A mathematical approach of the temperature field in case of electron beam welding.
Grecu, Luminita ; Demian, Gabriela ; Demian, Mihai 等
The Electron Beam Welding (EBW) is a welding process which uses the
heat coming from a concentrated beam composed of high-velocity electrons
impinging upon the surfaces to be joined.
This paper presents a mathematical and numerical model for the 2D
temperature distribution which emerges during the stationary case of
EBW, based on the equation of heat conduction. The convection and
radiations losses are not taken into account in this paper because of
the short heating time, and the small area we have considered
(consequence of the fixed position of the EB). The numerical scheme
which solves the mathematical model--derived by the finite difference
method--is transposed into a MathCAD application that offers us a
numerical solution for the thermal field. The temperature distribution
and its peak value--closely connected to the depth to which the welding
is performed--allow us to state that the developed mathematical model is
an effective tool in predicting the temperature distribution and the
depth to which the welding is performed, as well as in selecting process
parameters in such a way as to enable the welding. Temperature
distributions and shapes of melted zones at EBW are described using
other methods too: using the line and point source theory (Eagar, 2002),
and statistical analysis (Koleva & Mladenov, 2000).
Among the most important applications of EB technology one could
mention: melting, cutting, welding, microscopic scanning, etc.
(http://www.twi.co.uk). A wide range of physical processes appear when
matter is submitted to an electron bombardment, the main effect being
heat generation. The EBW procedure belongs to the category of fusion
welding which is characterized by a high intensity, and the phenomena
that arise are totally different from those typical to fusion welding
conventional processes (Radaj, 1992). Electrons always penetrate matter.
At the impact of the beam with the material there is a penetration of
the beam to a certain depth and the kinetic energy of the electrons is
transferred to the material that is penetrated and transformed into heat
upon impact.
On the one hand, the penetration is influenced by the
characteristics of the beam itself. On the other hand, it is influenced
by the characteristics of the material, practically by the way electrons
interfere with the material microstructure.
The maximum penetration depth (the electron range) depends upon a
lot of factors: electron beam current, accelerating voltage, electron
beam diameter, electron beam power, material density, etc.
Absorptivity is a variable which should be carefully analyzed as it
greatly influences the thermal field. It directly influences the
material transferred energy amount.
Power absorption per unit of volume can be expressed as:
g(y,t) = [[eta].sub.A] U x j(y,r) = [[eta].sub.A] P(t)/S x r f(y,r)
where: j(t) is the electron current density, U the acceleration
voltage, P(t) the power of EB, S the irradiation area of the EB,
[[eta].sub.A] beam power absorption ratio (normal value for steels
ranges: 0.7-0.8.). In the above equation, f stands for the distribution
function of the absorbed output density.
As electrons interact with material, x-rays, secondary electrons,
and backscattered electrons are generated, and these phenomena bring
alterations (fractionally cuts off the heat). Due to this loss, the
absorption ratio of the beam output is chosen to be 0.8. From
experimental studies different empirical formulas for the penetration
depth (r) of an EB into matter have been obtained. For 10keV [less than
or equal to] eU [less than or equal to] 100keV , it can be expressed,
with the formula:
r [approximately equal to] 2.1 x [10.sup.-5] [U.sup.2]/[rho], (2)
Experimental data analysis allows us to find out that the
distribution function of the absorbed output density is influenced by
various factors, like: the distance between the current point and the
bombarded area (y), the maximum penetration depth, the atomic number and
consistency, etc.
For the distribution function of the output density this paper
operates with the dependence described by the following ratio:
f(y,r) = 1 - 9/4[(y/r - 1/3).sup.2] (3)
The absorbed power distribution per volume unit as being dependant
on the electron track inside the material describes some specific
curves. One can notice that its maximum value is reached at about 1/3 of
the beam track (Ying et al., 2003).
