Evaluation of the cutting edge wear and of the technological speed for the 13H11N2V2MFS stainless steel turning.
Vlase, Auremia ; Ghionea, Ionut ; Munteanu, Gabriel 等
The stainless steel properties, like a very good resistance to
corrosion factor actions and to high temperature, made these materials
suitable to be used for a wide range of application from chemical or
energetic to the alimentary or health industries. Even though, some
characteristics like the high toughness, low thermal conductibility and
cold-hardening during the cutting processing, are reducing the
workability ratio. Therefore, a disadvantage we shall mention is the low
workability of stainless steels have a (Barlier, C., 1999) but to obtain
an increase for this parameter, some alloyed materials like S and Se are
used (Shaw, 1999). The above mentioned research continues the author
concern regarding the workability of stainless steel (Ghionea, A.,
Vlase, A., Ghionea, I., 2007).
In Table 1 are presented some chemical characteristics of the steel
13H11N2V2MFS and the most important mechanical characteristics are shown
in Table 2. Other information about the elaboration by casting, thermal
treatments, mechanical characteristics, metallographic study is
available in standards (STAS 3583-87, DIN EN 10988, NF EN 10027). The
determinations and measurements were made according to some experimental
conditions. Thus, the following elements of the technological system
have been used:
* the semi-products used for experimental determinations are
obtained by casting under the shape of bar;
* the high-speed steel cutter is suitable for stainless steel that
have high plasticity and low hardness properties;
* the cooling and lubricating fluid: P 20% emulsion environment
improves the cutting processing;
* machine tool: turning machine, SNA 500 type, 24 speed steps
([D.sub.nc]: 16...1600 rpm), 21 feed steps ([d.sub.fL]: 0.028...5
mm/rot), motor drive power PME = 7.5 kW;
* turning tool STAS 350-82 from Rp5 STAS 7382-88, 6-5-2;
* for cutting: UAS-200 machine with special cutting device.
The method of parametric analysis was applied and the experimental
data established were processed mathematically (Parakkal, G. & al.,
2002), (Spur, G. & Stoferle T., 1979). In order to establish a
suitable relation of assessment for the tool cutting edge wear on the
side face, it is taken into consideration the relation from (Vlase, A.,
1973), under the form:
VB = [C.sub.VB] x [d.sup.x.sub.L] x [f.sub.L.sup.y] x
[v.sub.c.sup.z] x [[tau].sup.w] x [mm] (1)
where: [d.sub.L] is the depth of cut, in mm, VB--wear dimension, in
mm; [f.sub.L]--feed, mm/rev, [v.sub.c]--technological cutting speed in
m/min; t--working time, in min.; x, y, z and w--polytrophic exponents,
CVB--the constant which depends on the piece's material and of the
cutting tool.
The relation (1) becomes linear if we apply the logarithm function,
as follows:
lg VB = lg [C.sub.VB] + x lg [d.sub.L] + y lg [f.sub.L] + z lg
[v.sub.c] + w lg [tau] (2)
In equation (2) they were introduced five sets of values chosen
among a greater number of data experimentally established and presented
in Table 3.
The following restrictions were imposed: [d.sub.L] = 0.25...0.50 mm
and [f.sub.L] [less than or equal to] 0.2 mm/rev.
In the Figure 1 is presented the equipment and the testing
instruments used for measure the parameters (Vlase, I., 2001). The wear
is measured using a microscope and the dimension is shown at different
moments of wears expanding. Some other processes have been made by the
preliminary determinations with [f.sub.ax] > 0.25 mm/rot.
In this last case the percent of the cutting edges' breaking
was high.
Having the relation (2) and the data from the table 3 it can be
formed a five equation system, where CVB, x, y, z and w are the
Then, we have determined the numerical values for the five
unknowns: [C.sub.VB] = 1.74 x [10.sup.-8], x = 0.91, y = 1.2 and z =
3.92, w = 0.89.
