Model for determining the entrepreneurial profile.
Izvercianu, Monica ; Pugna, Adrian ; Negru-Strauti, Gabriela 等
The study presented below is part of a larger analysis of the
entrepreneurial phenomenon in Romania, a study that is to be carried on
by contract no. 91-069/14.10.2007, Excellence Research Partnership for
Development of Entrepreneurial Aptitudes and of Competitive Human
Capital inside the Economy and the Society Based on Knowledge and
Innovation. Currently, the entrepreneurship has a bigger impact then
ever in the past 100 years. Recent studies shows that entrepreneurship
became a significant "way of life", a career for many, more
than 4% of adults trying to start a business. Thus, Entrepreneur's
role, considering the Entrepreneur as a person characterized by a high
degree involvement in introducing novelty or innovating the present, is
increasingly becoming important in countries which currently are in
transition period to free economy and free market (Chell, 2001),(Vaduva,
The study has in view determining some specific characteristics to
Romanian Entrepreneurs from 5 West Region. Thus, in order to draw up the
Entrepreneur's profile, first were identified the factors which
influences the decision to be, or to became, his own employee. The
differences in earning regarding being your own employee or being some
other's employee, have a central position (Izvercian, 2002). Also,
it was utilized a large set of variables in order to describe the
factors which influences the efficiency of these two situations, their
relative risk, against the individual's preferences and abilities
(Douglas, 2002).
The survey has been done based on a questionnaire submitted to
enterprisers-managers. The survey--from designing point of
view--represented a hybrid between a stratified random sampling with
unequal probabilities and a controlled semi-random sampling--aspect
which was imposed by organizational motives taking in account
restrictions and objective limitations of this kind of research. The
sample can be considered representative, not necessarily by size, but
rather by afterwards procedures of stratifying amelioration and by
successive characteristics recalibrations (by main activity CANE
code--and by number of employee).
The research used a regional database and had as dependent
variables, transition to self-employment and sometimes longevity in
business. The typical descriptive variables category includes: age,
gender, education, earning, owned capital, previous professional
experience, marital status and cultural system from which Entrepreneurs
emerged. The study sample has been chosen out of 1321 subjects that have
been mailed, out of which only 122 (9.235%) from all of them answered,
the sample being as a randomly chosen sample.
Taking in account the firm's dimensions, one can see that
micro-enterprises prevail, representing 52.28% from the total
investigated firms, followed by small-enterprises representing 32.74%
and medium-enterprises representing 14.98%. From juridical form point o
view, the most often set up firms are the ones with Limited status,
representing 94.5% from total SMEs established, following the tendency
recorded on national level, where 92.15% are of Limited type. Due to the
array of characteristics analyzed through the survey, the sample size
was established on first instance based on linear characteristic, in
unrepeatable variant (Isaic-Maniu, 2004):
n [congruent to] N x [z.sup.2.sub.1-p] x [[sigma].sup.2.sub.b]/N x
[[delta].sup.2.] + [z.sup.2.sub.1-p] x [[sigma].sup.2.sub.b] (1)
where [z.sub.1-p] are Laplace's variable values, for a
probability [alpha] = 1 - p, where [alpha] is the significance level, in
our case [alpha] = 0.001 (p = 99.9%), and therefore [z.sub.0.001] =
3.09; [[sigma],sup.2.sub.b]--is the binary characteristic's
variance, that is [[alpha].sup.2.sub.b] = [alpha] x (1 - [alpha]). In
order to reduce statistical uncertainty, maximum variance has been
utilized, therefore the sample was designed at the worst case scenario,
that is in our case [[alpha].sup.2.sub.b] = 0.5 x (1 - 0.5) = 0.25;
[[delta].sup.2] is the probable error, established in our case at a
level of 4%. After calculation, a sample size of n = 120 units
(questionnaires) was obtained. To reduce further the uncertainty of the
research, there has been a supplementary increase of sample size by 8%,
that is approximately with 9 units (questionnaires).Finally 7
questionnaires were scrapped due to some uncorrectable errors, the
survey being performed on 122 questionnaires. The questionnaires
distribution per Counties from 5 West Region in Romania is presented in
table 1. Regarding activity branch, the firms structure from sample is
presented in table 2. Thus, the most SMEs activate in Wholesale and
retail CANE section (42.62%), Real estate transactions CANE section
(18.05%) and Manufacturing CANE section (14.75%).
The determinant factor in entrepreneurial activity is the
Entrepreneur. Hence the necessity and importance of studying the
Entrepreneurs from different point of views. Hereinafter are presented
the elements which define the profile of Romanian Entrepreneurs from 5
West Region, presented in table 3 From the total of questioned
individuals (122 Entrepreneurs), 40.25% have age between 31-40 years,
these ones having already knowledge and necessary experience in
business. 24.74% of younger individuals, between 26-30 years, are
involved in entrepreneurial activities due to their enthusiasm and
willing to take risks. Entrepreneurs with age between 41-50 years are in
proportion of 23.13%. The Entrepreneur's categories with ages over
50 years and under 25 years, are rather small (only 5.47% and only 6.41%
respectively). The average age of the questioned Entrepreneurs is 41
years and the average age on when they've start up the business is
33 years.
