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  • 标题:Monitoring the pollutants in a Romanian company producing chemical fertilizers.
  • 作者:Forgaciu, Flavia ; Oroian, Maria ; Opelsz, Helen
  • 期刊名称:Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings
  • 印刷版ISSN:1726-9679
  • 出版年度:2008
  • 期号:January
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:DAAAM International Vienna
  • 摘要:Nowadays, every act of our industrial society leads to environmental degradation, regardless of intention. Discharges from human activities must be released into the air, the water or the soil. Each of these potential reservoirs can accept a limited amount of physical, chemical or biological substances without significant deterioration. Beyond this point of assimilation, the environment can be deteriorated to the point that sustainable biological growth cannot occur (Campeanu, 2004). The quality of the environment is of a great importance for all countries, especially for the developing countries, where the losses of economic production (part of the GNP) and expenditures for the environment preservation are more strongly felt (Caracota & Caracota, 2004).
  • 关键词:Agricultural chemicals

Monitoring the pollutants in a Romanian company producing chemical fertilizers.

Forgaciu, Flavia ; Oroian, Maria ; Opelsz, Helen 等


Nowadays, every act of our industrial society leads to environmental degradation, regardless of intention. Discharges from human activities must be released into the air, the water or the soil. Each of these potential reservoirs can accept a limited amount of physical, chemical or biological substances without significant deterioration. Beyond this point of assimilation, the environment can be deteriorated to the point that sustainable biological growth cannot occur (Campeanu, 2004). The quality of the environment is of a great importance for all countries, especially for the developing countries, where the losses of economic production (part of the GNP) and expenditures for the environment preservation are more strongly felt (Caracota & Caracota, 2004).

Pollution is defined as the deterioration of the existing state. The physical effect of pollution can be biological (e.g. species change, ill-health), chemical (e.g. the effect of acid rain on lands and buildings surfaces) or auditory (noise). The pollution is a concrete phenomenon, sustainable and largely measurable. From this perspective, literature reveals a complex of pollutant factors, of causes and effects, in the fields of life and the spheres of economic activity. Moreover, pollution arising from one country can cause damage in another country. The effects of environmental pollutants are related to time as well as concentration or intensity. Time factors become increasingly important when low concentrations of pollutants do not produce bad effects until after months or years of exposure (Alley, 2006).

Romania still has an exceptional natural capital as compared to other EU countries, but the pressures to which it is exposed are enormous. Chaotic economic development and irrational exploitation of natural resources lead to a rapid increase of pressure on ecosystems. National policy of environmental protection against pollutants mainly consists in the following: introduction of appropriate technologies and techniques for the pollution detection at source, air resource management, reducing pollutant emissions by achieving the lowest levels and not exceeding the improvement of national integrated monitoring system of air, earth and water quality. Communities must consider these needs not only on short term, but on long term as well (Rojanschi et al., 2002).

After studying various publications related to the recent policies and strategies of sustainable development in Romania, we could find that in recent years, companies have given a great importance to the monitoring of environmental pollutants. The quantities and the degree of hazard pollutant emissions depend on industry level, on the state of used technologies and their performance (Gradinaru, 2001).

The purpose of this paper is to review the main water and air chemical pollutants of X Company specialized in chemical fertilizers production, in order to recognize the opportunities for eliminating, minimizing, reusing or treating these pollutants so that their negative effect on the environment will be minimized. The analytical methods applied are suitable and they offer reliable data. The study highlights the possibilities of reducing pollutants by the implementation of new technological processes and by new ways of collecting, treating and storing the wastewater which cannot be avoided or valorized.


X Company from Mures County, Romania, is a joint stock company founded in 1962. At present, it is the only chemical factory specialized in chemical fertilizers production in Romania, and the only producer of photo sensible materials in the country. The company has its headquarters and chemical platform located in the western extremity of the industrial area of Targu-Mures city at a distance of (5) km from downtown. The company totally owns and uses an area of land equal to 147 h. The company has main technological facilities and auxiliary installations, which provide the utilities needed, such as: the reception, storage, packaging and shipping of raw materials and finished products.

X Company is responsible for the emission of various substances, with different noxious effects on humans and the environment. It discharges into the atmosphere compounds based on nitrogen, ammonia, chlorine and sulphur. The polluting substances in the air are gaseous or solid, being dangerous for humans, animals and plants. The air disperses the pollutants. This dispersion further dilutes the pollutants to a downwind location. Because of this dispersion proclivity, air pollution can be international in scope. Generally, X Company is in accordance with the regulations imposed by NTPA-001/2002 regarding emissions into the air of most agents, but exceeds the limits permitted for ammonium, nitrogen dioxide and sulphur oxides. The last two oxides are responsible for the so called "acid rains" which affect land-based flora and fauna, reducing local biodiversity. Buildings suffer corrosion from acidic deposits, causing extra maintenance to be carried out. S[O.sub.x] and N[O.sub.x] are also implicated in the acceleration of certain diseases, especially respiratory diseases.

