On a generalized algorithm of the technical product conceptual design.
Diaconescu, Dorin ; Jaliu, Codruta ; Neagoe, Mircea 等
The conceptual design denomination is derived from the older notion
of product concept, used for the result of this design. The new
terminology promotes the denomination of the product principle solution
instead of the concept notion; momentary both notions coexist in
Based on a comparative analysis of the algorithms that are proposed
in literature (see references), the authors propose a new modeling
variant, for the conceptual design modeling, whose algorithm generalizes
the existing algorithms.
Several models for conceptual design modeling are proposed in
literature. The most representative of them belong to Cross, Ulrich
& Eppinger, Dieter, Pahl & Beitz and VDI. From the comparative
analysis of these models, the following useful conclusions come out:
2.1. On the requirements list elaboration
Unlike the first three mentioned models (Cross, 1994; Ulrich &
Eppinger, 1995; Dieter, 2000), in which the requirements list is
considered a step of the conceptual design, the requirements list is
input entity in the German models (Pahl & Beitz, 1995; VDI, 1997);
therefore, in the German view, the requirements list is a distinct
activity, relatively autonomous.
2.2. On the strictness of terminology
From the analysis of the used terminology in the mentioned models,
some interesting observations come out:
* Cross's model (Cross, 1994) uses a terminology of general
type, like: objective, problem and sub-problem, function and
sub-function, requirement, characteristic, alternative (variant),
sub-solution, solution etc.
* The models of the American authors, Ulrich & Eppinger (Ulrich
& Eppinger, 1995) and Dieter (Dieter, 2000), use a more elaborated
terminology which has also specialized notions, like: target
specification, product concept, concept development, the concept of a
sub-problem, integrated solution, project development etc.
* The German models use the most rigorous terminology, and between
them, the VDI model (VDI, 1997) has the most accurate form. Beside the
general notions, there are used strictly specialized notions as:
structure of functions, solving principle, physical effect, effect
carriers, configurations of the effect carriers, solving structure,
principle solution, effects plan, configuration plan etc.
2.3. On the models' common denominator
Though they have different formulations, all the mentioned design
models can be reduced, through simplification, to the same common
denominator: the algorithm for solving cycle of a technical problem.
This algorithm can be found in the simplified variant of the type:
global problem [right arrow] sub-problems [right arrow] sub-solutions
[right arrow] global solution in the structure of each design model that
was previously mentioned.
Starting from the product design variant modeled in Fig. 1, a new
variant that models the product conceptual design is proposed in Fig. 2,
derived from the previous mentioned models by generalization. The
structure of the generalized algorithm from Fig. 2 is centered on an
adequate base of information, starts from a requirements list and
1. Global function statement. Result: The global function,
2. Global function description by structures of sub-functions.
Result: The structure of the global function,
3. Solving structures generation by: solving the sub-functions,
sub-solutions composition and elimination of the inadequate solutions.
Result: Solving structures,
4. The best solving structure selection by evaluation.
Result: The product principle solution (the concept).
The inverse connections between steps (Fig. 2), which are necessary
in the iterative optimization and in readapting the requirements list,
can be made directly, through the peripheral information flow, or
indirectly through the information base.
Among the four steps (Fig. 2), the solving structures generation
(step 3) represents the key step; for this step, illustrated shaded in
Fig. 2, a general algorithm was detailed in Fig. 3. This algorithm
(Diaconescu et al., 2008), derived from the homonymous algorithm
proposed by Ulrich and Eppinger (Ulrich & Eppinger, 1995)
considering the VDI terminology, is centered on an adequate information
base, starts from a known structure of sub-functions and contains (see
Fig. 3):
1. Grouping of the sub-functions into: a) functions of U.S.P. type
(Unknown Solving Principles) and b) functions of K.S.P. type (Known
Solving Principles).
Results: Functions of U.S.P. type and functions of K.S.P. type.
2. Solving principles synthesis (for U.S.P. functions), i.e.
synthesis of physical effects and configuration of effects carriers.
Result: New solving principles.
3. Identification of known solutions. Result: existent solutions.
4. Generation of the solving structures, which contains: 4.1
solving structural variants generation and 4.2 pre- establishing and
keeping the variants whose technical features satisfy quantitatively the
requirements list. Result: solving structures.
In the case of the K.S.P. functions, the identification of the
existent solutions is based on two main sources: the technical
literature and the existent technical systems. For the U.S.P. functions,
the physical effects and/or the configuration of the effects'
carriers can be found by: conventional methods (as: analysis of the
natural systems, models analogy etc.), intuitive methods (as: Delphi
method, Brainstorming, etc.) and logical methods (as: search by using
catalogues of physical effects, the variation of the effects'
carriers configuration for known solutions, etc.).
The sub-solutions are usually combined by using morphological
matrixes (VDI, 1997).
The following conclusions can be formulated based on the algorithms
from Fig. 1, 2 and 3:
a. Each step from Fig. 1 represents a distinct activity, relatively
autonomous, with its own notions and methods.
b. According to Fig. 2 and Fig. 3, the global function of a product
has elements of novelty if: [b.sub.1]) it has at least one U.S.P.
function and/or if: [b.sub.2]) at least one original connection
interferes in the global function structure.
c. In terms of novelty, more design types can come out from the
global function of a product (Pahl & Beitz, 1995): 1) Original
design, 2) Adaptive design and 3) Variant design; in each of them, the
principle solution contains: 1) elements of originality at least in the
plan of effects or at least in the plan of connections; 2) elements of
novelty only regarding the configuration of the effects carriers; 3)
known effects, known effects carriers configurations and known
connections; therefore, the variant design is a form of design through
similitude (by the "model").
Cross, N. (1994). Engineering Design Methods, J. Wiley & Sons,
ISBN 0-4719-4228-6, New York
Diaconescu, D. et al. (2008). Products' Conceptual Design,
Transilvania University Publishing House, ISBN 978-973598-230-0, Brasov
Dieter, G. (2000). Engineering Design, McGraw Hill, ISBN
007-116204-6, Boston
Pahl, G. & Beitz,W. (1995). Engineering Design, Springer, ISBN
3540504427, London
Ulrich, K. & Epinger, S. (1995). Product Design and
Development, McGraw-Hill Inc. ISBN 0-07-113742-4, New York
VDI--Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (1997). Richtlinien 2221 and 2222