Statistical approach to the difference between public and private televisions in prime time TV commercials.
Simicevic, Vanja ; Racic, Ifigenija
The modern company's marketing environment includes various
types of public, where the greatest importance is attached to media
public. Most often used promotional tool, for the purpose of achieving
the greatest possible communication effect, is the mass media
advertising as an important marketing channel through which companies
can have a direct influence on their own image and sales (Kotler et al.,
2006). As media usage increases month over month, marketers have found a
way to use the popular television programs for promotion. The TV
commercial has become the dominant one-way communication form that
surrounds us, in almost every moment of our lives. The aim of this study
was to research the contents and characteristics of TV commercials on
the Croatian television channels, considering the differences between
two television models (public and private) and apply statistical
analysis of TV commercials. The original empirics survey research was
conducted on the random sample of Croatian TV channels, in order to
realize the aims of this study. The results of the research, as well as
suggestions how to involve it in the future media researches, are the
scientific contribution of this paper.
The quantitative analysis of TV commercials has been limited. Some
reasons for their limited usage were a lack of archives and because of
this a difficulty in searching and browsing them. The research papers
that analyse methodological tools are mainly focused on typology of
commercial message types and content analysis. Crask (1998) developed a
typology of commercial message types involved coding. Coding
necessitates a detailed description of the variables and the development
of categories that are exhaustive and mutually exclusive (Neuendorf, K.
A., 2002). Content analysis (Pegoraro, A. & O'Reilly, N. 2008.)
relies on coding of data classified in a conceptual framework, driven by
the objectives of the research questions. Intermedia Advertising Group
(2001.) has launched the first ever ad effectiveness system, which
measures the performance of all prime time advertising on the major
broadcast networks on a daily basis.
The media industry worldwide is experiencing a significant change
in major business direction, from the acknowledged servant to public
interest, towards the ever-increasing commercialisation of the sector,
where media organizations become first and foremost a profit generator
for its owner. The transitional context makes this process more complex
because of the undeveloped media regulation, up to the recent political
heritage and influences, changes in cultural values, weak economic
situation and lower buying power than in developed countries, poor
accompanying infrastructure of media researches (Tomasevic Lisanin, et
al., 2004). Television advertising is a highly significant service
industry in the world, and thus also in Croatia. Republic of Croatia, as
a country, is highly oriented towards media advertising. The Croatian TV
advertising market is to large extent connected to the situation in its
broader business and social environment. Market fragmentation has
resulted in media fragmentation, in explosion of more focused media that
better match today's targeting strategies. The media landscape is
constantly evolving. The fragmentation of Croatian media market resulted
in the significant increase the number of TV stations. A consequence of
the growing dynamics of the media market is the increased influence of
advertisers. For this moment, three dominant television media houses
exist in Croatia: (1) Croatian (public) television: The First channel
(HTV1) and the Second channel (HTV2); (2) Private televisions: NovaTV
(the member of Central European Media Enterprises Ltd.) and RTL (formed
by Bertelsmann AG group, a media company that originated in Germany).
The main difference between these two television models is their
financial source and the profit gain.
The aim of this study was to research the advertising frequency and
content of TV commercials, as one of modern forms of economic propaganda
on the TV channels in Croatia. In order to realize the aims of this
study, the original empirical research was conducted at the random
sample of Croatian televisions: private and public, by survey research
method including aforementioned three dominant television media houses,
in prime time. The data were collected by recording method, on a sample
size of 1233 TV commercials, which is completely acceptable for this
type of research (Kish, 1995). 84-hours of recorded television
programming was realized, in prime time, from 19h to 22h, the interval
when the most TV audience usually sit in front of TV screens.
Advertising variables are defined: (1) Topic of the TV commercial, (2)
Target advertising (commercial) group or audience with respect to gender
and age reference, (3) Main protagonist or character of the TV
commercial, (4) Message appeal (5) Presentation procedure of the TV
commercial, i.e. humorous/non-humorous messages. After the
classification of commercial main messages, TV commercials
characteristics (categories and counties) are testing in this research.
