Laser welding automation.
Popa, Marcel ; Precup, Mircea ; Contiu, Glad 等
The goal of the team was the automation of the HL54P laser device
for the overlap welding, in the case of non-CNC (Computer Numerical
Control) machine or in the case of missing CAD (Computer Aided Design)
file and CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) software for CNC programming. In our case the laser device had the laser beam generator,
the processing optics and optical cable. The optical cable guides the
laser light from the laser device to the processing optics which focuses
the laser light onto the surface of the work piece.
The HL54P was obtained after an international collaboration program
with University of Stuttgart. It is a solid-state laser with an Nd: YAG rod (Neodymium-doped Yttrium Aluminium Granat).
The advantages of laser beam machining compared to other methods
are: greater precision, increasing work speed, allowing the point-like
processing of the piece - this is a process that does not imply touching
the piece with an instrument (beam) (Hugel, 1992).
The use of this procedure reduces the heating of the working area
because the energy is introduced faster and on a small surface. This
way, large power densities can be reached. Other advantages are
flexibility and accessibility (Popa, 2005).
Nd:YAG lasers emit light in the near infrared range, at a
wavelength of 1.06[micro]m. This means that the light emitted by Nd:YAG
lasers is almost in the visible range (Koechner, 2006).
The laser light of an Nd: YAG laser can be routed through glass
optics and optical fibbers.
The positioning system has the following configuration: two axes
for moving the working table in xOy plane and one axis for moving the
processing optics Oz axis in order to focus the laser beam on the work
The precision of the positioning system depends on the accuracy of
the axis. In our case we use DGE -25-200-SP for the Oz axis and two
DMES-25-200 for the positioning in the xOy plane.
The repeatability of the focusing axis, Oz, is 0.02 mm and for the
other axes, Ox and Oy is 0.05 mm. The stepping motor, MTR-ST-57-48S, has
the full step angle of 1.8[degrees] with a 5% maximum error. It is
possible to supply two coils simultaneously with different current
share. The result is a 1/2, 1/4, 1/5, 1/8, 1/10, 1/32 of a step,
depending on the current share. These allow considerable refinement in
the maximum resolution of positions to which a stepping motor can run.
The smallest incremental path (resolution) on a positioning axis is
determined by the motor's step angle (number of steps per
revolution) and the feed constant of the positioning axis (determined by
the diameter of the input pinion or the slope of the spindle).
This can be calculated as follow:
[n.sub.x] = 360[degrees]/[[alpha].sub.s] (1)
[d.sub.r] = [d.sub.f] x i/[n.sub.s] (2)
In the equations above [n.sub.s] represents number of steps per
revolution, cts motor angle, [d.sub.r] resolution, [d.sub.f] feed
constant of the axis, i gear multiplication.
For the axis of the work table, in case of the full step, the
resolution is 0.012 mm per step and for the focusing axis is a 0.05 mm
resolution per step. From this point the position of the work piece can
be calculated. Some error can occur if the stepping motors lose steps.
This happens only when the load exceeds the maxim load on the axis.
The connection between positioning system and laser device was made
by programming an Atmel microcontroller (Atmel ATMEGA8535). For
machining was necessary to control the laser device at the same time
with the positioning system. With the help of the PC interface made in
Delphi software was possible to synchronize the laser device and the
positioning system for machining. The laser pulses were generated when
the work piece was in the processing position.
For path identification we used the monitoring system of laser
optics and an adapted web camera. The web camera had a manual focus
which allows calibrating the focus distance to 182mm. After this
calibration the working distance can be adjusted by moving the optics on
the Oz axis.
For material processing the laser beam has to be focused to the
necessary power density. A convex lens is used for this.
A collimation unit is used to focus the laser beam onto the work
piece. The collimation lens converts this beam into a parallel beam. A
mirror is inserted into the beam guidance to monitor and adjust the work
piece. The mirror allows the transmission light having the wavelength of
the laser beam. It reflects visible light which comes from the work
piece through the lens into the beam guidance.
Most of the existing path following solutions performs complex
analysis on the images of the path using curve matching or Kalman
filters (Ma et al., 1999). These methods produce accurate information
about the curvature of the path and allow a positioning system,
typically moving at slow speed, to accurately drive the path. However
these methods require a relatively large amount of processor time and
often require considerable modification if the position of the camera is
The colour image proved too difficult to work with. Fortunately
with the PC interface provides an efficient routine to convert the
24-bit colour image to a 8-bit grey scale. A threshold, chosen to select
the maximum amount of track and a minimum amount of the surroundings, is
then applied to the grey scale image to produce a black and white image
that is further processed. We extract two pieces of information from the
image: the position of the path, offset from the centre of the image,
and the gradient of the path.
Rather than processing the entire region, which would require too
much computing time, only the outer edges of the processing region are
checked to locate the path.
These edges are offset from the edges of the image due to the
presence of a one pixel black border and the presence of noise caused by
synchronisation problems if we use the 30 frames per second camera
The point P1 is tested at first, across the lower edge, then up the
left edge and finally up the right. If P1 does not exist the track will
be assumed to be absent. Point P2 is located by checking the top edge,
then the left and right edges. If P1 is found on one of the side edges,
that edge will not be checked for P2. The positions of P1 and P2 are
computed by taking the average position of the white pixels on the edge.
One result of this is that if two parallel lines are present P1 and P2
will be between the lines, which would allow the positioning system to
perform simple autonomous road driving if the field of view from the
camera is wide enough. The line between P1 and P2 gives the trend of the
path in the region of interest.
The offset of the path is computed by averaging the differences
between the horizontal positions of P1 and P2 and normalising the result
so that it is positioned between -1, for the left-hand side of the
image, and 1, for the right hand side.
The gradient is computed and then scaled so that a gradient of zero
indicates a vertical line (in the image), a negative gradient indicating
that the line slopes to the left and a positive gradient indicating a
slope to the right. A horizontal line is represented by a gradient of 1
(the maximum positive gradient) as there is no way of knowing which
direction it is leaning in.
With the processing path obtained we can start the welding process
by setting the laser parameters. The laser parameters are specific for
different types of material, in our case metal sheets.
With this method the team proposes the optimisation of the welding
process by decreasing the process time. This can be obtained by
automatically identifying the working zone, with a minimal intervention
from the operator. Certain issues need further research: false edge,
discontinued edge, the overlap of the paths for the proximate edges,
start and end points. [paragraph]
5. REFERENCES [paragraph]
Hugel, H. (1992). Strahlwerkzeug Laser (Laser Beam Tool) Teubner
Verlag, ISBN 3-519-06134-1, Stuttgart
Koechner, W. (2006), Solid-State Laser Engineering, Springer
Science and Business Media, Inc., e-ISBN: 0-387-29338-8
Ma, Y., Kosecka, J. and Sastry, S. (1999). Vision Guided Navigation
for a Nonholonomic Mobile Robot, IEEE Transactions on Robotics and
Automation, vol. 15, no. 3, (june 1999) page numbers (521-536), ISSN:
Popa, M. S. (2005). Tehnologii si masini neconventionale, pentru
mecanicd find si mecatronicd (Unconventional Technologies and machines
for Fine Mechanics and Mechatronics), U.T. Pres, ISBN 973-662-148-0,
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Trumpf Laser (2005). LCB Laser Devices. Basic Training, Trumpf
Laser GmbH+Co.KG, Germany