An assessment of geometrical features for a new rapid prototyping benchmark part.
Popescu, Diana ; Ghinea, Mihalache ; Chircor, Lidia 等
Due to the existence of a relative large variety of test parts for
evaluating RP processes, the literature is offering information about
the prototypes different geometrical features and their manufacturing
resolution. Each of the test parts presented in the literature contains
a certain number of features (holes, slots, threads, chamfers, slope
walls, overlap features, very thin walls, freeform features, etc.) of
different sizes and placed at different locations, which can be used by
a designer (both in technical and medical field) in defining the
geometrical form of a product. But there are also geometric features
that have not been studied yet and which should be identified and
evaluated, thus offering useful information for an objective evaluation
of RP processes capabilities, in terms of position and form accuracy.
In order to complete the data set gather from literature, the first
step is to consider the independent benchmark parts which were used to
test more than one RP process. Further a broad list of geometrical
features is consider, each with the corresponding evaluating purpose.
Based on this information, a benchmark part containing new geometrical
features was designed.
An extensive study of the RP benchmarking and comparative studies
helped distinguish the following important issues (Ispas et al. 2002),
(Gatto & Iuliano, 1998), (Childs & Juster, 1994), (Makesh et
al., 2004):
* There are more than 20 benchmark parts available in RP industry,
designed by both RP machines producers and researchers in the field.
Benchmarks developed by RP systems' producers tend to have a design
which underlines the advantages of a particular process and machine.
Most of the time these are user-dependent, system-dependent or
process-dependent benchmarks;
* There is a lack of standardization regarding both the design of
benchmark part and measurement/test methods, which makes difficult the
evaluation of the results of the comparative studies;
* There are three types of benchmark parts: geometric (used for
evaluating dimensional and geometric accuracy, parallelism, symmetry,
concentricity, flatness, repeatability, etc.), process (for assessing
aspects like parameter settings, building orientation, build styles,
etc.) and mechanical (used for evaluating strengths, curling, shrinkage,
swelling, etc).
* In the literature, comparative analyses have been made
considering mostly the most common RP processes (SLA, 3DP, FDM, LOM,
SLS). The purposes of benchmarking these RP processes are to determine
feature size limitations, build orientation issues or surface and
dimensional accuracy capabilities, and to make comparison between
different processes. Also benchmark studies are very useful for
determining the optimal RP process for a certain application;
* The benchmark studies performed so far involves building of only
one sample for each process and material, when there are other factors
to be considered: machines parameters settings or building styles;
* Geometric benchmark parts are designed to include many different
geometric features (spheres, cones, parallelepipeds, cylinders, cubs,
slots, slope and thin walls, draft angles, freeform surfaces, etc.).
These features are built in different positions and number in order to
check characteristics such as: repeatability, relative position,
parallelism, symmetry, etc.
In this context, in order to avoid the use of system, user or
process-dependent benchmarks, rules for building an "ideal"
benchmark part for RP were developed (Gatto & Iuliano 1998):
* Its dimensions must be proportionally distributed in the modeling
envelope of the RP machine, in order to accept the performances in the
central and extreme zones;
* Small, medium and large dimensions uniformly distributed;
building time not too big;
* Easy to measure using a coordinate measuring machine;
* Not be specific to a certain RP process.
For the present study, based on the above mentioned observations
and developed criteria for designing a benchmark part, five independent
test parts were considered as relevant because they gather the biggest
number and variety of geometrical features.
Benchmark parts presented in the analyzed studies were used for
assessing different aspects regarding RP processes:
* Linear accuracy and feature repeatability for: SLA, FDM, SLS,
EOS, SGC and LOM (Childs & Juster, 1994). The benchmark has a plane
base on which are placed different geometric features: parallelepipeds,
cylindrical holes, free form features, slope and thin walls. Also, the
test part has small, medium and large size features;
* In (Ippolito et al., 1995) on the based of the 3D Systems
benchmark parts, the study was also focused on analyzing the surface
accuracy for different RP systems;
* Accuracy of curved surfaces and surfaces roughness. The benchmark
part studied in (Gatto & Iuliano 1998) consists in a cylinder
combined with a sphere through sloping and planar surfaces;
* Accuracy and surface quality. The test part contains only planar
surfaces, oriented at different angles to the vertical building
direction: 0[degrees], 10[degrees], 40[degrees], 80[degrees] and
90[degrees]. 44 prototypes were built using the following RP processes:
SLA, SLS, LOM, EOS, 3DP and FDM. An important particularity of this test
part is that different materials were used with the same process, i.e.
for SLA--resins: SL5185, SL5195, for SLS--resins: Somos6120, Somos7120,
Somos8100, for FDM: ABS P400, ABS401, wax ICS400, for EOS: PA2200,
PA3200GF, PS2500, etc. (Shellabear, 1999).
