A study of silicon wafers plane lapping process.
Dobrescu, Tiberiu ; Dorin, Alexandru
Abstract: Lapping is a very complicated and random process
resulting from the varation of abrasive grains by its size and shapes
and from the numerous variables which have an effect on the process
quality.Thus it needs to be analyzed by experimental rather than by
theory to obtain the relative effectsof variables quantitatively. In
this study, the plane lapping was performed and analyzed by ANOVA table.
As a result, effective variables and interaction effects were identified
and discussed. Also the optimal variable combination to obtain the
largest percentage improvement of surface roughness was selected and
confirmatory experiments were performed.
Key words: Lapping, silicon wafers, ANOVA, control variable,
orthogonal array, roughness, abrasive grain
Lapping is a finish method used to obtain good surface quality.
Important variables lapping efficiency are abrasive grain size, lapping
pressure, lapping speed, quantity of lapping compound supplied and
viscosity of the compound, etc. Comparison of the effects of variables
on the overall process efficiency is not yet clear owing to the
complexity and randomness of the process (Dobrescu, T., 1996)
Using the experimental design method is a typical approach to
efficiently and logically identify characteristics of any complex
process by experiment. In this method, experiments are generally
designed by orthogonal array and the results are analyzed by ANOVA
(ANalysis Of Variance). A number of studies related to the experimental
design method have been reported in the field of quality control and
statistics. In this study, experimental designed by Taguchi's
orthogonal array (Taguchi, G., Konishi, S., 1987) were performed. And
Taguchi's SN (signal-noise) ratio for percentage improvement of
surface roughness in a plane lapping process was used as a performance
(or response) variable to evaluate the process efficiency. Yates's
(Yates, F, 1988) algorithm and the Lenth (Lenth, R.V., 1989) algorithm
were used to analyze the effects of variables on the performance
2.1. Experiment design
Two-level fractional design, which is used in this study, is
especially efficient in finding out important variables having an effect
on the process performance.
Experiments at two levels of each control variable were conduced:
grain size, lapping pressure, number of lapping-compound-supply and
lapping speed. Control variables and their levels are shown in Table 1.
Percentage improvement of surface roughness before and after lapping was
taken as an evaluation or response variable. Taguchi's fold-over
type orthogonal array is shown in Table 2.
In this study, only four effects (i.e. A, B, C, D) and three
two-factor interaction effects (i.e. AB, AC and BC) were considered in
the experimental design. All the other effects were considered to be
trivial. The first column in Table 2 represents the standard order of
experimental treatment combination (tc). The number of combinations is
eight, which is the smallest number required to satisfy resolution IV
design with four variables. The order columns represents 23--1 (=7)
contrasts: four main effects are assigned to the first, second, fourth
and seventh columns and interaction effects to the third, fifth and
sixth columns. In the Table 2, "+" represents highlevel and
"-", low-level. Tough the levels in the experiment are
represented as numerical quantitative, they can also be considered to
have qualitative meaning, "high" or "low"
2.2. Experimental results
Experiments were performed by a plan-parallel lapping machine
MELCHIORRE SP3/600/2PR. All of the silicon wafers have an initial
surface roughness of Ra 0.63 [micro]m--Ra 0.8 [micro]m. Four variables
were considered as control variables: grain size (A); lapping pressure
(B); number of lapping-compoundsupply (C); and lapping speed (D).
Experimental levels for each control variable are shown in Table 1.
Surface roughness was measured before and after lapping using
profilometer HOMMEL-TESTER Typ TR. Experimental results are shown in
Table 3, in which yi (i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7--number of silicon wafers)
are percentage improvements of surface roughness any y is the averaged
value of the seven. s2 is variance and S/N is response statistic.
In this study, we are interested in the efficiency or percentage
improvement of surface roughness, so S/N ratios are calculated for case
of "Bigger Is Better" (BIB case)
3.1. Analysis of experimental results
Table 4 shows the method of Yate's computing algorithm used to
obtain mean effect of each variable. Column I is generated using the
data (S/N ratio) column by the rule that the first four entries are
created by adding adjacent pair-wise sets of data from the response
variable column, and the other four entries by subtracting adjacent
pair-wise sets. Columns II and III are generated by applying the same
rule, column II from column I and column III from column II. The sum of
square (SS) is calculated with formula SS= (III) 2/8. Mean effects can
compute by subtracting the mean value of four experimental data at
low-level from those at high-level. For variable A, for example,
high-level appears in rows 2, 4, 6, 8 and low-level 1, 3, 5 and 7 rows
in Table 2. So the mean effect for A can be simply computed from Table 3
as follows which is same as that in Table 4.