Figure (1) shows the main pollutant emissions in the atmosphere and their concentrations over the last (3) years, when a severe and more careful monitoring of the environmental agencies started.


As you can see, in 2007, the percentage of substances overcoming the amount allowed for daily average concentration (normally of 1%) was: for ammonium 6.42%, for the nitrogen oxides 6,09% and for oxides of sulphur 3.42%, thus obtaining the highest values as compared to the previous years. To remedy this problem, the company plans a series of investment and modernization works that will be performed over the years to come.

Chemical pollution of water is represented by water penetration of various chemicals, from organics, easily degradable to those with long and persistent toxicity, having as consequence the destruction of the aquatic flora and fauna. Chemical pollution of water may accidentally occur, but most often it occurs due to uncontrolled discharges of various liquid or solid waste residues. Water also acts as a disperser of pollutants, but it is easier to model and predict than air since it flows in a defined channel with a predictable velocity. Water pollution can be of regional interest because of this dispersion. Normally, the municipality will restrict industrial water pollutants.

Industrial production of X Company requires the use and disposal of water. The contact with a process or product can add pollutants to the water. The resulting water is then classified as wastewater. It will either be discharged directly into a receiving artificial lake or into the sewerage system of the municipality, or it will be reused or recycled. In case of X Company, the year with the highest degree of water pollution was 2006, when the factory was close to the limit between the areas with severe risk and medium risk, a situation generated by the real conditions of that year. The main indicators of impurification which produce significant water pollution of the local river are: ammonia (N[H.sub.3], N[H.sub.4.sup.+]), nitrates and nitrites. These pollutants get into the local river by a direct discharge of wastewater from the factory, or from water collected in an artificial lake. Ammonia, at certain concentrations (over (1,0) mg/l) is toxic for fish and wildlife. In (2) (0) (0) (6), the concentration of ammonium registred a peak of (1) . (7) mg/l. The highest value was registred in the case of nitrate ions, with a concentration of over 9,99 mg/l, when the normal was of only 2,5 mg/l. The X Company of chemical fertilizers caused an increase in the concentration of pollutants in the local river by 2% to 4%.

In figure (2) the main pollutants discharged into the local river and their concentration are presented.

To reduce the quantities of pollutants, especially ammonium and nitrate ions in wastewater, in 2004, the building of an installation for treatment of these waters with changing ions began. In addition, to reduce the level of the artificial evacuation lake of 30 ha, a new installation for the water evaporation in 2006 was built and put into operation. In order to reduce the amount of suspension of wastewater discharged into the local river, a new investment for filtering wastewater has been started.


The required transitional period was obtained, so all programs of each stage, alongside the necessary investments to comply with environmental rigours, have as deadline the year 2015. Investments made by the company had as source of funding both their own resources as well as loans from the local budgets. In the year (2) (0) (0) (5), investments have amounted to 16,647,000 EUR and in the year 2006 they reached the value of 19,675,587 EUR. Total estimated overall investment, including operating costs and maintenance for the period 2006 - 2015 are of 82,555,000 EUR. Investments made by X Company during 2005-2006 had a beneficial effect on pollution, but nevertheless the company could not meet the standards stipulated by the Environmental Protection Agency regarding the impact of pollutant agents resulting from the production process of the company.


Environment is now considered a political and economic priority, both internationally and nationally. In the spirit of the principles of sustainable development, current Romanian laws compel operators to review their attitude, breaking the link between economic growth and environmental deterioration. In case of the X Company, profiled on the production of chemical fertilizers, exceeds with significant environmental impact are recorded at two chemical pollutants, measured in a systematic way, namely ammonium and nitrates ions. These two are responsible for various effects, affecting both human and local flora and fauna. X Company understands the necessity to ensure life quality for future generations and wishes to comply with the laws in force and environmental standards. To achieve this desideratum, X Company makes huge financial efforts, ensuring the reduction of waste flows resulting from production, by improving its processes.


Alley, R. E. (2006). Water Quality Control Handbook, Second Edition, McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing, ISBN: 0071467602/9780071467605, New York

Caracota, D. & Caracota, C-tin R. (2004). Contemporary Dimensions of Sustainable and Competitive Development, Economics Press, ISBN: 973-594-487-1, Bucharest

Campeanu V. (2004). Dimension of European and World Sustainable Development, Expert Press, ISBN: 973-618-038-7, Bucharest

Gradinaru, I. (2000). Protecting Environment, Economics Press, ISBN: 973-590-427-6, Bucharest

Rojanschi, V.; Bran F. & Diaconu, Gh. (2002). Engineering and Environmental Protection, Economics Press, ISBN: 973-590-455-1, Bucharest