Another criterion, gender, shows that the most Entrepreneurs are
males (67.29%), while women are in a proportion of 32.71%.
From type of studies point of view, the vast majority of the
respondents have graduated from an University (69.32%), which can be
hypothesized as being the premise for their success in entrepreneurship
activity. From these, 69.32% have graduated from a technical university
type and 34.53% have graduated from an economical university type. The
ones specialized in IT domain represents 6.50% and 13.19% have other
specializations. From the questioned Entrepreneurs, only 35.24% have
graduated lately a managerial course, which is not surprising at all
having in view that they are not only owners but also managers, buyers,
sellers, car drivers etc, invoking this way the lack of time.
Regarding the motives for which the Enterprisers decided to develop
their own business, these are in order of importance: necessity to
develop a self-safety feeling for 58.23% of them, willingness to obtain
higher earnings for 52.76% of them and opportunity arising for 48.18% of
By correlating managerial readiness with how the firm's
results are evaluated, it was concluded that 14.35% of the individuals
which were able to take courses after graduating from university
evaluate the firm's results as being "very good" and only
9.23% from the category which wasn't able to follow this type of
courses evaluate that the firm's results are "very good".
On the one hand we can conclude that as the firm's dimension grows,
the problems which the enterprisers-managers are confronting with, also
grow and therefore they must use a more "scientific"
management and they to find time to prepare themselves in managerial
area. On the other hand this correlation can draw the conclusion that
after taking courses in managerial area, the enterprisers became more
performing, thing reflected in the dimension of the firm they own/manage
(Nicolescu, 2006).
Thus, it can be drawn up a Romanian Entrepreneur from 5 West Region
"portrait" as being a mature male, 41 years old on average,
which starts up the business at an age of approximately 33 years, with
good professional readiness (mainly technical or economical) and with a
desire of a better earning or in order to develop self-safety.
Determination in starting up and developing a new business--recognizing
the opportunities offered in the environment, combining the resources in
order to fructify the opportunities, developing a strategy to utilize
the resources in order to exploit the opportunity and structuring an
organization capable of applying that strategy--all of them having roots
in enterpriser's behaviors and decisions. Future research will
include mastering an action plan to lower entrepreneur's age and
expanding this survey on national level.
Chell, E. (2001). Entrepreneurship: globalization, innovation and
development, Thomas Learning, London
Douglas, E.J. & Shepherd, D.A. (2002). Self-employment as a
career choice: Attitudes, entrepreneurial intentions, and utility
maximization, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 26(3) p. 81-90
Isaic-Maniu Al. (2004). Statistics (in Romanian), Editura
Universitara, Bucuresti
Izvercian, M. (2002). The Human Resources Marketing (in Romanian),
Solness, Timisoara
Nicolescu, O. et al. (2006). The White Charter of SMEs from Romania
(in Romanian), Olimp, Bucuresti
Vaduva, S. (2004). The Entrepreneurship (in Romanian), Editura
Economica, Bucuresti
Romanian Statistical Yearbook (2006), Available from: ry/Anuarul%20Statistic%202006/ASR_2006_integral.pdf Enterprise Activity,
pp.600-605 Accessed: 2008-06-12
Tab. 1 Questionnaires distribution per Counties from 5 West
Region in Romania (Romanian Statistical Yearbook, 2006)
No. County Number of Percentage
answers from total
1 Arad (AR) 34 27.86
2 Caras-Severin (CS) 16 13.11
3 Hunedoara (HD) 21 17.21
4 Timis (TM) 51 41.82
Total 122 100
Tab. 2 SMEs structure from sample as per CANE sections from
5 West Region in Romania
No. CANE section No. of Percentage
answers from total
1 Manufacturing 18 14.75
2 Construction 9 7.37
3 Wholesale and retail 52 42.62
4 Hotels and restaurants 7 5.73
5 Transport, storage and 8 6.55
6 Real estate transactions 22 18.05
7 Other activities 6 4.93
Total 122 100
Tab. 3 Romanian 5 West Region Entrepreneur's characteristics
No. Parameter taken Elements of characterization
in account
1. Entrepreneur's Male enterprisers are the majority
gender (67,29%).
2. Entrepreneur's Category 31-40 years (40.25%)
age is dominant, that is mature
individuals. Average age at the
business start up is 33 years.
3. Educational level Over two-thirds (69.32 %) had
graduated from an University,
which shows a high level of
education among Entrepreneurs
4. Professional Entrepreneurs with technical
readiness readiness are dominant (45.78%).
5. Managerial Only 35.24 % of individuals from
readiness the sample had graduated a
managerial course after
completing their studies, which
shows their relatively low
managerial knowledge and
6. Business start up 58,23% of the questioned
motives individuals placed the necessity
of self-safety and family-safety
feelings on first place. Hence
there is a multidimensional