Job satisfaction and job motivation of Romanian young professors.
Mazilescu, Crisanta Alina ; Mihartescu, Ana Andreea ; Popescu-Mitroi, Maria Monica 等
Job satisfaction has become one of the most important and
researched aspects of organizational psychology. The need to make labor
more efficient has contributed to increasing the appreciation of the
human factor within organizations, which led to an increase of interest
in job satisfaction.
Starting with this perception of social reality, research has
focused on the problems related to the job motivation and satisfaction
of the professors in the pre-university and university educational
The theories and the models regarding work satisfaction have
highlighted four of its essential determiners (personality, values, work
situation, social influence) and many other specific determinants. The
values reflect the convictions of a person regarding the results of
his/her work.
The research on Hackman and Oldham's model (1976, 1980)
supports the hypothesis of the connection between the job
characteristics and the work results. Kim, Price, Mueller and Watson
(1996), and Pearson and Chong in 1997 have proven there is a link
between job characteristics and work satisfaction, but the causal connection is not totally clarified. It is believed that between the two
aspects there is an indirect (mediated) relation.
In what regards the extrinsic conditions, studies show that the
wage is a predictor of work commitment (and of the intention to leave
(Lum, Kervin, Clark, Reid and Sirola, 1998).
Work satisfaction and the effort made are predictors of
occupational stress, of professional performance, and of the tendency to
leave the organization (Jamal & Cooper, 1999).
The studies mentioned, on the precedents and consequences of work
motivation and on its implication at the individual and organizational
level highlight the present nature of the issue within scientific
The research objectives:
1. to determine the motivating potential of the job position as
professor (pre-university and university assistant);
2. to identify the factors that influence the professional
satisfaction of young professors;
3. to identify the connection between the motivation potential of
the job position as a professor and the work satisfaction of professors
in the university and pre-university educational system.
4. to identify the differences between the professional
satisfaction of professors in the university educational system and
those in the pre-university educational system.
2.1. Subjects
For the investigations proposed, we have used two groups of
subjects. The first one was made of 30 persons (20 male and 10 female),
professors (university tutors and assistants) in the polytechnic
university educational system of Timisoara (Romania), with seniority
between 1-5 years. The average age was 27.5 years, with a minimum age of
24 years and a maximum of 33 years.
The second group was made of 30 subjects, technical subject
professors in the pre-university educational system, with an average age
of 29 years.
Both groups of subjects have been selected by using simple random
sampling, by drawing lots.
2.2. Instruments
In order to study the relation between the motivating potential of
the job and work satisfaction (together with its components), we have
used the following assessment instruments:
J.D.S (Job Diagnostic Survey). This scale has been elaborated by
Hackman and Oldham who wanted to measure the workers' perception of
the job, reported to each of its basic dimensions. The scale (in its
reduced variant) has 15 items and is used to measure the following 5
dimensions: variety of aptitudes, task identity, task meaning, autonomy,
JDI (Job Descriptive Index) and JIG (Job in General) JDI is a
questionnaire elaborated by P.C. Smith, Kendall and Hulin (1969) and
adapted to the Romanian population by H. Pitariu (1994), which measures
work satisfaction by means of 5 of his facades: the work itself,
relationship with the boss, wage, promotion, and relationship with work
colleagues. In 1985 another JIG scale was added, regarding the job in
In order to calculate the motivating potential of the job as a
professor, we have started from the following formula, indicated by the
authors of the JDS scale: MPS equals the average of the first three
characteristics (skills variety--S.V, task identity--T.I., task
significance - T.S.) multiplied by autonomy--A and feedback--Fb:
MPS = [(S.V.+T.I.+T.S.)/3] x A x Fb (1)
The average of the JDS answers and the values of the motivating
potential of the job for the two groups of subjects (by university and
pre-university educational system) are listed in table 1.
By analyzing the average values of the job characteristics we
notice that their hierarchy is similar for both groups taking part in
the study, and the values of the same characteristics of the job do not
differ significantly in the pre-university environment from the
university one. In what regards the hierarchy of the job
characteristics, the differences between the most appreciated
characteristic (task variety) and the least appreciated one (task
identity), are also insignificant ([chi square] = 2.37)
The theoretical values of MPS may vary between 1 and 343. In
comparison with the average of the theoretical values of MPS (m=172), we
notice that the MPS specific to the professor job position (technical
subjects) in the pre-university and university educational environment,
is below the theoretical MPS average.
In what regards the job satisfaction, Smith, Kendal and Hulin have
taken into consideration five aspects: the works itself, relationship
with the superior, wage, promotion possibility and relationship with the
colleagues. Starting from the maximum theoretical score for each JDI
scale (54) and taking into account the average (27) as being the basic
satisfaction, we can say that the scores below 13.5 indicate a strong
dissatisfaction, the scores below 27 but over 13.5 are representative
for a moderate dissatisfaction, and those below 40.5 represent a
moderate satisfaction, and those over 40.5 show a strong satisfaction.
