The maximum delamination force at different types of composite structures.
Sabau, Emilia ; Iancau, Horatiu ; Hancu, Liana 等
The composite materials represent arrangements of reinforce
materials in continuous or discontinuous fibers, covered by a matrix
having a lower mechanical resistance, (Zgura & Moga, 1999). From
technical point of view, the notion of composite materials reports to
materials which possess the following properties:
--they are created artificial, through the combination of different
--represent a combination of at least two special materials from
chemical point of view, between which exists a distinct separation
--presents properties which no other component taken separately
could have.
The interface includes the contact surface between matrix and
surfaces of the fibers, as well as the next area. The nature and the
interfacial force connection depend on the structure, on the surface
characteristics of the fibers (roughness, determined surface, porosity,
crystal dimension, the presence of functional classifications chemical
active) and on structural characteristics of the matrix (chemical
composition, macromolecules conformation). The maximum performances of
the composite materials are obtained in the case of realization o
optimum adhesion between matrix and fibers, (Misca, 2001), (Iancau &
Nemes, 2005). Shocks, impact, loadings or repeated cyclic stresses can
cause the laminate to separate at the interface between two layers, a
condition known as delamination. This phenomenon can be produced locally
or can cover a large area which leads in the end at the breaking up of
the composite structure, (Sabau, 2006). Delamination is interlaminar
damage; it is the separation on a certain length of the sheets from the
interior composite material, (Kachanov, 1990). Delamination can be
produced during production or exploitation of the composite structure
and can have a great variety of causes (the unsuitable choice of the
component materials, technological imperfections, stress solicitation,
and so on).
For the "delamination" test we realized an installation,
which has the components represented in figure 1.
The components of installation are: composite sample (1), guiding
columns (2), guiding socket (3), clamping screw (4), knife holder (5),
slice knife--role of sample slicing (composite structure) (6); sample
holder--fixes the sample (7); holder fixes the sample holder (8), foot
plate (9).
The experimental installation is actuated with the help of the
Instron 1196 pressing machine, figure 2. The method consists of a force
application along the main axle of the sample, with a constant speed,
until the delamination sample. The operation is realized through the
drop displacement on the vertical direction until the knife is
penetrating the sample, moment that the delamination takes place. The
sample is fixed on the holder (7) through the agency of the clamping
screw. The values of the forces can be read on the diagrams delivered of
the press.
The used samples are of three types:
A: Mat 270 g/[m.sup.2], 60% reinforcing grade, with polyester resin Lerpol TIX 3603/R type, 4 layers;
B: Fibers glass tissue 450 g/[m.sup.2], 60% reinforcing grade, with
polyester resin Lerpol TIX 3603/R type, 4 layers;
C: Cotton tissue, 60% reinforcing grade, with epoxy resin Ephiphen
RE 4020/DE 420 type, 4 layers.
Five test pieces have been taken from each plate, by cutting out
with a cutter. The first phase consists in the sample penetration by the
knife. The speed of application was of 10 mm/s. For the determining of
the specific force we related the maximum delamination force of the test
piece that's been arisen at the strained area.
[F.sub.spf] = [F.sub.del] / S (1)
S = b x h (2)
The average of the experimentally obtained results were processed
and inserted in table 1.
We can notice that the maximum delamination force for cotton tissue
is more resistant then glass or Mat tissue. Diagrams were assigned to
each test pieces depending on the maximum delamination force, figure3, 4
and 5. The mechanical behavior of polymeric composite materials depends
in principal on nature and architecture of the reinforced material,
reinforced grade and the technological process. The architecture of the
reinforced grade influence meaningful the mechanical characteristics.
The specific force gives as indications about strength and quality
of the realized composite structure. This installation is precise
because of guiding columns and of possibility to obtain diagrams where
we can read the forces that actuate on the sample and the moment of the
sample delamination.
The mechanical behavior of polymeric composite materials depends in
principal on the nature and the architecture of the reinforced material,
reinforced grade and the technological process. The degree of
reinforcement also depends by the used fiber.
Delamination is interlaminar damage and can be produced during
production or exploitation of the composite structure and can have a
great variety of causes. It is very important in industrial practice to
know the principal causes of delamination appearance, to can be
This installation is precise because of guiding columns and of
possibility to obtain diagrams where we can read the forces that actuate
on the sample and the moment of the sample delamination.
The specific force gives as indications about strength and quality
of the realized composite structure.
In the future, we will have in view, the extension of the
experimental investigations with the help of suggested installation and
verification in the practice of mathematical model.
Inacau, H. & Nemes, O. (2003), Materiale compozite. Conceptie
si fabricatie, Composite materials. Manufacture and conception. Ed.
Mediamira, ISBN 973-9357-24-5, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Kachanov, L.M. (1990), Delamination Buckling of Composite
Materials, Library of Congress in Publication Data, ISBN 90-247-3770-2,
Brookline, Massachusetts, USA
Misca, B.R.H. (2001), Materiale compozite polimerice, Polymer
Composite Materials, Presa Universitara Clujeana, ISBN 973-8095-13-1,
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Sabau, E; Iancau, H. &. Crai, A. (2006), Experimental
researches regarding the delaminating process at composite materials
with organic matrix, Mechanical Engineering 2006, The 10th international
conference, pag. 612-616, ISBN 80-227-2513-7, Bratislava, Slovakia
Zgura, G. & Moga, V. (1999), Bazele proiectarii materialelor
composite, Designing basements of composite materials, Ed. BREN, ISBN
973-9493-01-7, Bucuresti, Romania
Tab. 1. The experimental results
Cr. no. Samples Maximum Specific force
Delamination [N/[m.sup.2]]
1. A 1 21277
2. B 2.4 79365
3. C 4.56 86805