An algorithm for CAD correction of the work pieces based on machine tool errors.
Anania, Florea Dorel ; Ispas, Constantin ; Mohora, Cristina 等
Abstract: In this paper is presented an algorithm for the
correction of the 3D surfaces of the parts designed using CAD systems.
This correction is realized depending of the tool machines' errors
measured with performant measuring devices (Laser, Vibroport).The
numerical command programs are realized based on the corrected surfaces
of the part using CAD systems..
Key words: Machine tool errors, CAD-CAM, Algorithm, Operational
A tool machine, a produce of particular complexity is of quality if
it can assure from a technical point of view the processing precision of
the class it belongs to. So, the technical quality of a tool machine is
appreciated by its dimensional precision, micro geometrical precision of
the processed surfaces and the accuracy of the relative position of the
generated surfaces, certain productivity conditions. (Ispas. 1998)
From all the components of the part processing process, the
geometrical and cinematic errors of the tool machine can not be modified
however much or whenever, but all the others can be compensated totally
or partially. (Ispas.2006)
Most of the tool machines have in their structure prismatic clutches or rotation ones (specific for the machines with more than 3
axes). For the materialization of this clutches, kinematical chains with
different levels of complexity are being used (the no. of elements,
kinematical parameters, etc.) (Kersten 1983).
The general errors from these kinematical chains are cumulated in
the tool machine's position general error. Such errors are being
taken into consideration by the numerical command systems.
Indifferently of the programming system's complexity and
command, the problem of a command, which consists in obtaining a large
acceleration (short positioning time), of high positioning precisions,
lack of vibrations, of an optimal proportion between the installed power
and the weight, must be resolved in optimal conditions. (Rahman 2004.)
The movement's performances are mainly a result of the
dynamical properties of the mechanical structure and of the quality of
the movement command system. (Marinescu, 2002)
The tool's real position will vary of the ideal one, because
the positioning precision measurements is obtained based on different
kinematical chains and not exactly on the tool.
In figure 1 is presented the ideal position of the tool and the
real one. The real position will be translated in three directions and
rotated after the three axes because of the linearity and angular errors
cumulated in the measured point.
The point that materializes the center of the tool will be
translated on the x axis with [x.sub.r] (the linear errors cumulated on
x axis), on y axis with yr (the linear errors cumulated on the y axis),
on z axis with [z.sub.r] (the linear errors cumulated on z axis) and
rotated with [PSI] (angular errors cumulated by the rotation around the
x axis), with [phi] (angular errors cumulated by the rotation round the
y axis) and with [theta] (angular errors cumulated by the rotation round
the z axis). In fact, this position can not be measured by the machine
tool command system, so it can not be corrected.
For the transformation from the Cartesian OXYZ into the
O'X'Y'Z' the following unitary transformations have
been used:
The transformation vector from O to O' is defined by the
[T.sub.OO] = [R.sub.x] x [R.sub.y] x [R.sub.z] x [T.sub.r] (3)
The expressions to determine the position of the adjusted point
depending on the ideal position are the following:
[x.sub.comp] = [x.sub.i] - (cos[psi] x cos[phi] - sin[psi] x
cos[theta] x sin[phi]) x [r.sub.x] - - (cos[phi] x sin[phi] + sin[psi] x
cos[theta] x cos[phi]) x [r.sub.y] - sin[psi] x sin[theta] x [r.sub.z]
[y.sub.comp] = [y.sub.i] - (sin[psi] x cos[phi] + cos[psi] x
cos[theta] x sin[phi]). [r.sub.x] + + (sin[psi] x sin[phi] - cos[psi] x
cos[theta] x cos[phi]) x [r.sub.y] + cos[psi] x sin[theta] x [r.sub.z]
[z.sub.comp] = [z.sub.i] - sin[theta] x sin[phi] x [r.sub.x]
-sin[theta] x cos[phi] x [r.sub.y] - cos[theta] x [r.sub.z] (6)
where [x.sub.i], [y.sub.i], and [z.sub.i] are ideal coordinates for
the studied point.
These relations are implemented in the CAD program for adjusting
surfaces. Given the type of machine on which we apply the method of
adjusting errors by modifying the surfaces of the CAD model, the
mathematical relation 1, 2 and 3 can be modified.
A three-dimensional matrix of points defines, mathematically, the
machine's work space. For more than 2000 mm for the work space the
distance between measured points should be 100 mm; for less than 2000
mm, it should be 50 mm.
For each of these points it should be measure the linear and
angular positioning errors obtained for the machine tool systematic
errors in normal functioning state.
The main idea of this method is, base on the machine's errors,
to modify the 3D model of the piece's surfaces in a CAD system
(computer aided design). This modified model will be used for generating
numeric command program in a CAM system (computer aided manufacturing).
The program is structured in a number of 17 functions for
calculating and generating external files type CatScript. The program is
modularly structured and easy to follow and read, facilitated by the
comments inside the program.
The input data will be errors' values measured with a LASER
interferometer. These errors are for linear positioning precision
measured in specific points in the work space, in micrometers, and
angular, in the same point, measured in degrees. At the same time, there
can be introduced global errors after studying the machine's
dynamic behaviour at different work rates.
As a result there will be 3 type of files CatScript:
ideal.CATScript- for generating points and/or curves and/or surfaces
which materialize ideal surface; real.CATScript- for generating points
and/or curves and/or surfaces which materialize the real surface;
compensat.CATScript- for generating points and/or curves and/or surfaces
which materialize the adjusted surface.
The functions used:
* calcul_er()--function for calculating the work space's point
coordinates depending on the errors.
* deschide_catia(""); -function for opening
ideal.catscript; real.catscript; compensat.catscript files where will be
written specific CATIA commands for drawing point and/or curves and/or
ideal surfaces;
* scrie_p_ideale(ref); scrie_p_reale(ref);
scrie_p_adjust(ref)--functions for generating drawing command sequences
for each ideal, real and adjusted point in the work space. This function
has as an argument ref--the number of points in the work space;
* traseaza_linii()--function for generating the commands for
drawing lines between the coordinates of the two adjacent points into
direction of the Cartesian system;
* linii_ref()--function which defines lines generated with
traseaza_linii() in order to use them as a reference element in drawing
plane surfaces;
* traseaza_plan(1)--function which draws plane surfaces between
four adjacent curves (lines) that form a closed contour;
* Inchide_catia()--function which close all the opened filse of
As a result of running the program we obtain real and compensated
3D surfaces for the parts to be processed, used for generating the CAM
program. In the figure 2 is presented a particular case for a plane
This paper is based on the research developed into doctorate thesis
Research regarding the dynamic of the manufacturing systems with high
speed machining into Univeristy POLITEHNICA of Bucharest
This method can be applied on any type of machine tool, having high
speeds or not. It has to have implemented a numerical command system.
In order to improve the performances of a numerical command tool
machine it isn't necessary to modify the machine, only to determine
the errors (geometrical, thermal, dynamical errors, etc.) and to modify
the numerical command programs implemented on the machine according to them. For this a CAD-CAM system is necessary and a compensation program
(like the one presented in this paper) that is much easier to realize
from an economic point of view and also of the necessary time.
The purpose of the present researches presented was the realization
of an algorithm utilizable for the total or partial compensation of the
machine tool global errors during the milling operations on numerical
command machines.
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Kersten, A,. (1983)--Geometrical Machine-tool comportment among
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Marinescu I., Ispas C., Boboc D. (2002)--Handbook of Machine Tool
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Rahman M. (2004)--Modelling and measurement of multi-axis machine
tools to improve positioning accuracy in a software way--doctorate
thesis University of Oulu.