CAD/CAM methods in the customization of medical implants.
Dreucean, Mircea ; Tascau, Mirela Toth ; Rusu, Lucian 等
The patient included in the study had a congenital skeleton defect
at the level of the left mandible. The upper left limit of the mandible
was missing. The pre-surgery CT reconstructed skeleton of the skull is
presented in Fig. 1.
In the situation presented above, the normal procedure is to
rebuild the mandible at the left condilys zone using a metal implant, a
high density polyethylene implant [Dragulescu D., Popescu M. (2006)] or
an auto implant extracted from the long bones of the patient. In the
study the authors tried to find a solution to pre-design the implant
based on the real geometry of the patient's skeleton [Saringer W,
Nobauer-Huhmann I, Knosp E. (2002)].
The 3D model of the mandible was generated in Mimics after the
transfer of the CT scans from the computer tomograph. This software
package offers the possibility of separation the bone from the rest of
the tissues, according to the density of the material. The core idea of
the paper is to use the reconstructed skull as a CAD object in order to
determine the exact shape of an implant which will refill the missing
part of the mandible [Tardieu PB, Vrielinck L, Escolano E. (2003)]. This
activity is developed prior to the surgical intervention, so that the
surgeon can shape the implant before the actual implantation. This is
the way of obtaining the so-called "customized implant". In
the lower right corner of Fig. 2 one can see the part extracted from the
3D model and mirrored in order to be used as a template.
After the detection of the shape of the implant on the right
extremity of the mandible, this was separated using special Boolean
operations and isolated as an individual part. In the next step the part
was mirrored in order to fit in the congenital defect of the mandible at
the left side of the face. With slight adjustments consisting of move
and cut operations, the part filled the gap in the mandible and the
conclusion drawn with the medical team was that the procedure of
prototyping the implant as a model for the real auto implant can be
The process of production for the prototype of the implant was
developed on a prototyping machine which works with polyethylene film.
The part was produced in successive layers of thin film and compared
with the shape and dimensions of the part in the model. The prototype
had to be refined in several steps in order to satisfy the requests of
the surgeon. In the end the part representing the model of the implant
looked like in Fig. 3
The additive process which is the base of the rapid prototyping technology consists of the successive add of a new layer of material,
with an individual contour [Yaxiong, Liu; et al. (2003)]. The layers are
connected to each other in different ways, so that in the end the result
is a solid part. One of the preparation stages for a model before
starting the build process is the determination of the contour for each
layer. The process goes automatically with the help of special software
and the result is a closed contour for each section.
The Fig. 4 presents the mandible implant in the process of growth,
at approximately one third of the height of the part. The generation of
the prototype with the technology based on polyethylene film lasted one
hour and 20 minutes.
With all the other preparation actions, the prototype was ready in
about three hours from the moment when the patient left the CT room.
Once the model of the implant was ready, the surgical process could
start. The first step was the preparation of the implant from the femur bone of the patient, respecting the shape of the prototype. This was a
separate surgical intervention. The implant was then prepared for
implantation and stored for a short while in septic conditions until the
patient was ready for a second surgical session. This second stage was
much easier than a classical intervention of that type, because the
implant had a proper shape and had only to be placed with very
unimportant adjustments.
For the patient presented above the fixation of the implant on the
rest of the mandible was achieved with a special blade made of Titanium
alloy TiAlV6. The blade was taken from a set of different shapes of
blades, especially designed and produced for aiding in maxilla-facial
The finite element analyze has two points of interest:
* The determination of stress and strain values in the least
favorable load conditions;
* The determination of the influence of the number of fixation
screws on the peak values of stress and strain.
The blade and the boundary conditions are presented in Fig. 5.
The load is considered to be developed by the pterygoidmasseter
muscle [Gallas M., Fernandez R. (2004)], developing a force of 500 N in
the plane of the plate. In other study there was also considered the
occlusion force with a magnitude of 426.24 N. In the case of both loads
acting in the same time, the value of the maximal equivalent stress is
197.62 MPa, very close to the yield limit of the material of the blade.
The deformed shape of the blade is presented in Fig. 6.
The number of fixation screws has a great influence on the value of
maximal stress. The study revealed o growth of the maximal equivalent
stress (MaxES) of six times when the number of fixation screws goes from
2 to 5. The situation is presented in Fig. 7.
The case study presented in this paper is based on a real case
included in the records of the research centre where the authors are
involved. The contribution of the authors at the final solution
consisted of the shortening of the surgery cycle for such an
intervention and the enhancement of the resolution of the surgical
operation by the use of an implant already prepared in a separate
surgical stage.
The FEA analyze of the fixation blade revealed the level of stress
and strain in the fixation element and recommends the fixation of the
blade with a maximum possible number of screws in order to reduce the
strain and stress in the bone.
For the future, the research team is oriented towards the
production of customized implants direct in metal or reinforced HDPE.
Dragulescu D., Popescu M. (2006). The Encyclopedia of Composites.
Ed. Politehnica, ISBN 973-625-272-8, Timisoara
Gallas M., Fernandez R. (2004). A three-dimensional computer model
of the human mandible in two simulated standard trauma situations.
Journal of Crania--Maxillofacial Surgery Volume 32, Issue 5, October
2004, page 303-307
Saringer W, Nobauer-Huhmann I, Knosp E. (2002). Cranioplasty with
individual carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) medical grade implants
based on CAD/CAM technique. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2002 Nov; 144(11):
page 1193-203
Tardieu PB, Vrielinck L, Escolano E. (2003). Computer-assisted
implant placement. A case report: treatment of the mandible.
International Journal of Oro-Maxillofacial Implants. 2003 Jul-Aug;18(4):
page 599-604
Yaxiong, Liu; Dichen, Li; Bingheng, Lu; Sanhu, He; Gang, Li (2003).
The customized mandible substitute based on rapid prototyping. Rapid
Prototyping Journal v 9 Issue nr. 3 2003 page 167-174