Adapted methods of spatial information analysis developed and implemented in the framework of IACS-LPIS setup in Romania.
Docan, Daniela Cristiana ; Dana, Iulia ; Badea, Alexandru 等
Abstract: Romanian Paying and Intervention Agency for Agriculture
has financed a complex project in order to create and maintain the
IACS-LPIS (Integrated Administration and Control System--Land Parcel
Identification System). The orthophotos needed for the creation of LPIS were provided by National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration
(ANCPI). The multidisciplinary quality control team, in charge with the
realization of the project has developed innovative procedures based
upon ESRI technologies (VISAROM, ArcGIS and GIS DataReViewer). These
procedures were customized and tested in order to fulfill the specific
requirements of Romania. Spatial data quality control (QC) tasks include
a series of automated and visual checks of the orthophotos, database,
topology and accuracy of the physical blocks digitization.
Keywords:orthophotos,GIS,database,topology,quality control.
The application presented in this paper was realized in the
framework of LPIS setup in Romania. LPIS has the goal to implement the
agricultural subsidies, according to the policy and procedures of the
European Union (EU). The project was financed by Romanian Paying and
Intervention Agency for Agriculture (APIA). The abbreviation LPIS is
used by European Union in order to define the Land Parcel Information
System as a key component of the Integrated Administration and Control
System (IACS) for area-based subsidies, developed by all the European
countries (member or on road to become members) according to the
fundamental juridical regulations of UE. IACS is mainly used for the
management and the control of agricultural subsidies by all EU national
administrations. LPIS holds information about land parcels which are
used as a reference for declaration by farmers, for administrative and
cross checks (100% of all declarations) and finally for on the spot
inspections (minimum 5% of all declarations) (Badea et al.,2004).
According to the requests and recommendations of UE, the creation
of LIPS has to take into account the following aspects:
-utilization of orthophoto
-creation of the database in a GIS environment
-homogeneity of the database
The established GIS is based on color digital orthophotos (pixel
size 0.5m, accuracy [+ or -]1.5m) created from aerial photographs
acquired thought 7 different aerophotogrammetric projects between
2002-2006, delivered by the National Agency for Cadastre and Land
Registration. The orthophoto database consists of more than 39000 tiles
having a size of 2.5kmx2.5km. In order to facilitate the access to image
information, it was decided (together with the beneficiary of the
project) to organize these tiles in a configuration of 10kmx10km. This
process involved the mosaicking of the approximately 2.5kmx2.5km tiles
resulting 2537 tiles with the dimension of 10kmx10km, in a geotiff
These 10kmx10km tiles were compressed in MrSID format (second
version) in order to be compatible with the IT system based on
LaFIS--software designed by GAF for administration purposes granting
completely the current EC guidelines.
In order to receive the agricultural subsidies, the farmers have to
declare their intention to be beneficiary and must identify the land
parcel used for agricultural purposes, in the area of a "physical
block", also known as the "reference parcel" (APIA,2006).
The digitization of physical blocks based on orthophoto maps
(supplied by ANCPI and corresponding to the Romanian administrative
units) constituted the first step of the project. The next step
consisted in the elaboration of the spatial database necessary for an
easy identification of the parcels by the farmers
In order to have a unique and continuous cartographic representation for the entire Romanian territory, the national
projection Stereographic '70 was selected. For filling in the GIS
database concerning the limits of the administrative units, a *.shp
file, provided by ANCPI, was used. The minimum accuracy of the database
has to be in accordance with the cartographic standards for a scale of
1:10.000. The use of the 0.5m resolution orthophoto maps and the process
of digitization at a higher scale (1:1000-1:2000) has automatically
guarantied this condition.
