Range tracking in wireless networks.
Machedon Pisu, Mihai
The recent development of wireless sensor networks (WSN) makes it
possible for applications such as industrial monitoring and control,
automations in buildings, or target tracking to be implemented with low
cost, low power and reduced complexity. GPS cannot comply with these
requirements but its principle of triangulation can be used with other
wireless technologies for range tracking inside buildings. Position
information can play a major role in wireless networks, and many methods
for localization within WSNs have been proposed. Similar to
triangulation tracking, these methods calculate the position of a mobile
node based on the locations of more than three reference nodes and the
distance between a mobile node and a reference node can be determined by
the received signal strength or quality, which is evaluated with the
link quality indicator (LQI). Such estimation depends on the signal
propagation phenomena, which affect the radio link quality. A proper
correlation should adapt to the unpredictable changes in LQI. Also, the
localization errors are greatly reduced by using the best localization
algorithm. Combining these strategies with the results from the field
tests, a simulator is developed and run.
Different values of LQI are obtained from packets sent at the same
distance. Averaging these values gives unsatisfactory results. Using the
Probability Theory, the value of LQI for that distance is better
determined in the following way:
[LQI.sub.FINAL] = ([summation]P([LQI.sub.i]) * [LQI.sub.i]) /
[summation]P([LQI.sub.i]) (1)
Where [LQI.sub.i] are the LQI values, P([LQI.sub.i]) the
probability of a LQI value to occur for that distance, and it is equal
to 1/ [k.sub.MIN] if NP([LQI.sub.i]) >= [NP.sub.ALL]/[k.sub.MIN],
where NP([LQI.sub.i]) is the number of packets received with that LQI
value and [NP.sub.ALL] is the total number of packets sent (as seen in
Fig. 1), where k=2,3,4 ... (integer values).
LQI measurements provide the means to estimate the performance of
the link. The changes in LQI do not depend only on the communication
distance, but also on factors such as the transmission medium and the
surrounding environment. The effects of these factors for radio
propagation are related to attenuation, multipath and interference. A
correlation between LQI and distance is needed in order to adapt to
these effects, and by approximating the LQI value as close as possible
to the measured distance, it should be achieved (Fig. 2). The power
correlation refers to the Friis' free space transmission equation,
where the power at the receiver follows an inverse square law related to
the distance value. Due to dynamic and uncertain propagation conditions,
this approach does not work, and a more adaptive solution is given by
the logarithmic correlation. The link performance is tested in different
indoor and outdoor scenarios and the errors obtained with the two
correlations are compared.
For a 10m x 10m grid, the logarithmic correlation gives a mean
error of 1.49% and a maximum error of 3.9%. The power correlation mean
error is 2.28% and the maximum is 5.47%. The formulas for logarithmic
(2) and power correlation (3) are the following (with d as distance):
-77.9 * log (d) + 190 = LQI (2)
185 * [d.sup.-0.206] = LQI (3)
Before implementing the localization method, the algorithm used for
tracking must be tested in order to establish its precision. ML
estimates the position of the target by minimizing the differences
between estimated and measured distances, by using the minimum mean
square error (MMSE). An algorithm that uses ML can determine the
target's position, for 10m distance between the neighbour reference
nodes, in the following way ([D.sub.i] represents measured distances):
[X.sub.TARGET] = [([D.sub.4.sup.2]) - ([D.sub.3.sup.2]) + 100] / 20
[Y.sub.TARGET] = [([D.sub.1.sup.2]) - ([D.sub.4.sup.2]) + 100] / 20
The WCL algorithm proposes a method in which the distances measured
are encapsulated as weighted functions: w = 1 / [D.sup.k] where k=1,2,3
... (integer values). The target's position is estimated ([X.sub.i]
[Y.sub.i] are reference node coordinates):
[X.sub.TARGET] = ([summation] [X.sub.i] / [D.sub.i.sup.k]) /
[summation] 1 / [D.sub.i.sup.k] (6)
[Y.sub.TARGET] = ([summation] [Y.sub.i] / [D.sub.i.sup.k]) /
[summation] 1 / [D.sub.i.sup.k] (7)
ML and WCL algorithms are tested within a 10m x 10m grid, with 4
reference nodes, one in each corner and 121 points are used for position
measurement (Fig. 3).
Both algorithms are scalable but the tracking error should not
exceed 1%. The tracking errors are illustrated in Figures 4 and 5:
For a 100m x 100m test grid, the maximum tracking error of ML is
0.94 %, while the mean error is 0.39%. The tracking errors for WCL are
far greater, the maximum exceeding 3%, while the mean error is around
1.7%, for a 10m x 10m test grid.
WSNs are special networks which deploy hundreds of tiny sensors.
Due to range limitations, a range-based approach for tracking in WSNs
gives poor results. A more adequate approach should be a range-free
tracking with a large number of reference nodes. Therefore, tracking
simulation uses 121 reference nodes for a 100m x 100m test grid, with a
distance of 10 m between neighbour reference nodes. There are 100 test
points and their position is determined by tracking with the most near
four reference nodes, for which the LQI value is the greatest (Fig. 6).
The errors provided by the field tests have shown that the
logarithmic correlation and the ML algorithm can be used for precise
tracking in wireless networks. The proposed solution combines the two
methods within the simulator, which gives a maximum error of 1.91% and a
mean error of 0.97%.
Range tracking is one of the main applications that can be
implemented with wireless sensor networks. The present research has
provided the solutions for obtaining precision in position estimation,
and as an effect of the simulation, we can see that GPS for large
buildings is possible by considering the proposed tracking method.
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