Assessement for management of wastewater quality from a healthcare unit--case study.
Sirbu, Dana ; Curseu, Daniela ; Popa, Monica 等
Hospital complexes use for their activities and their hygiene,
great volumes of water which are then rejected, fill of micro-organisms
of which some are multiple resistant, often toxic and sometimes
radioactive chemicals. The hospital is a heavy water consumer, while in
medium the consumption of the households is 150 to 200 liters per capita and by day, the average value passes from 500 to 1200 liters/bed/day in
the hospitals. Quality and quantity of wastewater produced in every
hospital depends on different factors, such as: bed number,
accessibility to water, kind of services, number of units/departments,
climate situation, people's culture and geographical situation
(Sabzali & Shivaii, 2006). All the new technologies which answer
progress as regards care (hemodialysis, radiology, laboratories of high
technologies, etc), should not compromise the watery ecosystem of our
rivers and seas. The harmful effects related to their wastewater should
be a subject to consider for all hospitals managers and it is necessary
to assess the quality of their hospital effluent.
The aims of this study are: to characterize the effluents from the
chemical and microbiological point of view and to compare with the
national and international recommendations in order to develop efficient
projects to improve the quality of these rejections.
A hospital wastewater from Cluj County, with a capacity of 175
beds, which discharges the total volume of effluents into the urban
wastewater network without pre-treatment, has been selected. The
investigated hospital has following departments: internal medicine,
pediatrics, surgery, psychiatry, gynecology and obstetrics, laboratory
and pharmacy. In order to characterize the pollutant composition of the
wastewater discharged, a questionnaire concerning susceptible matters of
trapping various pollutants, were applied and evaluated.
To define quality parameter, sampling from out coming sewages of
the hospital and from the municipal network system, was conducted. The
following chemical and microbiologic analyses were carried out: pH, COD
(chemical oxygen demand), [BOD.sub.5] (5-day biological oxygen demand),
chlorides, TSS (total suspended solids), total phosphorous, MPNTC (most
probable number of total coliforms) and MPNFC (most probable number of
fecal bacteria). The samples were collected on three days of the week:
Monday, Wednesday and Sunday, two samples per day at 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.,
4 weeks. All the analyses were carried out in conformity with the
national standards. The results were compared with the Romanian and
European threshold values, and the Pc/Vt ratio (Pc--pollutant
concentration in the hospital effluent, Vt--threshold values) was
calculated (RD, 2002; Sirbu et al., 2005).
Investigation of hospital daily water consumption shows that the
average value is 165 [m.sup.3]/day which is equal to 942 L/day/bed.
Quantitative amount of daily wastewater production, considering water to
wastewater conversion coefficient of 0.8 was estimated at
132[m.sup.3]/day (754 L of wastewater day/bed). On the basis of
questionnaire, we found several types of hospital rejections which are
shown in Table 1.
COD and BOD5 were determined for the measurement of total organic
load. In the hospital effluent sample, COD concentration (535 mg/l), and
[BOD.sub.5] (368 mg/l) exceeded the discharge national standards
([P.sub.c]/[V.sub.t]> 1), showing that hospital wastewater were
heavily loaded with organic and mineral substances (Table 2).
The biodegradability of organic substances is a measure of the
speed and completeness of their degradations by microorganisms and
therefore the [BOD.sub.5]/COD ratio could be used to analyze the degree
of degradation.
A [BOD.sub.5]/COD ratio 0.5-0.6 could be considered as threshold
value to study the biodegradability of organic substances into the
hospital wastewater (Seiss et al., 2001). In our study the
[BOD.sub.5[/COD ratio in hospital wastewater is 0.68, which indicate
that the pollutants would be difficult to degrade, which describes a
potential impact on the WWTP (wastewater treatment plant) efficiency.
However, COD might give false results in the sample contained organic or
inorganic elements that were refractory, i.e., resistant to oxidation.
For the accuracy of biochemical knowledge of hospital wastewater,
according to biodegradability, it is necessary to introduce in the
monitoring of hospital effluents the TOC (total organic carbon)
determination and the COD/TOC ratio. TOC degradation rate depends on the
chloride concentration of the wastewater. The different organochlorine compounds resulting from disinfections could contribute to high TOC
concentrations in the hospital effluents. The results of bacteriological characterization are summarized in Table 3. Accordance with previous
studies on microbiological characterization of hospital wastewater the
concentrations in germs are weaker in the hospital effluents than in the
urban effluents, which is probably related to the higher concentration
of the disinfectants and the antibiotics (Kummerer, 2001; Sirbu et al.,
2007). The level of contamination is variable according to the hour, the
day or the flow at the time of the taking away. The hospital stocks are
characterized by their resistance to antibiotics. These results showed
that the application of important quantity of disinfectants in hospital
can reduce bacteria in wastewater but give rise to toxicity effects on
aquatic organisms (Popa et al., 2005). So, the parameters used for the
microbiological characterization was also considered in this study like
an indirect detection of the massive presence of disinfectants and/or
antibiotics. Total/fecal coliform populations of hospital wastewater
were affected because chloride values of these effluents are greater
than values generally uncounted in domestic wastewater. Many studies
conclude that chloride could be used as indicator of the toxicity of
hospital wastewater on aquatic organisms when NaOCl was used (Emmanuel
et al., 2001). Chloramines and other agents, such as sodium hypochlorite and some iodized substances are responsible for the disinfectant effect.
