The variation of the parameters technic and economic with the speed and the airs excess coefficient.
Blaga, Vasile ; Bara, Vasile ; Bara, Camelia 等
In this presence working itself contribute at modeling injection
from gasoline at spark ignition engines; the model of fuel pump from
gasoline, the model of regulator from pressure and injector (Turcoiu et
al, 1987). For model of system proposed from author was proposed one
system from injection of gasoline Bosch Motronic who power for air with
ultrasonor wave. It be used plate from acquisition from trial, program
from acquisition from date, electrical sounder from temperature,
electrical sounder from pressure, electrical sounder from revolution and
position angular, analyzer from gas. It is be make one study for select
excess coefficient from air [lambda] = 1(electronic dosage). It is
calculating the parameters for optimum for to run cycle at spark
ignition engines with electronic injection from gasoline and to simulate
on the computer (Baraga, 2000).
A delicate problem from point of program on the computer, adiabatic
coefficient is it starting calculation, temperature in different point
is unknown and the adiabatic exponents not can be determinable. For
solution of this problem has been used at impose to some value, found
initial more correct, who permit a cycle crossing and determination more
precise temperature. The temperature at the finished admission Ta was to
consider known as initial date and she's expression calculation it
be used at the finished as equation from verify at finished the cycle It
is to determine the expression temperature's in succession from
route of cycle [T.sub.c], [T.sub.z], [T.sub.u], [T.sub.d], [T.sub.d1],
[T.sub.r] and [T.sub.r1], as well as expression of gas temperature from
evacuation [T.sub.e] and the expression temperature thermodynamics
medium to process from burning []. It is calculating the
expression coefficient gas burnt residual [[gamma].sub.r]. (Turcoiu et
al, 1987). Must to remark that all the expression that was used at
mathematical modeling cycle spark ignition engines with electronic
injection from gasoline proposed from the author it is correlation
betweens to can be introduce on the computer. This expression is
correlation only in function from temperatures from characteristic point
of cycle; pressuring sluices this point it is substitute with
pressure's exponents and coefficient from initial date. Through
calculate again of adiabatic exponent on amount foundation temperatures
to get from the new cycle. In this mode, through some cycle the error
can be reduce upside a calculate estimate admit in a thermal calculus very pretentious. It is make calculus mechanical this theoretically
proposed [], theoretical medium pressure proposed [] and
of theoretical output propose [[eta]]. It be calculate effective
pressure [p.sub.e], effective output [[eta].sub.e] and mechanical output
engine [[eta].sub.m], theoretic power propose [], effective
moment [M.sub.e], from combustible mass that have been on cycle engine
[m.sub.cb], the stole theoretic [Ch.sub.t], the stole theoretic specific
from combustible [c.sub.e] and drawing cycle spark ignition engines with
electronic injection from gasoline for propose model by the author; the
models by calculus for pressure-volume and pressure-angle motor shaft
diagram (Grunwald, 1980).
It be to achieve a experimental equipment for testing the propose
model by the author, gifted with device and electrical sounders
necessary of modeling. It by raise experimental diagram indication a
engines equipment with system from electronic injection from gasoline
type Bosch Motronic and will be to compare with indicated diagram
theoretic for propose model by the author. In figure 1 is represented
the variation of the effective power with the speed and the airs excess
In figure 2 is represented the variation of the moment of the
couple with the speed and the airs excess co-efficient. In figure 3 is
represented the variation of the hour consumption with the speed and the
airs excess co-efficient.
a. It is to achieve from modeling principle to some equipment from
gasoline, modeling regulator from pressure of gasoline, the same general
model spark ignition engines with electronic injection from gasoline.
b. It be to conceive a personal model for calculation a pressure on
the received gallery [] and a pressure at finished admission.
c. It be conceive the model from calculus of regulator from
pressure and a electromagnetic injector. It be effect the model of
calculation duration injection [t.sub.i] with revolution and load who
represent even model suggestion by the author. (Blaga, 2005)
d. It be realize a program from calculate parameter spark ignition
engines with electronic injection from gasoline.
e. With helping from calculate it be calculating and represent
variation 3-D adiabatic and polytrophic coefficient, temperature and
pressure in the characteristic point of cycle, coefficient from fill,
dosage, measure thermal combustion of unity cylinder engine, rapport
from grow of pressure in isochors combustion, rapport growth volume in
post burning, the technical-economical of driving and duration
injection. (Negrea, & Sandu, 2000).
f. It be raise the indicate diagram for the little two types from
engine that has equipping car with the model has been proposed by the
author. It is raise the diagram pressure-volume and pressure-angle from
rotate tortuous arbor for these engines.
g. In the frame of experimental try of propose installation would
be determine the dynamic performance and the combustible conformable in
vigor according. The equipment from to test used it is that more
performance that is now. It be used from try installation of one spark
ignition engines with electronic injection from gasoline proposed on
h. It is realization one comparation between diagram theoretic from
cycle proposed by the author and diagram of engine with electronic
injection of gasoline, that was obtain one the experimental
i. For engines fitting out with propose from author it well be
raise on engine stall, from foundation diagram 3-D or duration
injection, angle from kindling at total load and partial load and
enrichment coefficients at total load. Investigation realized to be
continue for determine mechanical loss at electronic injection of
gasoline, in domain little revolution.
Baraga, N. (2000). Driving with inward alight, The Didactic and
Pedagogical Publishing House, 973-9471-20-X, Bucharest.
Blaga, V. (2005). Engine with gasoline injection, The Publishing
House of University Edition Oradea, ISBN 973-613-981-6, Oradea.
Grunwald, B. (1980). The Theory, calculation and construction
engine's for road motor vehicle, The Didactic and Pedagogical
Publishing house, Bucharest.
Negrea, V.D. & Venecia Sandu (2000). The combating of medium
pollution in motor vehicle, The Technical Publishing House, ISBN
973-31-1455-3 Bucharest.
Turcoiu, T., Boncoi, J. & Time, Al., (1987). Equipment's
from injection for engine with internal burning, The Technical
Publishing House, Bucharest.