Issues regarding digital signature infrastructure and digital certificate management.
Robu, Raul ; Filip, Ioan
The high performances reached by the information technology during
the last years and its decreasing costs made it possible to present,
manipulate and archive documents more and more in an electronic format.
In this context, an essential role is played by the digital signature,
the instrument through which the content of an electronic document and
its issuer are authenticated in an almost infallible manner.
The digital signature is implemented using cryptographic methods
based on two keys: a private key and a public key (Diffie & Hellman,
1976). The base principle of these methods is: a hash function--such as
MD5, SHA1 (NIST, 1995), SHA2 (NIST, 2002)--is applied on document, in
order to extract from the document a binary code, known as hash value (we note it H1), representing essential data. The hash value is
encrypted (Rivest et al., 1978) with the private key of the signer,
obtaining a cryptogram which represents it self the signature and which
is attached to the original document. Signature validation procedure is
achieved by extracting the hash value from the signed document (we note
it H2), decrypting the cryptogram which is attached to it by using the
public key, in order to obtain the initial hash value (H1). If the two
hash values are identical (H1 and H2), the signature is valid.
The required infrastructure to implement a digital signature system
mainly consists from: digital certificates, server certificates,
certification authorities (CA), facilities for the certificate
2.1 Digital certificates
The digital certificate represents a collection of data in
electronic format which confirm the connection between the validation
data of the digital signature and a person, authenticating the identity
of that person (Romanian Parliament, 2001). The most important data
contained by a digital certificate are: public key, the name and the
signature of the certification authority that issued the certificate,
the holder's name, the cryptographic algorithm and the hash
function used.
The most widely used digital certificate is the one with the number
X.509, standardized ISO/IEC/ITU--version 3 (figure 1).
A system based on public key certificates also involves the
existence of a Certification Authority, which releases certificates for
a certain group of a key pair's owners (public and private). Each
certificate contains the value of the public key and information that
identifies in a unique mode the subject of the certificate (which can be
a person, an application, a device or another entity which has the
private key corresponding to the public key integrated in the
certificate). The certificate represents a connection, impossible to
fake, between a public key and a certain attribute of its possessor. The
certificate is digitally signed by a Certification Authority, which
confirms the identity of the subject. Once the certification
infrastructure is established, a user of that public keys'
infrastructure can obtain a public key for any of the users certified by
that Certification Authority, simply by obtaining the certificate for
that user and extracting the required public key (Patriciu et al.,
2.2 Certificate servers
A certificate server, also known as a Cert-server or a Key-server,
is in fact a database which allows the users to search or generate
digital certificates. A Cert-server usually provides some administrative
components which allow certification companies to maintain the security
policies--for example, to permit storage only for the keys that fulfill
certain conditions.
The most well known certificate servers are (Patriciu et al.,
* Netscape Certificate Server: interoperates only between Netscape
* Microsoft Certificate Server (IIS): interoperates between
Netscape clients, as well as Entrust clients.
* Entrust Web/AC Server: permits SSL, S/MIME certificates to be
released and published as well as the signing of objects for Netscape
Enterprise Server, for MS IIS and Apache Stronghold servers.
2.3 Certification authorities
Because it is not practical for all the users in the world to trust
a single organization or company concerning their secret communications,
there are more Certification Authorities. They mutually detain
certificates--not necessarily each one to the other one-, with the help
of which an user having a certificate released by a certain
authority--such as CA1--may obtain the public key of an user possessing
a certificate released by another authority--such as CA3, for example -.
Therefore, a so called certification chain or path is constituted -see
figure 2-, in which, at the present time, all the great systems that
distribute public keys are registered in.
A credible certification authority which does not have a digital
certificate issued by another certification authority stands at the
highest level of the previously mentioned hierarchy. The public key
released by such a certification authority must be recognized in an
independent manner, i.e. published on a large scale (DigiSign, 2006).
For example, in Romania, there are two certification authorities,
DigiSign and e-Sign both headquartered in Bucharest. These companies are
certified by ADACOM, and VERISIGN is the root of this certification
tree. A certificate released by the e-Sign company is presented in
figure 3.