Organic halogen compounds are formed by reaction of chlorine with
organic wastewater compounds. An additional AOX in the wastewater will
result. The AOX have a bad biodegradability and several toxic effects on
aquatic organisms. Hospitals cannot be neglected as contributors to AOX
in urban wastewater (Kummerer, 2001). For more accuracy it seams to be
important to introduce the determination of AOX (organohalogen compounds
absorbable) in hospital wastewater monitoring in our country.
These substances, which are not biodegradable, may finally enter
surface water by WWTP effluents, and enter groundwater after the
application of sewage sludge as fertilizers (Gartisser et al., 1996).
Among other substances, various pharmaceuticals made the object of
ecological research, such as: the sex hormone, the radio elements,
antibiotics and cytostatic agents (Sirbu et al., 2007).
The problems of wastewater in health care units have not been
monitored in Romania so far. All the results confirm the existence of
hazardous substances in the studied hospital effluents, and hence the
need for continuing the approach by establishing the ecotoxicological
risk assessment of hospital wastewater for the aquatic ecosystems. It
should also be noted that the effluent of the hospital undergoes major
dilution in the communal sewage system. To align with the European
Commission Directives for each medical unit, it would be important to be
able to evaluate their effluents and to develop efficient projects of
management them.
Emmanuel, E.; Blanchard, J.; Keck, G. & Perrodin, Y. (2001).
Caracterisation chimique, biologique et ecotoxicologique des effluents
hospitaliers (Chemical, biological and ecotoxicological characterisation
of hospital wastewater). Sci. Techn., 22: 31-33.
Gartisser, S.; Brinkler, L., Erbe, T; Kummerer, K & Willmund,
R. (1996). Contamination of hospital wastewater with hazardous
compounds. Acta Hydrochim, 24: 90-97.
Kummerer, K. (2001). Drugs in the environment: emission of drugs,
diagnostic aids and disinfectants into wastewater by hospitals.
Chemosphere 45:957-969.
Popa, M.; Curseu, D.; Sirbu, D. & Chakirou, C. (2005)
Toxicological Effects of Some Chemicals from Hospital Wastewaters.
Proceeding of Sustainability for humanity & environment in the
extended connection field Science--Economy-Policy, vol.II, pp. 308-312,
ISBN 973-625-206X, Timisoara, febr. 2005, Ed. Politehnica Timisoara.
RD (2002). Guidelines for Wastewater Evacuation in Urban Sewer
Network (In Romanian). Romanian Directive 188/2002, Bucharest, Romania.
Sabzali, A. & Shivaii, H. (2006). Hospital wastewater
treatment. Adv. Res. Magazine. Tehran, 1:44-50.
Seiss, M.; Gahr, A. & Niessner R. (2001). Improved AOX
degradation in UV oxidative wastewater treatment by dialysis with
nanofiltration membrabe. Wat. Res., 13:3242-3248.
Sirbu, D.; Curseu, D.; Popa, M. & Popa, M.S. (2007). Approaches
on Management for Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products in Water.
Proceedings of the 18th International DAAAM Symposium, Katalinic, B.
(Ed.) vol 18, no1, pp. 693-694, ISBN 3-901509-58-5, Zadar, Oct. 2007,
Sirbu, D.; Popa, M.; Curseu, D.; Achimas,, A. & Hegediis, L.
(2005). Environmental Risk of Hospital Wastewater, Central European
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, vol.11, nr.4,
pp.281-287, ISSN 1219-1221.
Tab. 1. General types of hospital rejections
Rejections Types and sources
Rejects of rejections of the kitchens, detergent products,
domestic rejections of the garages and workshops, those of the
nature laundry, and the boiler room
Rejects of Chemical pollutants:
specific --cleaners and disinfectants which are often highly
nature complex products or mixtures of active substances.
The most often used products are mainly chlorinated
derivatives, the products containing aldehydes
(formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde: toxic molecule
both for man and the environment), the iodized
compound (betadine).
--drugs (analgesics, antibiotics, radio elements, and
cytostatic agents)
--chemical agents from the laboratories (acids, strong
bases, solvents)
--heavy metals such as mercury and the silver
resulting, for one of breakings of the mercury
thermometers and for the other of the service of
Biological pollutants:
--the pathogenic rejections of germs resulting from
the people's diseases (Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli, Streptococcus
pneumoniae, Klebseilla pneumoniae)
Tab. 2. Comparison of the average concentrations in pollutants
of hospital and urban effluents
Concentrations in:
hospital urban Threshold
Parameters effluents effluents values
([degrees]C) 26.8 19.8 40
pH (U) 8.7 * 7.5 6.5-8.5
([P.sub.c]/[V.sub.t]> 1)
TSS mg/l 335 * 282 300
([P.sub.c]/[V.sub.t]> 1)
[BOD.sub.5] mg/l 368 * 280 300
([P.sub.c]/[V.sub.t]> 1)
COD mg/l 535 * 498 500
([P.sub.c]/[V.sub.t]> 1)
[BOD.sub.5] / COD 0.68 0.56 0.5-0.6
Total Phosphorous 7.6 6 5
mg/l ([P.sub.c]/[V.sub.t]> 1)
Chlorides mg/l 287 60 400
Tab. 3. Microbiological characterization of hospital effluent
Parameters Threshold Hospital
(average values) values * effluent
MPNTC 4.8 x [10.sup.4]
germs/100 ml
MPNFC 1 x [10.sup.8] 3.9 x [10.sup.4]
germs/100 ml [P.sub.c]/[V.sub.t]< 1
Parameters Urban
(average values) effluent
MPNTC 3.9 x [10.sup.6]
germs/100 ml
MPNFC 2.8 x [10.sup.6]
germs/100 ml