Risk management strategies based on experience from nitrate toxicity case study.
Curseu, Daniela ; Popa, Monica ; Sirbu, Dana 等
The nitrate ion (N[O.sub.3.sup.-]) is the stable form of combined
nitrogen for oxygenated systems. Although it is chemically unreactive,
it can be microbially reduced to the reactive nitrite ion. Nitrite
converts oxygen-carrying hemoglobin to methemoglobin, which cannot bind
oxygen, by oxidizing the [Fe.sup.2+] in heme to [Fe.sup.3+]. The
condition of methemoglobinemia is characterized by cyanosis, stupor, and
cerebral anoxia. Naturally, 0.53-3.0% of the total hemoglobin (Hb)
circulates as methemoglobin (MetHb). Generally, detectable clinical
signs of methemoglobinemia appear at 10% MetHb (Brunning-Fann &
Kaneene, 1993; Kross et al., 1992).
The aim of this study was to evaluate reported cases of infant
methemoglobinemia in relation with environmental exposure to nitrate, in
favor of appropriate intervention programs of risk management in Cluj
County, Romania.
To satisfy our objective, infants diagnosed with methemoglobinemia
at the pediatric emergency departments from Cluj County, Romania,
between 2002 and 2006 were identified. For each case, the following data
were recorded: date of admission to the emergency department, age, sex,
weight, place of residence, reason for consultation and associated
symptoms, feeding characteristics in the last days, foods ingested in
the previous 24 hours, results of laboratory investigations.
Water samples as well as fruit and vegetables cultivated in
individual farms and used for infant's feeding, were collected 2
days after the infant was hospitalized. The nitrates/nitrites
concentration was analyzed using the phenol-disulphonic acid method,
respectively the sulphanilic acid and [alpha]-naphtylamine hydrochlorate
method. In addition, information on household environmental conditions
(including drinking water hygiene, sanitation and domestic hygiene) were
During a five years period (2002-2006), in Cluj county have been
recorded 28 hospitalised cases of methemoglobinemia (42.9% boys and
57.1% girls).
The average age was 45 days, with a range of 12 days to 6.5 months.
The majority of cases (79%) were under 4 month.
Annual data for live births in Cluj County were also available, so
we were able to calculate the incidence rate of methemoglobinemia based
on clinically reported cases (Table 1). The annual estimated incidence
of methemoglobinemia ranged from 42 to 239 per 100000 live births during
the study period, with a mean of 118/100000 over the five year period.
Although these 28 cases are not representative for the entire population
of Romania, the rates are in accordance with the incidence rates earlier
reported by Ayebo et al. (1997) in contiguous areas from Transylvania.
A summary of selected clinical data is presented in Table 2. The
average birth weight of infants was 2921 [+ or -] 422 g, which is above
the 2500 g, internationally acceptable definition of low birth weight,
but statistically (p<0.001) lower than the Romanian national average
of 3465 [+ or -] 365g. The average weight of infants at the time of
diagnosis with methemoglobinemia is 4020 [+ or -] 450g, significantly
lower than comparable age group infants (4020g vs. 4980g). Breastfeeding
data indicate that about 74% of infants had been breast fed for at least
one week postpartum. The duration of breastfeeding was generally less
than one month. No infant was diagnosed with methemoglobinemia while
being breast-fed.
Medical examination revealed a high incidence of anemia in infants
reported with methemoglobinemia. The hemoglobin of infants averaged 11.2
g/dL for all ages, which is within the normal range of Romanian national
hemoglobin values of 10.8-18.0, with a mean of 13.3 g/dL. However, when
compared to national average data according to age distribution, 11
cases (39.2% of the infants) were classified as anemic (Table 3). This
observation is important because the anemia emphasizes the anoxia
status. Thirty-one percent of the infants had symptoms of diarrhea on
initial diagnosis, and all cases presented cyanosis.
Geographically, all infants hospitalized with acute
methemoglobinemia lived in rural and received their drinking water from
private wells. Another important area of concern was well-water sources,
well depth, the level of well-water nitrate (mg/L), and boiling of
liquids. Findings in this study indicate that all communities where
methemoglobinemia was reported had nitrate levels above of allowable
limit of 50 mg/L. The highest recorded concentration was 265 mg/L. Well
construction methods, placement, and general hygiene were primary causes
of poor well water quality and high nitrate level. The most wells were
dugouts of less than 8 meters, with some as shallow as 3 to 4 meters,
without casing and no protective cover over the wellhead. Also, the
wells were located very close to human traffic areas and livestock
rearing facilities. Moreover, household laundry and washing of utensils
is done around the open shallow well head. Nitrate contamination from
agricultural use of fertilizers and animal manure may occur, but the
most likely source of nitrate for the wells observed in this study is
local human and animal waste.
The infants were weaned completely after a short breastfeeding
period to cow milk diluted (1:1) with boiled water. All mothers
interviewed routinely boiled water to kill pathogenic microorganisms in
well water before use for infant feeding. However, this practice
actually increases nitrate concentration.
No reported episodes of methemoglobinemia occurred within the rural
communities with normal nitrate well water levels or in urban population
supplied with treated tap water. According to the well water nitrates
concentration, we categorized two groups at risk of methemoglobinemia:
--moderate risk--well water pollution between 50-100 mg/L;
--high risk--well water pollution above of 100 mg/L.
A significantly higher mean value of methemoglobin was found when
nitrate concentration in well water exceeded 100 mg/L (Table 4).
Nitrites were detected in concentration up to 0.25 mg/L in all
samples of well water.