The hypothesis of equal distribution of TV commercials is tested, on the
public and private television in prime time, in order to research the
influence of financial source to TV commercials broadcasting. The
descriptive statistics methods and techniques, correlation analysis and
hi-square test, were used. All the methods are processed using
Statistica software.
Three televisions exist on Croatian national level media market:
one public television HRT, and two new private, NovaTV and RTL. The
survey results based on descriptive statistics methods indicate the most
frequently used statistics: the average duration of TV commercials in
prime time, is 19 seconds. The longest duration of the message is 120
seconds (HTV1), and the shortest is 3.39 seconds (NovaTV). Most
advertising is intended to adults, men and women, equally. Great deal of
advertising does not use humour, as a process of exposure, meaning, most
of them are non-humorous messages. The analysis of the main area of
interest, variable topic of the TV commercial, shows that NovaTV
advertises mostly hygienic and cosmetic products (45 %) and the RTL
products related to the consumption of food and beverages (35%). On
public television, advertising of products is related to food and drink
is 25 per cent (HTV1), or 27 per cent (HTV2). Distribution of
advertisements on the topic, according to public television and TV
commercial, shows a high positive correlation. The communicator has to
figure out an appeal (rational, emotional or moral) theme that will
produce the desired response. The commercials focused on health (36%),
dominated on NovaTV, and the RTL-to those that appeal on youth and
beauty (22%). The commercials that appeal to social success and prestige
dominate on public television (27%). According to the research results,
there is a strong (Reinard, J.C. 2006.) positive correlation between
commercial's distribution by topic on the public and private
television channels (r = 0,680472). A Chi-square test of the equal
probability hypothesis was conducted in the purpose of which showed that
there was statistically significant relation between the television
models and TV commercials distribution. Results of the analysis showed
that null hypotheses is rejected, what indicates the statistically
significant (with an alpha risk of 0.05) relation between the television
models (public and private) and TV commercials distribution in prime
time, meaning that private televisions, NovaTV and RTL, broadcast,
significantly more TV commercials in prime time than the public
channels. The researched results, as well as, confirmation of
alternative hypothesis are expected, for the reason that TV commercials
are the main source of the profit gain. TV commercial statistics and
data on insertion frequency, time length in seconds provide with a
comprehensive grasp of the competitors and the advertising environment.
In the new Millennium, the consumer material fascination for
materials goals is progressing. Commercials, as well as other media
messages, are only instrument, and can be used in a good or a harmful
way. Any restrictions and warning consumers will not cancel advertising
appeal. Three essential elements are required for successful
advertising: (1) information (uniqueness and innovativeness of the
products that are sold), (2) reasoning (encouragement to think about
advertisers message in the direction of interest and estimation of
products) and (3) emphasis (highlighting the most attractive topics of
the messages (Sheehan, K. B., 2004). People can vary according to the
orientation values. The companies make great efforts in researching
characteristics of the pioneers of consumption products (the first 2.5
per cent of the buyers to adopt a new idea; those beyond two standard
deviations from mean adoption time) and the early adopters (the next
13.5 per cent between one and two standard deviations), and direct even
aggressive communication by them, while other individuals accept new
products much later. After a slow start, an increasing number of people
adopt the new product (Rogers, M. E., 2004). In spite of aggressive
advertising process, people fortunately, have strong defence mechanisms
against advertising and other marketing tools.
Modern, large companies make contemporary efforts in researching TV
commercial's characteristics, especially because the TV commercials
are generally considered the most effective mass-market advertising
format. For that purpose, the theoretical and methodological basis of TV
advertising situation is researched in this article, which put special
emphasis on significant differences of the TV commercials content
distribution in prime time. Results of the analysis confirmed: (a) a
strong positive correlation between TV commercials' distribution by
topic on the public and private television channels; (b) the private
channels, as a profit generator for its owners, broadcast significantly
more TV commercials in prime time than the public channels. Research in
the applied statistical methods in Croatian media has been rare, i.e.,
only few have been published (Jurisic et al., 2007). In this context,
this study provides a preliminary platform for future media research.
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