Modelling of dispersion and reflection of light on paper surface.
Elias, Paula Zitinski ; Tomasegovic, Tamara ; Modric, Damir 等
Paper is today, despite the increasing of virtual mass-media, still
one of the favorite media for information distribution. It is used in
almost all areas of work and industry. In graphic technology its optical
properties are very important, as they often identify types of paper
according to its purpose.
The motivation of this simulation was to describe and anticipate
the transport of light through a media such as paper and to see the
impact the dispersion has had on the optical dot gain. The tone
resolution and a reproduction characteristic for all graphics paper
products is significantly conditioned by the way that the way the light
scatters in a paper. The light that enters the paper between the raster
elements can be scattered in the paper in all directions, including
below raster element where it remains absorbed which causes the gray
scale becoming darker than originally required. To manufacture a paper
that successfully fulfils the needed optical properties, it is necessary
to understand the physical principles of the structure and composition
of a paper sheet. This theoretical work was performed within frame of
Monte Carlo method which describes the transport of light. This is a
numerical method for solving mathematical problems based on a random
sampling from well defined probability distributions. Starting from real
physical assumptions the subsurface light scattering in a substrate with
a complex structure was modeled (Kubelka, 1931, Emmel, 1999, Mourad,
2002). For this kind of problem, where statistics approach offer the
best insight and approximation for exact results, a method as Monte
Carlo offers a more flexible approach to the transport of photons in a
medium such as paper. Even though this model has pure stochastic nature
it makes feasible quasi experimental approach in optical dot gain
Monte Carlo method was originally designed for needs of the
studying of the interaction of elemental particles (neutrons, mesons...)
with matter, but is also used to solve problems of radiation transport
in high energetic physics, analysis of nuclear reactors, calculation of
protection from harmful radiation, in treatment of cancer cells with
radiation, etc. (Kalos (1986)). For implementation of this method a
stochastic model is constructed in which expected variable value (or
combination of variables), is equivalent to the physical value that
needs to be determined. The expected value is defined by medium value of
multiple independent samples that represent this random variable. We use
random generated numbers, which follow the prior selected natural
distribution, to construct the desired array of independent samples.
The Monte Carlo method simulations of this type are based on the
macroscopic optical properties for which it is assumed that they prevail
over small parts of the volume of paper (e.g. cellulose fibers, fillers,
adhesives, etc). (Veach (1997)).
We would like to present a typical trajectory of a single photon
and the method describes the local rules of propagation of photons.
According to well known procedure each step size between
photon--substrate interaction positions is variable and equals
-ln[xi]/([[mu].sub.a] + [[mu].sub.s]) (1)
where [xi] is a random number and [[mu].sub.a] and [[mu].sub.s] are
the absorption and scattering coefficients, respectively. Every photon
has assigned statistical weight which decrease from an initial value of
1 as it moves through the substrate, and equals [a.sup.n] after n steps,
where a is the albedo:
a = [[mu].sub.s]/[[mu].sub.a] + [[mu].sub.s] (2)
Once the photon packet has been moved the photon packet is ready to
be scattered. There will be a deflection angle, [theta] [member of] [0,
[pi]), and an azimuthal angle, [psi] [member of] [0, 2[pi]> to be
sampled statistically. The probability distribution for the cosine of
the deflection angle, cos[theta], is described by the scattering
function that Henyey and Greenstein (1941) originally proposed for
galactic scattering:
p(cos[theta]) = 1 - [g.sup.2]/2[(1 + [g.sup.2] - 2g
cos[theta]).sup.3/2] (3)
where the anisotropy, g, equals <cos[theta]> and has a value
between -1 and 1(details in Modric, 2007).
When the photon strikes the surface, a fraction of the photon
weight escapes as reflectance and the remaining weight is internally
reflected and continues to propagate. Eventually, the photon weight
drops below a threshold level and the simulation for that photon is
terminated. In this example, termination occured when the last
significant fraction of remaining photon weight escaped at the surface
at some position which differs from incoming point. To satisfy energy
conservation law we used photon packet of hundred photons.
We calculated numerous photon trajectories (104 to 106) to yield a
plausible statistical description of photon distribution in the medium.
It is to emphasize that our simulation does not consider the wave
nature of light, and that ignores values such as phase or light
polarization. Inside the paper as an extremely complex media photons
experience multiple scattering and the phase and polarization randomizes
very quickly so that initially they don't affect much the energy
In this work we've approached the problem of light scattering
in the paper in the way that describes the real situation in a more
physical way. Our simulation offers a flexible and yet rigorous approach
to the problem of transporting light in a media such as paper.
The complexity of the paper surface structure encouraged us to
improve the models with the aim of approaching a more realistic
description of the surface. In our first approximation we assumed that
our paper surface was perfectly flat and that stretches infinitely in
the X and Y plane. Above presented scattering profile is averaged
overall scattering angle distribution realized with light beam which
lighten whole paper sheet (Modric, 2007).
Fig. 2. confirms the initial idea that increasing of paper
roughness spreads distribution of scattered light due to the additional
randomization of initial direction of incoming light.
By varying parameter [[??].sub.m] we can also predict light
behavior for calendared papers or papers with some additional surface
superstructure. As it could be seen the most spread distribution is for
papers with parameter [[??].sub.m] = 53[degrees] which was presented
only for illustration because paper with such surface doesn't have
any commercial significance (Modric, 2007).
The contribution of this work is clearly connected with the demands
of an optimal reproduction and print quality. All paper components such
as mechanical and/or chemical pulp, whiteners, fillings, adhesives etc.,
affect the way the light scatters in paper as well its surface
properties. It is evident that paper appearance is not consequence
generally of its surface topography but also of its subsurface optical
The light that enters the paper between the raster elements can be
scattered in the paper in all directions, including below, where the dot
element remains absorbed which causes the gray scale becoming darker
than originally required. Starting from real physical assumptions the
undersurface light scattering in a substrate with a complex structure
was modelled.
Our model offers the possibility of "experimenting" with
various combinations of paper components to verify some ideas without
the long-lasting and expensive realizing an actual paper. Given the
combination and variation possibilities of the composition share of each
component of a paper, this model can study the optical properties of any
type of paper, including the recycled ones, where as one component
appears the particle remains of the dyes and the treated components of
previous paper.
We expect that improvement and optimization of our model will lead
to its implementation in manufacturing process. Our future efforts will
be directed to improve our model of paper (with generalization on all
substrates) and its interactions with dye, caused with various printing
techniques and dyes, and to examine potential relationships between
optical and mechanical properties of substrate. Beside paper--dye
interaction (mainly, cross-section profile of raster element) our
interest will also be focused on investigation of influence of
anisotropy factor in our model which could be important for optimization
of paper components initial mixture.
It should be pointed that we haven't include wavelength
dependence of scattered light because there are no data in literature
for scattering and absorption coefficients of every component. However,
implementation of such dependence in model is trivial.
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