* In the test part presented in (Kruth et al. 2005), the
researchers introduced the slope walls for evaluating the staircase
effect, sharp edges to check the heat accumulation at the angle tips,
small dimensions holes and thin walls for determining processes accuracy
and resolution on x, y, z axes.
* The benchmark part in (Ispas et al. 2002) has a geometrical form
obtained by intersecting a cylinder and a cone. The dimensions are
grouped in small, medium and large, a comparative analysis of
dimensional and form accuracy in vertical and horizontal planes being
Analyzing the information collected in table 1, the following
geometrical features were not considered so far to the best of our
* Inclined cylindrical surfaces for studying the relative position
of inclined axis
* Hexagonal hole with inclined axis for evaluating the need for
support structures and form tolerances such us angularity
* Torus for assessing the ability to build this type of feature and
other similar features like helicoidally channel with circular profile
(for ball screws)
* Pyramid for measuring the flatness and straightness of sloping
* Shoulder hole for assessing for the same feature coaxiality,
concentricity and perpendicularity
* Completely enclosed spherical holes Also, the slope plane and the
edge fillet are considered for
comparatively assessing the staircase effect innate to all layered
manufacturing processes. All the geometrical features can be used for
measuring the position accuracy on x, y, z directions.
The research presented in this paper focused on designing a new
benchmark part for assessing the form and position tolerances of
different geometrical features not analyzed in the RP literature. This
benchmark part can be used for all processes, its features not being
particular to a certain technology or RP process. By using this type of
benchmark parts and this approach, geometrical features which can be
encountered in functional parts can be assessed.
The test part proposed contains features as completely enclosed
spherical voids, torus, pyramid or shoulder holes, which can be used for
assessing on one hand the ability of RP processes to build these
features, and on the other hand evaluating the form and position
Further work will consider building the benchmark part using 3DP,
FDM and SLA processes and comparatively analyzing the results. Moreover,
an analysis of the causes determining the defects could be significant.
Childs, T.H.C. & Juster, N.P., (1994), Linear and Geometric
Accuracies from Layer Manufacturing, Annals of CIRP, vol.43/1/1994,
Gatto, A. & Iuliano, L., (1998), Prototipazione rapida. La
tecnologia per la competizione globale (Rapid Prototyping. Technology
for global competition.), Tecniche Nuove, Milano ISBN 88-481-0294-8
Ippolito, R., et al. (1995), Benchmarking of Rapid Prototyping
Techniques in Terms of Dimensional Accuracy and Surface Finish, Annals
of CIRP vol.44/1/1995, pp.157-160
Ispas, C., Popescu, D., Rigal, J.F. (2002), Research on the
dimensional and form accuracy of a FDM1650 system, IDMME 2002, CD
Jurens, K.K., (1999), Standard for the rapid prototyping industry,
Rapid Prototyping Journal, vol.5, no.4, pp.169-178, ISSN 1355-2546
Kruth, J.P. et al., (2005), Benchmarking of different SLS/SLM
processes as Rapid Manufacturing Techniques, Int. Conf.
Polymers&Moulds Innovations, Gent Belgium, April 20-23, pp.1/7-7/7
Makesh, M., et al., (2004), Benchmarking for comparative evaluation
of RP systems and processes, Rapid Prototyping Journal, vol.10, no.2,
pp.123-135, ISSN 1355-2546
Popescu, D. (2007), Design for Rapid Prototyping: Implementation of
Design Rules Regarding the Form and Dimensional Accuracy of RP
Prototypes, Annals of DAAAM for 2007 & Proceedings of The 18th
International DAAAM SYMPOSIUM, pp.591-592, ISSN 1726-9679, ISBN
3-901509-57-7, Zadar, Croatia
Shellabear, M., (1999), Benchmark study of accuracy and surface
quality in RP&M models, RAPTEC, Task 4.2, Report 2
Tab. 1. List of geometrical features and the form and position
tolerance objectives envisioned from their built
Geometrical feature Form and position tolerances--
Plane in parallelepipeds and Flatness,parallelism, linear
cubes accuracy, straightness,
repeatability, perpendicity,
Cylindrical surfaces in solid Concentricity, roundness,
or cylindrical holes with coaxiality
horizontal and vertical axes
Thin walls Capability to build this type of
Spherical surfaces in sphere Roundness, symmetry
or hemispheres
Overhang features such us in Capability to build this type of
horizontal holes etc. features
Sloping surfaces at different Linearaccuracy, relative
angles position, angularity
Completely enclosed features Capability to build this type of
such as spherical or cubic features
Circular holes Cylindricity, roundness,
repeatability, symmetry,
Hollowparts: cylinders, Straightness, ability to build thin
squares walls, concentricity
Cones Sloping profile
Mechanical features: Capability to build this type of
chamfer, blending or fillet features