Dedicated robot-robot cooperation.
Grigorescu, Sanda ; Vatau, Steliana ; Dobra, Andreea 等
Cooperation has been the key to success of most human endeavour;
the similar incorporation of cooperation in robotic systems is critical
to realize the next generation of systems and applications. Interest in
cooperating systems arises when the tasks may be too complex for a
single system to accomplish, or when building and using several simple
systems can be more flexible, fault-tolerant or cheaper than using a
single large system. In recent years, cooperative robots have continued
to receive a great deal of attention from both the robotics research
community and the robotics industry. The cooperation of multiple
manipulators can extend the fields where robots can be used effectively.
Synchronization, coordination, and cooperation are intimately linked
subjects, and sometimes it used as synonymous to describe the same kind
of behaviour, mainly in mechanical systems. Typically robot coordination
and cooperation of manipulators (Liu et al., 1997) form important
illustrations of the same goal. It is desired that two or more
mechanical systems, either identical or different, are asked to work in
synchrony. In robot coordination the basic problem is to ascertain
synchronous motion of two (or more) robotic systems. This is obviously a
control problem where, at least for one of the robots, a suitable
feedback controller has to be designed such that this robot (slave)
follows the other robot (master). This problem is further complicated by
the fact that frequently only position measurements of both master and
slave robots are available. This partial access to the state of the
system has been the reason for developing model-based observers which
are integrated in the feedback control loop. In practice, robot
manipulators are equipped with high precision position sensors, such as
encoders. Meanwhile new technologies have been design for measuring
velocities, e.g. brushless AC motors with digital servo-drivers.
Nevertheless such technologies are not yet common in applications.
Therefore, velocity measurements are often obtained by means of
tachometers which are contaminated by noise. Moreover, velocity sensor
equipment is frequently omitted due to the savings in cost, volume and
weight that can be obtained. For these reasons, a number of model-based
robot control methods have been proposed (Nicosia & Tomei, 1990). In
these methods a velocity observer is integrated in the control loop,
although exact knowledge of the non-linear robot dynamics is assumed,
which in practice is generally not available. To overcome this drawback,
robust tracking controllers only based on position measurements have
been proposed (Rodriguez-Angeles & Nijmeijer 2001). However, all the
mentioned before papers deal with the tracking control problem and not
with the robot coordination problem. The problem of coordinating
(synchronizing) physical systems can be seen as tracking between two
physical systems. Although it seems to be a straightforward extension of
classical tracking controllers, this problem implies challenges that are
not considered in the design of tracking controllers. Most of the
tracking controllers are based on full knowledge of the desired
reference to be tracked, and no one predicts what would happen in the
case of partial knowledge of the reference signal, or how to deal with
it. Cooperative manipulation is an important capability for extending
the domain of robotic applications. It allows multiple robots to work
together in such way that results a significant increase in their
overall effective workload and workspace. For many tasks, the use of
heterogeneous robots is indicated because of the difficulties of
constructing a single robot that has the needed size, strength,
dexterity, etc. One such application domain is assembly of large-scale
structures, such as terrestrial buildings, planetary habitats, or space
solar power structures. Such domains need both heavy lifting
capabilities, as well as precise, dexterous manipulation to connect
parts together. Another application is in industrial field, where is
necessary to handling different kind of object (see fig. 1).
The robot cooperation was studied on the two "Eshed
Robotec" robots; these are components of a small scale Flexible
Manufacturing System (FMS). The structure of the system consists of
three stations: the ASRS, the Milling and the Assembly Workstations. The
systems layout is presented in figure 2.
Notations used in figure 2:1-The Storage Carousel; 2-ER VII Robot;
3-ER VII Controller; 4-Conveyor Pallet; 5-Pallet Stop Stations;
6-Conveyor; 7-Conveyor PLC; 8-Milling Machine; 9-Milling Machine CNC;
10-ER V+ Robot; 11-ER V+ Controller; 12-Station Buffers; 13-PC for
Station 2; 14-Central PC; 15- Central Controller; 16-PC for Station 3;
17-Scora ER 14 Robot; 18-Assembly Table; 19-XY Motions Table.