The optimal combination (not same as optimal lapping condition)
required to obtain a larger percentage improvement of surface roughness,
that is, A(-)B(+)C(+)D(-): abrasive grain size of #600; lapping pressure
of 4.144 N/cm2; number of lapping-compound-supply of 41 and lapping
speed of 30 rot/min. It can, thus, be predicted that levels of variables
A and D should be taken to minus direction (decreasing the level) and
those of B and C to plus direction (increasing the level) to obtain the
maximum percentage improvement of surface roughness.
3.2. Discussion
The efficiency of plane lapping of silicon wafers, and the
percentage improvement of surface roughness, was increased at coarse
grain size. Lapping pressure shows the largest effect of all variables
considered in this study and the efficiency of lapping increased
dramatically at high-level compared with that at low level. Number of
lapping-compound-supply has little effect on the response. But it has
significant interaction with lapping pressure and, so, should be treated
as an important control variable. Lapping speed has no effect and the
efficiency at low speed is a little higher than that at higher-level.
The plane lapping process of silicon wafers with plane parallel
lapping machine MELCHIORRE SP3/600/2PR, have been characterized
qualitatively by analyzing the effect of four control variables, on the
percentage improvement of surface roughness as a measure of efficiency
using the experimental design method and the following results were
* Lapping pressure has a significant effect on the efficiency of
plane lapping of silicon wafers;
* Number of lapping-compound-supply should be treated as an
important variable even though it has shown no effect on the efficiency
because it interacts with lapping pressure;
* This optimal combination has been confirmed by a confirmatory
experiment resulting in 9.8% increase in the S/N ratio of efficiency.
Dobrescu, T. (1996), Lapping Process of Silicon Wafers, Research
Reports, LAPT, University of Naples "FedericoII", Italy, pp.
Lenth, R.V. (1989), Quick and easy analysis of unreplicated
factorial, Technometrics 31, pp. 469-473
Salje, E., Paulmann, R. (1988), Relations between abrasive
processes, Ann. CIRP 37, pp. 641-648
Taguchi, G., Konishi, S. (1987), Taguchi Methods, Orthogonal Arrays
and Linear Graphs, American Supplier Institute, Dearborn, Michigan, USA
Yates, F. (1988), Design and analysis of factorial experiments,
Technica-1, No. 35, Imperial Bureau of Soil Sciences, London.
Tabel 1. Levels of factors
Symbol Factor High (+) Low (-)
A Grain size #280 #600
B Lapping pressure [N/[cm.sup.2]] 4.144 1.657
C Number of lapping-compound-supply 41 20
D Lapping speed [rot/min] 60 30
Tabel 2. Taguchi's orthogonal array (fold-over type)
Column number and contrast
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(1) - - + - + + -
a + - - - - + +
b - + - - + - +
ab + + + - - - -
c - - + + - - +
ac + - - + + - -
bc - + - + - + -
abc + + + + + + +
Tabel 3. Experimental results
[R.sub.a] improvement [%}
tc [y.sub.1] [y.sub.2] [y.sub.3] [y.sub.4] [y.sub.5]
(1) 47.44 48.63 52.91 49.42 53.68
a 38.41 37.66 38.71 34.38 32.98
b 55.74 54.57 59.48 54.78 55.09
ab 54.29 51.44 50.38 52.98 51.23
c 42.66 42.06 41.57 44.44 43.28
ac 39.44 35.57 37.66 36.98 37.45
bc 80.24 81.69 82.46 83.67 80.94
abc 69.72 69.54 68.42 67.76 67.24
[R.sub.a] improvement [%}
y S/N
tc [y.sub.6] [y.sub.7] [%] [dB]
(1) 50.21 51.79 50.58 34.057
a 31.51 36.04 35.67 30.975
b 54.04 54.32 55.43 34.864
ab 52.78 51.97 52.15 34.339
c 42.53 41.91 42.63 32.589
ac 38.27 37.64 37.57 31.486
bc 81.78 80.09 81.55 38.226
abc 68.54 67.98 68.46 36.707
Tabel 4. ANOVA table by computing procedure of Yate's algorithm
Sum of effects
tc [dB] I II III
(1) 34.0570 65.0317 134.2345 273.2433
a 30.9747 69.2028 139.0088 -6.2307
b 34.8642 64.0760 -3.6079 15.0279
ab 34.3386 74.9328 -2.6228 2.1407
c 32.5897 -3.0823 4.1711 4.7743
ac 31.4863 -0.5256 10.8568 0.9851
bc 38.2261 -1.1034 2.5567 6.6857
abc 36.7067 -1.5194 -0.4160 -2.9727
tc SS effect Measures
(1) 9332.74 68.311 average
a 4.8527 -1.5576 A
b 28.2297 3.7569 B
ab 0.5728 0.5351 AB
c 2.8492 1.1935 C
ac 0.1213 0.2462 AC
bc 5.5873 1.6714 BC
abc 1.1046 -0.7431 D