Table 2 shows the values of the five aspects studied both in the
university and pre-university educational system.
By analyzing the data we notice that the satisfaction of the job in
general has the highest values, the job as a professor being considered
very satisfactory by both groups of professors. Except for one
difference, (the satisfaction of the possibility of being promoted) the
differences between the university and the pre-university environment
are insignificant.
In what regards promotion, the university assistants are more
satisfied by the perspective of having access to a university hierarchy
than the young professors in the pre-university educational system, the
differences between the two groups being statistically significant ([chi
square] = 5.45; p < 0.05).
For the entire group of professors taking part in the survey
(N=60), the wage is the factor indicating a strong dissatisfaction,
while for the professors in the pre-university environment, the lack of
promotion possibility is the second dissatisfactory factor. Otherwise,
the factors taken into account are considered moderately or very
By studying the correlations between the motivation potential of
the job as a professor and the satisfaction given by work itself and by
the job as a professor in general, we elaborated table 3 - significant
correlations from the statistical point of view and the thresholds of
significance corresponding to these correlations.
This research aims, mainly, at identifying the work characteristics
with a high motivating potential and which influence the job
satisfaction of young professors in the Romanian pre-university and
university educational system.
In conclusion, for young professors, "task variety" is
the most valuated characteristic of the job and it refers to the
multitude of tasks entailed by a professor's activity: designing
didactic activities, transferring knowledge, management of a
pupils/students group, assessing competences, research activities,
project elaboration etc. For the group studied, the motivating score of
the job as a professor is below the theoretical averages.
In what regards the connection between MPS and the job satisfaction
felt by the group of professors taking part in this study, we notice a
difference between the university and high school professors. While for
the young university professors the MPS is correlated with the
satisfaction of work itself and the satisfaction of the job as a
professor in general, for the high school professors, neither one of
these correlations are significant.
In what regards the factors influencing the job satisfaction of the
professors, we list, according to their importance: "the work
itself", "the relationship with the superior" and
"the relationship with the colleagues", and for the university
assistants "the possibility to be promoted" as well. The wage
is the factor that produces the strongest dissatisfaction, both for high
school professors, as well as for the university assistants.
This study may be continued and completed with a study of
job's stressors and the results of both may set the foundation of a
program regarding the increase of attractiveness of the job as a
professor in Romania, thus putting to good use the information regarding
professional motivation and satisfaction of young professors. Being part
of the poor countries which contribute to the forming of the elite in
the rich countries can only draw our attention to the importance we
should grant to the needs of young people, in general, and their
professional needs in particular.
Hackman, J.R. & Oldham, G.R. (1976). Motivation through the
design of work: Test of a theory, Organisational Behavior and Human
Performance, 16, 250-279
Hackman, J.R. & Oldham, G.R. (1980). Work Redesign, Reading,
MA: Addison Wesley, 8, 121-124
Jamal, M. & Cooper, C.L. (1999). Job Stress, Type-A Behavior,
and Well-Being: A Cross-Cultural Examination in International Journal of
Stress Management, 6, 57-67
Kim, S.W.; Price, J.L.; Mueller, C.W & Watson, T.W. (1996). The
determinants of career intent, Human Relations, 49, 947-976
Lum L.; Kervin J.; Clark K.; Reid F. & Sirola, W. (1998).
Explaining nurse turnover intent: job satisfaction, pay satisfaction or
organisational commitment, Journal of Organisational Behavior, 19,
Pearson, C.A.L, Chong, J. (1997). Contributions of job content and
social information on organizational commitment and job satisfaction,
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology Vol. 70, nr 4,
Tab. 1. The average values of the characteristics of a professor
job position of technical subjects (university and pre-university
educational system)
Educational skills task task
systems variety identity significance
pre-university 5,32 4,55 4,73
university 6,30 4,31 4,91
Educational Auto nomie Feed back MPS
pre-university 5,24 5,24 131,5
university 5,54 5,55 157,7
Tab. 2. Comparative presentation of the factors involved in
assessing professional satisfaction within JIG and JDI scales
Educational Work Wage Promotion Superior
pre-university 42,03 7,67 19,33 38,80
university 39,80 7,86 36,83 37,17
Educational Collegues Job in
systems general
pre-university 37,53 41,67
university 33,93 41,07
Tab. 3. Correlations between MPS (university and/or pre-
university) and the satisfaction given by job itself and by job in
MPS Work Job in general
pre-university r = .445 p=0.05 r = .422 p=0.05
university n.s. n.s.
MPS r = .293 p=0.05 n.s.