An empirical relationship between cutting forces and length in dry drilling in aluminium alloys.
Domingo, Rosario ; Alvarez, Roberto ; Sebastian, Miguel Angel 等
Dry drilling continues being an important process in aeronautical industry, and also in the machining of aluminium alloys, in particular
in UNS A97050-T7 and UNS A92024-T3.
The trust cutting forces can be calculated by dynamometers, some of
them of high precision. However these forces are different respect to
theoretical forces (Hamade, et al., 2006; Tansel, et al., 2000). For
this reason it is possible to affirm that the prediction of forces is a
question still does not resolve. Other studies have demonstrated that
cutting forces for the first holes, being different, are similar
statistically (Domingo et al., 2008a; Domingo et al, 2008b). This paper
intends to clarify some relationships between cutting forces and length
that allow predicting forces in dry drilling.
Cutting forces have been calculated by a piezoelectric dynamometer,
and afterwards the results have been statistically analysed by Box-Cox
transformations (Box & Cox, 1964) by SPSS software.
The tests have been realised in aluminium alloys, UNS A7050-T7 and
UNS A2024-T3. Dry drilling has been processed to cutting speed of 83
m/min and 60 m/min for the first alloy, and for 50 m/min for the second
one. Feed rate takes the value 0.175 mm/rev always. Drills used in the
tests have the characteristics showed in Table 1.
Drilling process has been performed with three drills. Each drill
has machined different holes, according to increment the cutting length.
Cutting forces are expressed in Newton and cutting length expressed in
mm. Data from UNS A97050-T7 and UNS A92024-T3 are shown in Fig. 1.
Box-Cox transformations have been used to determine whether, in
this case, a significant relationship exists between maximum cutting
forces, Fzmax (dependent variable) and cutting length (independent
variable), L. This transformation with power allows minimizing the mean
squared error.
Moreover, an analysis of variance (ANOVA) has been realised to
determine the P-value. Thus the effect of various power transformations
of Fzmax can be compared on the linear regression between L and Fzmax.
For Vc83 (Box-Cox Transformations - Power = 20.11 Shift = 0.0),
Vc60 (Box-Cox Transformations - Power = 10.2112 Shift = 0.0) and Vc50
(Box-Cox Transformations - Power = 7.46592 Shift = 0.0), the equations
of the fitted model, expressed in Fig. 2, Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 are the
BoxCox ([F.sub.zmax_Vc83]) = 11.23 + 0.82 x L (1)
BoxCox ([F.sub.zmax_Vc60]) = 29.79 + 0.94 x L (2)
BoxCox ([F.sub.zmax_Vc50]) = 21.36 + 1.37 x L (3)
In the ANOVA analysis (see Table 2), the P-value is less than 0.01,
there is a statistically significant relationship between the
transformed values of Fzmax_Vc83 and L at the 99% confidence level, for
Fzmax_Vc60 and L at the 90% confidence level (P-value is less than
0.10), and for Fzmax_Vc50 and L at the 95% confidence level (P-value
less than 0.05).
For Fzmax_Vc83, the R-squared statistic points to that the fitted
model gives explanation of 68.40% of the variability in Fzmax_Vc83, of
41.24% of the variability in Fzmax_Vc60, and of 56.64% of the
variability in Fzmax_Vc50.
Moreover, in Table 2 can be appreciated the correlation coefficient (0.83 for Fzmaz_V83) that it involves a moderately strong connection
between the variables, and the standard error of the estimate that it
shows the standard deviation of the residuals to be 12.73.
For Fzmax_V60, the correlation coefficient (0.64) describes a
moderately strong relationship between the cutting forces and the
length, and a standard deviation of the residuals of 24.35.
Finally, in the case of Fzmax_V50, the correlation coefficient
(0.75) points to a moderately strong link between the cutting variables,
and a standard deviation of the residuals of 24.89.
Thus, in the three cases, significant statistical relationships
have been found, and the obtained value of cutting forces can be
utilised to generate prediction limits for new observations.
In accordance with Section 3, the Table 3 exposes the predicted
values for Fzmax according the minimum and maximum cutting length (Lm
and LM) that it has been drilled, at the 95% confidence level, the
prediction limits and the limits of confidence. Lower (Low) and upper
(Upp) limits are indicated.
The Table 3 reveals the best forecasts, at 95% of confidence level,
in the prediction intervals for new observations and for the mean of the
observations (confidence intervals). These predictions can be
distinguished in the Fig. 2, Fig. 3 and Fig. 4, by means of
discontinuous curves on the fitted models.
This paper provides a study that it permits to categorise, by
sectors, the prediction of cutting forces in aluminium alloys,
considering the influence of the cutting length on the maximum force.
Thus, a statistical relationship has been found between cutting forces
and length, after to accomplish an ANOVA analysis and Box-Cox
transformations. The results allow establishing a prediction limits at
95% confidence level.
These preliminary results can suppose an important element in the
experimental tests due to different values of thrust forces that
dynamometers provide.
Future researches could determine the connection between cutting
forces and higher lengths, and also the influence of different cutting
parameters and of the drill wear on the forces variability. Analogous
advances will consent to complete and verify the model.
This work has received financial support from the MCYT (Spanish
Government), by means of project DPI2005-09325 C02-02.
Box, G.E.P. & Cox, D.R. (1964). An analysis of transformations.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B Vol. 26, 211-246,
ISSN 1369-7412.
Domingo, R.; Alvarez, R.; Rubio, E.M. & Sebastian, M.A.
(2008a). Experimental analysis of cutting forces in dry drilling of UNS
A92024 alloy. Journal of Machine Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 2 (2008),
73-78, ISSN 1895-7595.
Domingo, R.; Arenas, J.M.; Rubio, E.M. & Marcos, M. (2008b).
Experimental analysis of cutting forces in dry drilling of UNS A97050-T7
alloy, Proceedings of Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing
Engineering, Teti, R. (Ed.), 3p Naples, July 2008, University of Naples
Federico II, Naples.
Hamade, R.F.; Seif, C.Y. & Ismail, F. (2006). Extracting
cutting force coefficients from drilling experiments. International
Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, Vol. 46, No. 3-4, 387-396,
ISSN 0890-6955.
Tansel, I.N.; Arkan, T.T.; Bao, W.Y.; Mahendrakar, N.; Shisler, B.;
Smith, D. & McCool, M. (2000). Tool wear estimation in
micro-machining. Part I: tool usage--cutting force relationship.
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Tab. 1. Drill description.
Drill type Tool material Point angle Coating
NH VHM 140 [degrees] TiAlN
Tab. 2. Data from ANOVA analysis.
P- Corr. R- Standard
Value Coeff. squared Error Est.
V83 0.006 0.83 68.40% 12.73
V60 0.019 0.64 41.24% 24.35
V50 0.019 0.75 56.64% 24.89
Tab. 3. Predicted values.
Predicted Prediction Confidence
Limits (95%) Limits (95%)
L Fzmax Low Upp Low Upp
Lm 551.12 583 572
LM 591.02 569 603 581 598
L Fzmax Low Upp Low Upp
Lm 383.02 425 245 409
LM 419.93 368 443 400 433
L Fzmax Low Upp Low Upp
Lm 349.59 410 388
LM 414.79 361 443 392 431