From the relation (2) results the formula of the wear for the
13H11N2V2MFS steel as a regression function, as shown:
VB=1.74 x [10.sup.-8] x [d.sub.L.sup.0.91] x [f.sub.L.sup.1.2] x
[v.sub.c.sup.3.92] x [[tau].sup.0.89] x [mm] (4)
In the stainless steel turning process it is recommended the
admissible cutting edge tool wear in a range of 0.5 to 0.7 mm. At the
limit condition of VB=0.7, the cutting speed formula is:
[v.sub.c] = 87.08/[T.sup.0.227] x [d.sub.L.sup.0.232] x
[f.sub.L.sup.0.306] x [m/min] (5)
Relations (4) and (5) are used to determinate the calculus
relations of the technological cutting speeds for different values of
the admissible wear VB, in mm. The parameter t is replaced with the tool
life, in minutes.
Based on the relations (4) and (5) there can be represented the
variation curves of VB and [v.sub.c] parameters considering [D.sub.t],
[f.sub.L] or [tau]. In Figure 2 are shown the graphical representations
of the wear VB variation diagrams with the most important parameters D,
and [v.sub.c]. The resulting chips are discontinuous. Also, a superior
value of the cutting depth or speed causes an increase of the wear
dimension, so the range shall be avoided.
Based on the proposed equation (5) we represent in the figure 3 the
graphical representation of the speed [v.sub.c] variation diagrams with
the parameters [d.sub.L] and [f.sub.L].
From these graphics we can observe that as the cutting depth
[d.sub.L] or feed [f.sub.L] is increasing, the cutting speed will
decrease; therefore, a lower speed is helpful to improve the quality of
The objective of this paper consist in the establishing of two
regression functions for the analytical evaluation with experimental
data of two specific parameters for the cutting process: edge wear and
the technological speed, applied for wide use.
The model consists of two equations, (4) and (5) suitable for
13H11N2V2MFS stainless steel cutting tool wear behavior. The established
equations have the accuracy comparable with other methods that requires
a larger amount of materials and tools.
Therefore, we consider that an economic gain is obtained by using
the current model and the tool manufacturer as well as the final users
may find it very helpful in order to reduce the time for experimental
determination and to low the amount of materials or tools.
All the results obtained and above mentioned are a contribution in
order to establish the index of workability for the stainless steels and
confirm the classification of 13H11N2V2MFS stainless steel within the
class of materials with a reduced workability through cutting.
Barlier, C. & Girardin, L. (1999). Memotech. Productique,
materiaux et usinage (Memotech. Production, materials and machining),
Editions Casteilla, ISBN 2.7135.2051.7, Paris
Ghionea, A., Vlase, A. & Ghionea, I. (2007). The wear
evaluation of the cutting edge and the cutting speed in the drilling
process of some manganese steels, Proceedings of the 18th International
DAAAM Symposium, Katalinic, B., pp. 295-296, ISBN 3-901509-58-5,
Vienna,[degrees]Ctober, 2007, Published by DAAAM International, Vienna
Parakkal, G. et al. (2002). Modeling of turning process cutting
forces for grooved tools. International Journal of Machine Tools &
Manufacturing 42 (2002), 179-191
Shaw, M. C. (1984) Metal cutting principles, Clarendon Press Oxford
Spur, G. & Stoferle Th. (1979) Handbuch der Fertigungstechnik,
Band 3/1 Spanen, Carl Hanser Verlag, Munchen Wien
Vlase, A. (1973). Contributions regarding the genuine stainless
steel workability, Ph. D. Thesis, University Politehnica of Bucharest
Vlase, I. (2001). Contribution regarding the determination of the
assessment indicators concerning refractare steel workability, Ph. D.
Thesis, University Politehnica of Bucharest
Tab. 1. Chemical characteristics
C Mo Ni Cr Mn Si S P V N
0.12 2.0 2.5 11.5 0.7 0.9 0.02 0.03 0.3 0.02
Tab. 2. Mechanical characteristics
Tensile Flowing
strength Limit Elongation Hardness
[R.sub.m] [R.sup.02] [delta] HB
[N/[mm.sup.2]] [N/[mm.sup.2]] [%]
1080 788 9.2 185
Tab. 3. Experimental results
Cutting Working
No. Depth, Feed, speed, time, Wear
of [d.sub.L], [f.sub.l] [v.sub.c], [tau], VB,
det. [mm] [mm/rot] [m/min] [min] [mm]
1 0.50 0.1 108.5 8 0.354
2 0.50 0.2 105.5 8 0.729
3 0.50 0.1 163.3 8 1.759
4 0.25 0.1 101.0 8 0.142
5 0.25 0.1 99.5 12 0.193