The QC team agreed with the beneficiary (APIA) to operate specific
recommendations and to propose solutions for each of the named
activities in order to homogenize and to make compatible the activity of
The external quality control was based on two complementary actions
which determine if the work of contractors is according with the
technical specifications concerning the:
-respect of data format
-quality of photo interpretation--the unit for quality control was
the administrative unit (UAT)
3.1. Phase I
Visa-Rom application developed by Geosys France following the
specifications elaborated by CRUTA and ROSA was used for the quality
control of data delivered by the contractors in charge with the
digitization of the physical blocks. The functions implemented in this
application allow an accurate analysis of the data by identifying the
possible topological errors (overlaps, multipart polygons, and gaps),
the accuracy of the database fields, according to the European
The first control is realized (topology and structure of data)
using Visa-Rom (Map Objects based software application) for 100% of
UAT's surface. The check of photo interpretation is realized for a
5% sample of physical blocks (sample generated by Visa-Rom).
The administrative unit is considered REJECTED if more than 20% of
the 5% physical block sample is presenting errors. The commune rejected
is retransmitted to the contractor to correct the digitization. If the
number of rejected blocks is less or equal with 20% of the 5% sample,
the administrative unit is considered ADMITTED.
3.2. Phase II
A sample of 30 communes has been chosen in order to test, set up
the final checks (quality control), and identify/correct the database
errors. The goal was to identify geometrical and attribute errors and to
correct the attribute errors. The control was realized for 100% of the
physical blocks in an administrative unit.
The existing data for each commune were:
* the limits of the commune in shape file format;
* the physical blocks digitization by contractors;
* the orthophotos at 0.5m resolution in MrSID format.
In order to perform the QC it is necessary to be loaded in an
intermediated workspace (a Personal GeoDatabase which allows to perform
a series of compulsory checks). Practically, each commune was loaded in
a distinct Geodatabase.
Geodatabase topology rules are used as initial quality control
checks for spatial relationships such as adjacency, coincidence and
connectivity (Zeiler&Environmental Systems Research
3.3.Perform automated QC checks using GIS Data ReViewer
GIS Data ReViewer provides tools for selecting and editing,
performing spatial analysis, finding overlapping features, creating
error tables, capturing and digitizing missing features, and making
topology checks. Errors are logged into a table that stores all the
necessary information for historical tracking (Environmental Systems
Research Institute, Inc. 2006).
3.4.Perform visual QC checks using GIS Data ReViewer
This step assumes visual checks of each physical block in order to
identify photointerpretation and attribute errors and to correct only
the attribute errors.
The intelligible and detailed technical approach leads to a
homogeneous and conform evaluation of the
digitization/photointerpretation activity.
The training of the operators in charge with the digitizing process
by photo interpreting is an important element for a final quality
product. In forest area, due to excessive digitization of the
boundaries, was generated a high number of vertices at distances lower
than 1 meter. That is affecting the size of the database. It is
necessary to underline the fact that the final QC process, didn't
allow the modification of the number of existing polygons (physical
blocks) because the parallel process of farmers declarations is
referring to the initial form of the database.
In fact, the adopted scenario of photo interpretation and the
correct definition of the database structure have a decisive impact on
the quality of the operational database. Finally, this database has to
support the long distance networking access for more than 2000
concurrent users allowing them to perform the update of the content
accordingly the IACS/LPIS requirements.
APIA(2006).The APIA guide to IACS-LPIS create in Romania
Badea, A & Killmayer, A(2002). First Pilot Operation for the
Constitution of a Land Parcel Information System in Romania, 8th Annual
CwRS Conference, Varese, Italy, Available
Badea, A; Killmayer, A & Nedelcu, I. (2004). Pilot project and
Strategy for the implementation of a Land Parcel Identification System
in Romania, 10th Annual Conference on Control with Remote Sensing of
Areabased Subsidies,25-27th of November, Budapest, Hungary
Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (2006). QA/QC for
GIS Data
Zeiler,M&Environmental Systems Research Institute,Inc. (1999).
Modeling our world-The ESRI Guide to geodatabase Design