In one multiple episode of methemoglobinemia reported the first
episode occurred when mother offered some tea to her baby, and the
repeat episode was when infant's feed included spinach, carrot and
apple juice. They are given to supplement the infant's diet of
diluted cow milk.
Frequently the fruits and the vegetables cultivated in individual
farms constitute an additional source of nitrates. Table 5 shows the
nitrates and nitrites average concentrations in vegetables comparing to
maximum allowable level (MAL) according to Direction 975/1998 of
Romanian Ministry of Health.
It has to be noted the over limit nitrates concentrations in
potatoes and carrots samples. This observation is important because
carrot soup is often recommended if the infant is suffering from
diarrhea, so the high nitrate level in carrots and gastrointestinal
illness go "hand in hand" for bacterial conversion of nitrate
to nitrite in the stomach. For this reason many other studies associate
methemoglobinemia with infantile cases of severe diarrhea (Hanukoglu
& Danon, 1996). Also, others authors suggested that bacterial growth within the bottle or stored homemade soup / purees of mixed vegetables
and exogenous conversion of nitrate to nitrite is possible the source of
the problem (Echaniz et al., 2001; Fewtrell, 2004).
1. The greatest risk of methemoglobinemia occurs in infants less
than 4 months bottle-fed with diluted cow milk or formulas prepared with
nitrate-contaminated water from wells.
2. Well construction methods, placement, and general hygiene are
primary causes of poor well water quality and high nitrate levels. All
prenatal and well-infant visits should include questions about the home
water supply. If the source is a private well, the water should be
tested for nitrate.
3. Since many vegetables are high in nitrate, consumption of
home-prepared infant foods from vegetables (spinach, potatoes, carrots)
should be limited until the infant is 4-6 months old.
4. An educational program for mothers to increase duration of
breast feeding could be a very effective method of preventing infant
Ayebo, A.; Kross, B.; Vlad, M. & Sinca, A. (1997). Infant
methemoglobinemia in the Transylvania region of Romania. Int J Occup
Environ Health. 3(1): 20-29, ISSN 1077-3525.
Brunning-Fann, C.S. & Kaneene, J.B. (1993). The effects of
nitrate, nitrite and N-nitroso compounds on human health: a review. Vet
Hum Toxicol. 35(6): 521-538, ISSN 0145-6296.
Echaniz, J. S.; Fernandez, J. B. & Raso S. M. (2001).
Methemoglobinemia and Consumption of Vegetables in Infants. Pediatrics.
107(5): 1024-1028, ISSN 1098-4275.
Fewtrell, L. (2004). Drinking-Water Nitrate, Methemoglobinemia, and
Global Burden of Disease: A Disscussion. Environ. Health Perspect.
112(14): 1371-1374, ISSN 0091-6765.
Hanukoglu, A. & Danon, PH. (1996). Endogenous methemoglobinemia
associated with diarrheal disease in infancy. J Pediatr Gastroenterol
Nutr. 23:1-7. Available
from:http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/cgi/reprint/107/5/ 1024
Accessed: 2008-04-02.
Kross, B.C.; Ayebo, A.D. & Fuortes, L.J. (1992)
Methemoglobinemia: nitrate toxicity in rural America. Am Fam Physician.
46(1): 183-188, ISSN: 0002-838X.
Tab. 1. Incidence of methemoglobinemia in Cluj County.
Year Cases Live births Incidence rate *
2002 12 5,021 239
2003 2 4,890 42
2004 3 4,795 63
2005 6 4,673 128
2006 5 4,334 115
Total 28 23,713 118
* Number of cases per 100,000 live births
Tab. 2. Clinical data of hospitalized infants
Mean/ [+ or -] SD Mean/ [+ or -] SD
(range) (1) (range) (2)
Birthweight (g) 2921 [+ or -] 422 3465 [+ or -] 365
Weight at admission (g) 4020 [+ or -] 450 4,980 [+ or -] 365
Breastfeeding (days) 28 (10-45) NA (3)
Hemoglobin (g/dL) 11.2 [+ or -] 1.5 13.3
(6.8-13.1) (10.8-18.0)
(1) N=28 cases; (2) Romanian National Average; (3) not available
Tab. 3. Comparison of infant hemoglobin levels
Anemia cases Cases of National
methemoglobinemia average Hb
Hb (g/dL) (g/dL)
Age N Mean (range) Mean (range)
under one 2 11.3 16.6
month (11.1-11.7) (13.2-23.0)
1-4 month 8 11.0 13.3
(7.5-12.5) (10.8-18.0)
over 4 1 11.2 12.4
month (9.6-14.7) (10.2-15.0)
Tab. 4. The average values of methemoglobinemia in relation
with nitrate levels in well water
Nitrate level 50-100 mg/L
Values of N Mean [+ or -] SD
MetHb (%)
10 12.1 [+ or -] 2.5
t-test (p-value) t=4.67 (p=0.0001)
Nitrate level >100 mg/L
Values of N Mean [+ or -] SD
MetHb (%)
18 17.2 [+ or -] 2.9
t-test (p-value) t=4.67 (p=0.0001)
Tab. 5. The nitrates and nitrites average concentrations in
Nitrates Nitrites
concentration concentration
(mg/kg) (mg/kg)
Species Mean [+ or -] SD MAL Mean [+ or -] SD
carrots 395.9 [+ or -] 23.3 400 0.45 [+ or -] 0.09
potatoes 311.3 [+ or -] 37.01 300 0.78 [+ or -] 0.27
spinach 291.7 [+ or -] 69.4 2000 0.58 [+ or -] 0.12
squash 48.5 [+ or -] 11 60 0.32 [+ or -] 0.05