The certification authorities usually have a secure site that
allows the management of certificates. The management of digital
certificates comprises (DigiSign, 2007):
a) Registration in order to obtain a digital certificate:
A person who buys a digital signature from a certification
authority receives a cryptographic secure device (like e-token or smart
card). Any use of the secure device involves entering the pin code. At
three wrong introductions of the pin code, the device locks and can be
unlocked by entering the puk code.
In order to obtain a digital certificate, one has to register on a
secure page of the certification authority's website. Before
registration, the future signatory must send certain documents to the
certification authority. These documents consist of copies of personal
identification documents, as well as a statement certified by the public
notary through which one declares on his own risk that he learned about
the legal provisions regarding the digital signature. The next step
involves the installation of secured device drivers. Once these steps
are taken, the registration process can be carried out only using the
cryptographic device connected to the computer. The person fills in the
form in which he enters personal data. Some of these personal data, such
as one's name, email address, workplace, phone number, will appear
in the certificate. The future signatory must also enter a password,
which is needed in case of the certificate's revocation.
b) Receiving the certificate: Within 24 hours of the registration
time, the administrator of the application who manages the certificates
verifies the accuracy of the registration data, comparing them with the
ones contained in the papers sent by the person. In case the
registration data are valid, the administrator sends to the applicant,
an email which contains a link and a password that the applicant can use
to download the certificate. The applicant must introduce the
cryptographic device in the computer and then he can download the
certificate on the secure device. After this operation, the applicant
can digitally sign any document.
c) Searching the certificates: all digital certificates generated
by certification authorities are public and accessible to everyone. The
confidentiality of a document or email message can be assured by
encrypting the email message or document with the recipient's
public key. This way only the recipient can decrypt the email or
document with his private key located on his secure device. That is why
certification authorities offer the opportunity to search and download
any certificate generated by them, to anyone who is interested.
d) Renewal of the certificate: digital certificates have a period
of validity of one year. They must be renewed annually, the expired
certificates having no legal power.
e) Revocation of the certificate: if a person has lost possession
of the secured device and believes that the pin code necessary in order
to be able to sign is compromised, he may revoke the certificate. The
digital signature done with a revoked certificate no longer has any
legal value.
Digital signature offers many advantages and can be used in a wide
range of applications, being able to substitute physical signature in
any domain.
This technology assures important time reductions, allowing the
achievement of remote transactions between individuals and / or
institutions and eliminates paper work.
The authors offer in this paper a systematic presentation of the
infrastructure of the digital signature and of the management of digital
certificates, founded on their practical experience in implementing
digital signature in hospitals and territorial work inspectorates from
several counties of Romania.
Diffie, W. & Hellman, M. (1976). New directions in
cryptography, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 22 (Nov.
1976), pp. 644-654, ISSN 0018-9448
DigiSign (2006). The trust chain, Available from:
qualified-certificates/lant.html, Accesses: 2008-06-14
DigiSign (2007). Registration, Searching, Renewal and Revocation of
certificates, The homepage of Center of Digital Certification, Available
from: https://ca-services.,
Accessed: 2008-06-15
NIST--National Institute of Standards and Technology (1995).
Announcing the Secure Hash Standard, FIPS 180-1 (1995)
NIST--National Institute of Standards and Technology (2002).
Announcing the Secure Hash Standard, FIPS 180-2 (2002)
Patriciu, V.V.; Ene-Pietrosanu, M.; Bica, I.; Vaduva, C. &
Voicu, N. (2001). Security of electronic commerce, Bic All, ISBN 973-571-325-X, Romania
Rivest, R.; Shamir, A. & Adleman, L. (1978). A method for
obtaining digital signatures and public key cryptosystems,
Communications of the ACM, Vol. 21 (Feb. 1978), pp. 120-126, ISSN
Romanian Parliament (2001). Law nr. 455 about digital signature,
Official Gazette of Romania, No. 429 (Jul. 2001), Available from: &lege=3, Accessed: