural mission. This mission is important because in modern societies general acceptance of values of civilization is as important as gaining of qualifications necessary for knowledge-based economy. Beside that, the University must also preserve conditions for making knowledge not only for current but also for future needs of the social and cultural development. Only in that way the University can maintain its traditional capability to create society of the future. In the framework of the current European context, universities has additional tasks of adjustment and changes by which the field of European higher education and research should increase competitiveness of the European Union, which should, in the near future, become the most competitive and most dynamic economic system based on knowledge as the main drive of social development and progress (Majstorovic, 2007). In accordance to the mission, the vision of European future of the University is to become an integrated European University, which is characterized with: academic autonomy; strategic planning; control over its own budget; developed quality assurance system; certain common services; teaching informed by research; modern human resource management and integrated ICT system.


Based on thoughts presented in this paper and conclusions made, it is possible to encourage and make faster the initiated processes of transformation of the University into a modern European university if some key issues are improved without delay. These questions are related to the following: improving of the framework law on higher education and making of county laws and other legal regulations in this area, providing of adequate and systematic financing of basic University services, establishing of a framework for defining policies and strategies of education planning and research at national and regional or county level, making a new institutional framework of the University that would protect its autonomy and improve management. Therefore, European future of the University and its proactive action in the process of making and joining the European Higher Education Area will depend on quality and rate of solving the above issues that are in front of the academic community as well as on rate and quality of the key issues solutions, for which it is not responsible.


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Tomic, D.; Rezic, S. & Majstorovic, V. (2008). Internal self evaluation of the University of Mostar, Mostar

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