Experimental research regarding electromagnetic field deformation.
Sindila, Gheorghe ; Ocnarescu, Constantin
The electromagnetic field deformation, as a non-conventional
process of manufacturing, enables the practical achievement of all
classical cold-working procedures. Taking into account its relatively
low efficiency (< 30%), the process applies only when the classical
cold deformation procedures do not meet certain technical and economical
requirements. Threading (fig. 1) and even assembling metallic parts with
non-metallic ones (fig.2) represent the domains that the electromagnetic
field deformation procedure is mostly applied to. In order for a good
assembling to take place, it should be performed a rigorous check of the
battery's of condensers charging degree, according to the required
level of deformation (Balaban, 1993).
This is the reason why this paper establishes the influence of the
main constructional and functional parameters (which characterize the
deformation process in electromagnetic field), upon cylindrical parts' degree of deformation. (Ciocardia &al., 1992)
The experience in applying the deformation process in
electromagnetic field emphasizes that, for the deformation of the same
material by means of the same deformation device, the main parameters
that influence the deformation degree are: the energy level charged in
the condensers battery U, the diameter of the part subject to
deformation D, the thickness of the material g, the diameter of the
coil's wire d, the total number of coil's wires N, the
clearance between the coil and the blank j. The determination of a
dependency function between the diameter of the deformed part [D.sub.f]
and the abovementioned parameters is experimentally performed by
employing the method of response surfaces:
[D.sub.f] = f (U, D, g, d, N, j) (1)
Because most of the multi-variable dependency functions (determined
practically by means of different experimental methods) are found in a
polytrophic form, , we propose the following dependency function
(Sindila & al., 2003):
Choosing the domains where the parameters vary is performed
according to their frequency of appearance in experimental research
studies, the technological limitations of the material, the
constructional characteristics of the experimental device, etc. Thus,
relation (2) leads to:
ln [D.sub.f] = ln [a.sub.0] + [a.sub.1] x ln U + [a.sub.2] x ln N +
+ [a.sub.3] x ln d + [a.sub.4] x ln D + [a.sub.5] x ln j +
[a.sub.6] x ln g (3)
In order to simplify the computations, the parameters' values
were established in geometrical progression and were encrypted in
accordance with those displayed in tabel 1. There were manufactured
tool-coils and tubular parts whose diameters, respectively thickness of
material, have values according to those stated in table 1.
There were also observed the values of the charging tension of the
condensers battery as well as the values of the clearance between the
tool-coil and the tubular part (Mihail, 1976).
Employing the established methodology for an entire eXperimental
factorial program with central points, there were performed 16 different
experiments and 4 within the centre of the experiment, as a result of
which there were determined the [a.sub.ir] values of the parameters
under study (Sindila, 1976).
The experiments were run on a DEMARO-type installation of
deformation in electromagnetic field, employing the set of coils
displayed in fig.3 and tubular parts made of aluminium alloys (fig.4).
The analysis of the experimentally-obtained values revealed the
model's adequacy and enabled the determination of the independent
variables' significance, as well as the importance of
reliance/trust intervals, statistic errors and the required dependency
function. It was concluded that not all the variables under study (such
as the number of wires and the clearance between the coil and the part)
have an important significance on the deformation and thus, they were
dropped out (table 2).
The statistical errors lower than 5% emphasize the fact that the
theoretical results and the practical ones (obtained in a real case of
deformation) are conveniently close.
Replacing the values thus determined in relation 2, it was
established the computation formula of the deformed part's
diameter, taking into account only the significant parameters:
Independent variable Fisher function Meaning
Coefficient [a.sub.0] 46376,45 >> 1 significant
Tension, U 1,53 > 1 significant
No. of wires, N 0,00 insignificant
Conductor's diameter, D 4,40 >1 significant
Coil's wire diameter, d 316,21 >1 significant
Clearance, j 0,64 < 1 insignificant
[D.sub.f] = 0,345 x [U.sup.0,130] x [D.sup.1,018]/[d.sup.0,113] x
[g.sup.0,091] (4)
In order to determine the energy level charged in the condensers
battery needed to obtain a certain diameter [D.sub.f] of the deformed
final part, it's recommended to use the following relation:
U = 3582 x [D.sup.7,692].sub.f] x [d.sup.0,869] x
[g.sup.0,699]/[D.sup.7,83] (5)
The specialty literature offers, in general, few data regarding the
deformation process in electromagnetic field and the main parameters
that are involved in the process. The data derived from the experimental
method offer the opportunity of estimating the way the main
constructional (D, d, n, U) and functional (j) parameters influence the
degree of deformation of cylindrical aluminium parts under the bloating process in electromagnetic field. The energy level charged in the
condensers battery in order to obtain a certain diameter of the deformed
part, can also be estimated. The same methodology can be extended as
well to parts made of different materials. The graphic representation of
the experimentally-obtained relations enables, in practical situations,
the rapid determination of the way in which the parameters under
consideration influence the purpose function.
Balaban, C.--Strategia experimentarii si analiza datelor
experimentale, E.A.R. Bucuresti, 1993.
Ciocardia, C., Draganescu, Fl ., Sindila, Gh., Carp C ., Parvu C
.--Tehnologiapresarii la rece, E. D. P., Bucuresti , 1992.
Mihail, R.--Introducere in strategia experimentarii, cu aplicafii
din tehnologia chimica, E.S.E., Bucuresti, 1976.
Sindila, Gh.-Cercetari teoretice si experimentale privind
deformarea plastica in camp electromagnetic. Teza de doctorat.
Bucuresti, 1985.
Sindila Gh., Rohan R., Sindila G.--Deformation of metals in
electromagnetic field. Proceedings. International conference on
manufacturing science and education challenges of the European
integration. 6-7 Nov., 2003, Sibiu.
Table 1
Encrypted level values
Natural variables Encrypted -1 0 +1
Natural level values
Tension, U [V] [x.sub.1] 4000 4475 5000
No. of wires, N [x.sub.2] 5 8 13
Coil's wire diameter, [x.sub.3] 1,1 1,6 2,3
d [mm]
Conductor's [x.sub.4] 30 40 60
D [mm]
Clearance, j [mm] [x.sub.5] 0,7 1,0 1,5
Material's thickness, [x.sub.6] 0,5 0,7 1,0
g [mm]