The Central and Station PC's carry out different functions,
among them is Human-Machine Interface for on-line robotic system visualization, programming and set-up. The control architecture of FMS
is hierarchical, the Central Controller achieves the sequences of whole
production (sends commands and receives rapports to/from Robot
Controller), via RS 232 ports.
The two robots have RRRRR joints, but different mechanical
structure and different workspace dimensions.
The collaboration possibilities between the two robots ER VII and
ER V+ include motion synchronisation (the same motion in the same time),
cooperation (different motions in the same time for a common goal) and
coordination master-slave (master robot's motion followed up by
slave robot's motion). Due to the relative robot installation, the
cooperation refers to the large dimensions pieces manipulation.
The paper's proposed tasks are synchronous motions of ER VII
and ER V+ robots, on linear and full circle trajectories. The ER VII is
considered the master robot, with programmed poses, which are
transformed in slave robot ERV+ position coordinates. The motion speed
on both robots is constant and the programmed values are determined
The application problems were:
* Measure the base reference system attached to a piece in the
workspace of both robots: P1 for ER VII ([sup.P1][T.sub.R1]) and P2 for
ER V+ ([sup.R2][T.sub.P2]).
* Finding out the transformation matrix [sup.P2][T.sub.P1].
* Finding out the transformation matrix:
[sup.R2]r = [sup.R2][T.sub.P2] x [sup.P2][T.sub.P1] x
[sup.P1][T.sub.R1] x [sup.R1]r (1)
* Programming in ACL Language the master robot for linear and
circular movement;
* Programming in ACL Language the slave robot for the same
movements, but with the values of points coordinates calculated with the
equation (1).
* Testing the algorithm for different robot master positions and
* Programming in ACL Language the master robot for automatic
downloading the Cartesian coordinates of poses to the PC.
* Conceiving a program (Robot-Robot Cooperation) in Visual Basic
environment (Schneider, 1998) for receiving the data from master
controller, computing the transformation coordinates and downloading the
data to the slave controller. The input data window of the program is
presented in figure 3.
* Programming in ACL Language the slave robot for automatic
receiving the Cartesian coordinates of poses from the PC.
* Testing the programs.
The scheme of the control system is presented in figure 4.
For the full circle motion, there were three poses teach-in, with
respect to the master robot world coordinates. The fourth point was
calculated in following steps:
* Three points determine a plane. A reference system was attached
to this plane.
* The three point coordinates, with respect to the master robot,
were transformed with respect to the new reference system. The three
points determine a circle.
* The fourth point coordinates were calculated to be on the circle
and then transformed with respect to the master robot reference system.
The motions were programmed only for position, the tool orientation
was neglected and it can be a further development task. The ER V+ is
more versatile. The robot ER VII was selected to be the master robot,
because the motion programming was done on-line. So it can be avoided
(minimized) the mechanical blockage of the slave robot arm.
The further development on collaborative robots may include the
force and speed control in both master and slave robot controller,
motion coordination by a targeted work piece or by a human operator.
Liu, Y.-H., Arimoto, S., Parra-Vega, V., & Kitagaki, K. (1997).
Decentralized adaptive control of multiple manipulators in cooperations.
International Journal of Control, Volume 67, Number 5, 20 July 1997, pp.
Nicosia, S. & Tomei, P. (1990). Robot control by using only
joint position measurements. Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on
Volume 35, Issue 9, Sep 1990, pp. 1058--1061
Novotny, F. & Horak, M. (2008). Parallel Cooperation of Robots
during Handling with Jumbo Glass Sheets. Available from Accessed: 2008-04-15
Rodriguez-Angeles, A., & Nijmeijer, H. (2001). Coordination of
two robot manipulators based on position measurements only.
International Journal of Control, Volume 74, Number 13, pp. 1311-1323
Schneider, D (1998). An introduction to programming using Visual
Basic 6.0, Prentice Hall, ISBN 3-13-936428-5, USA