Pitting modeling of a spur gear in mesh.
Cananau, Sorin ; Stoica, Gina
The principal mode of failure of gears systems is the surface
pitting of gear teeth flanks. Pitting occurs within small cracks are
initiated on the tooth surface or just below the surface (Johnson,
1989). The main problem which concern also this paper is to give the
correct prediction of possible gear failure and is bounded by several
requirements as high loads, high speed, minimal weight etc. The main
cause of the initiation consists in metal-to-metal contact of asperities
or defects due to low lubricant film thickness. The cracks may start at
inclusion in the gear flank (or foreign particle contamination of
lubricant), which act as stress concentrators and propagate due to
normal and tangential loads (Glodez et al., 1998) This process is
dependent of material and operating conditions. In any case the complete
fatigue process of micropit formation consists of several stages: the
crack initiation, the crack growth, the destruction of the surface layer
at high rate and the destruction of the surface layer at low rate. In
the paper we are going to study these stages using the tools of FEM analysis.
Consequent with the physical model the process and the stages
presented in introduction, the calculus model will be divided into two
parts: the first model is associated with fatigue crack initiation under
load and the second model is associated with fatigue crack development
under contact loading.
The main criterion for separation of these two models is present
also in classical standardized procedures DIN 3990 and AGMA 218.01 for
prediction of service life in gears operation and consists in defining
two numbers of stress cycles (Glodez et al., 1998): Ni (the number
required for the appearance of the initial crack in the material),
[N.sub.j] (the number required for growth of the crack in the material).
The theoretical model presented in figure 2 represents the model with an
inclusion (Glodez et al., 1998). The contact projection of a spherical
inclusion is characterized by the diameter [d.sub.in] and the shear
modulus [G.sub.in]. This inclusion is residing in a slip zone, an
ellipse with semi-major axis L and semi-minor axis l.
The shear modulus of the material, G, is the shear modulus of the
gear material (Glodez et al., 1999). The model of crack initiation due
to a grain presence assumes that the dislocation stress. This model
assumes that the dislocation stress (consequent tangential load) td is
equal to (Tanaka & Mura, 1982):
[[tau].sub.d] = [[gamma].sub.1] G x [G.sub.in] / G + [G.sub.in] (1)
where [[gamma].sub.1] is the plastic strain in the grain due to one
cycle loading with applied shearing stress [t.sub.max]:
[[gamma[.sub.1] = (l + L) / 1 x [[tau].sub.max] - [[tau].sub.f] / G
and the meaning of [[tau].sub.f] is the tangential stress due to
frictional forces in the meshing process.
We consider the process of grains dislocation is irreversible.
Connected with this hypothesis we can say that the number of cycles
[N.sub.i] will be a function of plastic strain amplitude (Sun et al.,
1991). The constant k will take into account the irreversibility factor
and this factor takes values:
k = [10.sup.-1] x [10.sub.-4] (3)
In this case, the number of cycles N is expressed in equation (4):
[N.sub.i] = k 8(G + [G.sub.in]) / [d.sub.in] x G x [[tau].sub.max]
- [[tau].sub.f] / [([DELTA] [tau] - 2 [[tau].sub.f]).sup.2] (4)
Concerning the crack development we can assume that the cracks are
defined as being short because their length are small and are associated
with the process of surface pitting (Wang, 1998)
The theory of short crack growth is used to model the crack
development associated with pitting phenomenon. We can use the theory of
short crack growth only considering the characteristic dimension of
material microstructure (the grain dimension) of the same seize with the
length of the crack development.
But the dimension of the diameter of the hole is from units to
thousands of grain characteristic dimension. That means the cracks
extend from a dimension of a small grain to a much larger scale. The
model of crack growth must taken into account the transfer of the
phenomenon from the grain of the initial crack to tens (or thousands)
neighboring grains. This implies the discontinuity of this process. We
have also to consider the decrease of crack growth rate as the crack
approaches, grain by grain, to a grain-boundary. We can express a
relation between stress intensity range AK and plastic displacements
[DELTA]u, using the geometric characteristics as are shown in fig.2:
Numerical analysis has the aim to establish the relationship
[DELTA]K=f(a) utilizing a virtual crack extension method. In the first
step we will study the possibility of the crack initiation as
consequence of normal and tangential load applied.
The finite element analysis was conducted to asses with large
approximation grains-polycrystalline distribution at the surface,
considering a contact zone. The analysis is a 2D-plain strain analysis,
with 4-nodes quadrilateral elements. The number of total elements is
2176. The present model taken into account the load applied
corresponding to single pair teeth engagement and the maximum value for
the load applied in inner point of this load distribution (Cananau,
In accordance with our hypotheses we consider in the same time a
frictional load at the contact surface as tangent vectors of profile
geometry. The values of these forces are determinate using
Amontons-Coulomb friction laws and a coefficient of friction [mu]=0.06--an average value considered for lubricated gears. We suppose
that the pitting phenomenon is the cause of the initiation of crack. In
the FEM analysis we are going to simulate the presence of a short crack
and we are going to investigate the effect of the crack in the gear
The diameter [d.sub.in] of the inclusion (grain) we assume to be as
the same size as the finite element size in the meshing contact area.
For the geometric model presented and for the chosen scale, we can
assume the average value [d.sub.in] = 100[micro]m.
In the second step of this analysis we develop on the base of
previous results, the study of crack propagation. The local meshing
around the initial crack is sown in Fig.3. For this step we used special
fracture finite elements. With this type of element, we can calculate
the stress intensity factor.
In the next figure (Fig.4) is shown the torsional mesh stiffness
result for a short crack presence (about 2 mm) at the root of the tooth
of the driven gear.
The paper presents a new model for the initiation and growth of the
pits and cracks in the contact area of spur gears The FEA model showed
that the tooth crack affects the stiffness of the tooth over the phase
of engagement of the tooth. The stress intensity factor was
investigated, as the crack propagates through material to the surface.
Cananau, S., (2005) Pitting model in the contact area of spur
gears, Tribology, The Annals of University "Dunarea de Jos" of
Galati, Fasc.VIII, p. 89-92, ISSN 1221-4590
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Table 1. Geometrical characteristics
of spur gear model
Pinion Gear
Module mm 5
Standard pressure angle 20 [degrees]
Number of teeth 15 21
Addendum coefficient +0.571 0
Tip circle diameter mm 93.210 117.5
Center distance mm 90
Face width mm 18 16
Contact ratio 1.246