Numerical study of an axial gas-turbine stage.
Vilag, Valeriu ; Popescu, Jeni ; Petcu, Romulus 等
Gas turbines engines are very largely used in power generating
systems such as aircraft, energy and industry. Their main advantages are
related to small dimensions to power ratio when speaking about aviation
and relatively small fuel consumption and high reliability when speaking
about ground applications (Carlanescu, 1997).
The advance in computer technology made possible the virtual tests
in form of Computational Fluid Dynamics simulations for many
thermodynamic and flow applications. These simulations have advantages
related to lower costs and shorter time to market in comparison to
classical analytical and experimental methods. This relatively new tool
allows us to validate geometries from gas-turbines and to predict the
performances for new or improved products. It offers a better
perspective on parameter variation helping us to better understand the
phenomena by conducting numerical experiments.
2.1 Symetrical profile
The following parameters are used for the base profile:
[[bar.y].sub.Gmax]: maximum thickness (% chord)
[[bar.R]]: radius of curvature of the leading edge (%
maximum thickness)
[[bar.R]]: radius of trailing edge (%maximum thickness)
[omega]: half of the angle between the tangents at the trailing
edge (degrees)
For simplifying formulas some additional notations are required,
resulting the following formula for thikness distribution along the
symmetrical profile (Ainley 1951):
The graphical expression of that is displayed in Fig.1
2.2 Actual profile
This base profile must be curved and aligned considering the
desired working regime. The working regime is translated into necessary
angles at the inlet and the outlet of the row blade and they are
function of the radius and the type of row blade: stator or rotor. The
profile camber is curved along a parabola tangent to these necessary
angles (Novak 1967), as shown in Fig. 2:
[[alpha].sub.1]--inlet flow angle
[[alpha].sub.2]--outlet flow angle
[[beta].sub.1]--inlet blade angle
[[beta].sub.2]--outlet blade angle
In order to obtain the curved profile we need to find the arc
length, to be able to position the resulted thickness of the base
The parabola is now written parametrically:
and the arc length is given by:
[bar.s](t) = [a.sub.0][t[square root of 1 + [t.sup.2]] + ln(t +
[square root of 1 - [t.sup.2])] (3)
If we apply one more rotation we obtain the profile in one section,
aligned with the gas-engine axis.
3.1 Geometry and mesh description
The profiles with respect to the radius of the axial-turbine, for
the stator and the rotor blade rows, were given by analytical methods in
form of sets of points (Sellers 1975). Using this series of points and
the radiuses of the flow canal into CAD software the following geometry
was obtained. Due to the fact that we are studying the first turbine
stage, the stator blades are cylindrical. In order to obtain a
predominant axial velocity at the outlet of the rotor row blade, the
rotor blades are twisted. The inner and outer diameters of the flow
canal are constant and are taken from the preliminary design calculus.
The necessary CFD mesh for such a complex geometry would be too
large to be use on desktop computers or even on dedicated calculus
machines, so we need mesh reduction. The reduction of the mesh is done
by using the assumption that the stator blades are identical and the
rotor blades are identical and also that they respectively behave
identical. This results in that we can use only a smaller part of the
geometry but with some constrains:
--the angle of the used sector must contain integer number of
sections corresponding to one blade; this is valid both for stator and
--the ratio between the angle used for the stator and the angle
used for the rotor must be close to unity.
The first constrain is obvious, and the second contains relation to
mass flow through the interface between the stator and the rotor.
In our case study we used 3 stator blades giving an angle equal to
[a.sub.s] = 3x 360[degrees]/20 = 54[degrees] and 7 rotor blades giving
an angle equal to r = 7x 360[degrees] = 53.61[degrees]. The ratio
between them is [a.sub.s]/[a.sub.r] = 1.0071 that is close enough to
unity, Fig. 4.
3.2 Working conditions
Thermodynamic and mechanic imposed conditions are the user input
for the CFD code concluded into inlet and outlet conditions and
rotational speed for the rotor.
It was imposed on the stator inlet the total pressure at the value
of 9.12 bars and the total temperature equal to 1300 K, and on the
outlet of the rotor the mass flow per machine equal to 8.1 kg/s. All
imposed values are taken from the thermodynamic cycle (Pimsner 1988)
proposed for the gas-turbine to be equipped with this axial turbine,
MTI--1500. Each sector is limited by two periodic boundaries, by two
walls, the hub and the shroud, and by the inlet and the outlet surfaces.
The working fluid is assumed to be air ideal gas that is close to
reality at these relatively reduced pressures.
The rotational speed of the rotor has been varied between 14000 and
28000 rpm with a step equal to 2000 rpm. At every rotational speed, the
regime was considered stationary.
3.3 Results
The major advantages of CFD is that it can give parameters
variation in space, and time if appropriate, in form of contours plot.
This means that one can easily identify problems related to flow
continuity, backflow or other types of losses. We present in the
following figures contour plots of static pressure and static
temperature, Fig. 5, at half span of the axial-turbine. The pictures are
taken at the nominal working regime, at 22000 rpm.
One other important result is the efficiency variation with respect
to the rotational speed of the rotor. We present the variation of four
types of efficiency in Fig. 6.
The most important parameter in this stage of development is the
useful power of this axial turbine stage. We present in Fig. 7 the
variation of the power with the rotational speed of the rotor row blade.
We can observe that according to CFD results the maximum power is
obtained at 22000 rpm which is the nominal proposed working point. The
value of the power is around 2050kW which is higher than expected, 1/3
4500kW = 1500kW. This is mainly due to the higher temperature imposed at
the inlet of the stator row blade.
The overall scope of the research is to have a good algorithm using
analytical and numerical methods for designing axial turbines. The main
conclusion is that we have obtained a good correlation between the
analytical way to draw turbine profiles and CFD numerical simulations.
The maximum efficiency and the maximum power are obtained at the same
rotational speed which was imposed for the analytical method.
Another conclusion is that by combining the two methods we can
improve the efficiency, into an iterative cycle, by modifying parameters
of the analytical method and verifying the corresponding changes using
CFD simulations. The efforts of doing that are considerable lower
comparing to experiments for which the production stage takes time and
costs a lot more money. The experiments are not excluded, but their time
should arrive into a further development stage, after the best geometry
had been obtained through the proposed combined method.
Future work consists in CFD simulations of the entire axial turbine
for the MTI 1500 industrial turbo-engine.
Carlanescu C. (1997), Turbomotoare de Aviatie. Aplicatii
Industriale (Aviation gas turbines. Industrial Applications), Editura
Didactica Si Pedagogica, Bucuresti
Ainley D.G. (1951), A Method of Performance Estimation for
Axial-Flow Turbines, Reports and Memoranda No.2974, A.R.C. Technical
Report, Decembre
Novak R.A. (1967), Streamline Curvature Computing Procedures for
Fluid-Flow Problems, Transaction of the ASME Journal of Engineering for
Power, A Series
Sellers J.F. (1975), DYNGEN--A Program for Calculating Steady-State
and Transient Performance of Turbojet and Turbofan Engines, Lewis
Research Center, NASA TN D-7901
Pimsner V. (1988), Masini cu Palete (Bladed machines), Editura
Tehnica, Bucuresti