We suppose to be welding two identical parallelepiped plates made
of the same material. So we consider the workpiece to be a
parallelepiped plate. The EB is considered to be a cylinder, of radius
R, whose axis is parallel to the united faces, and which penetrates the
material. Experimentally it was observed that heat spreading within the
material is more intense in the direction of the beam action.
Taking this fact into account we, will consider in this approach
that the area in which the conduction heat transfer is studied is a
two-dimensional one (the section of the workpiece with a plane parallel
to the welding direction-Oy axis- passing through the projection of the
beam centre on the superior face. The area under consideration is
represented in Fig. 1
Considering so the 2D stationary heat transfer equation and an
isotropic homogenous body with a constant thermal conductivity, the
mathematical model is characterized by:
([[partial derivative].sup.2]T/[partial derivative][x.sup.2] +
[[partial derivative].sup.2]T/ [[partial derivative][y.sup.2] =
-1/[lambda] q(x,y), (x,y) [member of] [OMEGA] = [0,2] x [0,2] (4)
where: [lambda] is the thermal conductivity, q is a source-type
term. The boundary condition is: [T(x,y)/.sub.[partial
derivative][SIGMA]] = [T.sub.0], [T.sub.0]-temperature of the
environment. q(x,y) depends on the energy generated by the EB and on the
chosen material. For a uniform power distribution of EB, we model q(x,y)
by the following relation:
In order to solve (4), we apply the finite difference method (Antia, 2002). To discretize the area, we use 33 equidistant nodes along
both axes: [x.sub.i] = ih, [y.sub.j] = jh, 0 [less than or equal to] i,
j [less than or equal to] 32. By using the central finite difference
formula we get the following linear system of equations:
where [T.sub.i,j] = T([x.sub.i], [y.sub.j]).
We have implemented the method described in this paper into a
MathCAD application in order to obtain numerical solutions for the
temperature field and to study the influence of the process parameters
on the thermal field.
The numerical results obtained for a 13CrMo4 steel and process
parameters: U = 60 kV, I = 80mA are performed in the following diagrams:
The first graph shows the nodal values of the temperature for R =
0.2cm, while the second graph shows the condition of the isothermal lines which appear inside the thermal field.
We notice that the temperature does not reach its top value at the
surface the beam was incident to, but inside, i.e. at the point
corresponding to the 1/3 of the electron penetration depth in agreement
with the maximum value of the absorbed power distribution per volume
unit (Ying et al., 2003).
The influence of the electron beam radius is studied considering
different values of this parameter. For R=1.7, respectively 0.1 the
numerical results are performed in Fig. 3, 4.
One can notice that the point temperature reaches its peak value
has not changed too much (as we have not changed the parameters
influencing electron tracks within the material under consideration). A
significant modification is connected to isothermal lines and
temperature values within the area under discussion.
The results indicate the fact that in any parameter situation,
maximum temperature level is under the surface which is directly exposed
to the EB action. Temperature distribution and isothermal line form
change and depend on the EB radius. These results are in concordance
with others in literature, which are obtained by others techniques or
The MathCAD application can also be used in the future to study the
diagram of the process predicting melting bath formation, and it also
offers the opportunity to study the effect of the material thermal
properties may have upon the thermal field., and for making comparison
studies. In a further work the non-stationary case will be considered
and also the 3D case.
Antia H. M. (2002). Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers,
Birkhauser, ISBN-10: 3764367156.
Eagar, T.W., Heat flow and laser/electron beam welding, MIT courses, October 2002.
Koleva, E. & Mladenov, G. (2000). Analysis of the thermal
Processes and Shapes of Melted Zones at Electron Beam Welding and
Melting, Proceedings of the 4th General Conference of the Balkan
Physical Union, 22-25 August 2000, Veliko, Turnovo, Bulgaria, pp.83-96,
ISSN 1310-0157.
Radaj, D. (1992). Heat effects of welding--Temperature Field
Residual Stress Distorsion, Springer--Verlag Berlin, ISBN-10: 0387548203
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