Aspects about chemisorptions and molecular antifriction treatment at friction couple of piston-segments-cylinder.
Ungur, Petru ; Pop, Adrian Petru ; Veres, Eugen Mircea 等
Abstract: The paper has presented aspects about structural changes
of cutting surfaces of workpieces by environmental due to forming of oil
film with gas by absorption, chemisorptions and chemical reactions. The
anti-friction molecular treatment with self-lubricates solid additives
of friction couple of piston-segments-cylinder by get in composition of
motor oils created a special film with improving antifriction properties
which due to enhance age of engine with spark ignition.
Key words: couple, chemisorptions, film, molecular treatment.
The operating characteristics and work age of engine with spark
ignition is dependent by quality execution of cylinder shirt (inner wall
of cylinder) from block engine. The main technical machining required of
inner cylinder surface of cylinder shirts by pearlite lamellar or
nodular cast iron [Schrader,2000] are: higher tolerances for fit
diameter, roundness of (0.015-0.03)mm per all length of shirt, circular
runout less 0.03mm, higher quality of mirror surface obtained by honing,
material hardness of (300-350)HB.
The condition of inner cylinder shirt, micro-geometry and hardness
is influenced during working by temperature, impurities of oil
lubricate, friction, oil lubricate, combustion composite, undergoing
essential alters with consequence in depth material.
The surfaces of inner cylinder shirts are location of real
transformations which are dependent by nature of base material,
lubricate medium, fuel, frictions, temperature, physics-chemical
processes, adhesion, absorption which due to forming of nano-metric
organ-metallic film with tribology properties at interference
segments-cylinder [Kragelsky,1978].
After [Kragelsky,1978;Schrader,2000] the state of surfaces realized
by mechanical machining are distribution in four characteristics areas.
The textures of machining surfaces (Fig.1) had formed by areas:
1-absorber layer, 2-amorphous layer, 3layer with distortion crystalline
structure, 4-layer with complete crystalline structure.
In first layer has a depth of (0.2-8)nm is action Van der Walls
force field, which is dependent of material and extern medium. The
second layer is an amorphous structure and has destroyed crystalline
structure on a depth of (0.1-5)[micro]m.
The third layer has a deformed crystalline structure on a stain
hardness depth of (10-15)[micro]m with o greater hardness as base
material. The fourth layer with a depth of (20-50)[micro]m has a
non-attack crystalline structure.
The lubrication-EH is going in special on surface of second layer.
The first and second layer both roughness and waveness is influenced the
lubrication process. The finishing surfaces are made in presence of one
cooling lubricate liquid. In case of finishing cylinder shirts by honing
is used gas.
On metallic surface of cutting workpiece is adhesion an oil film
with gases encouraged by structural non-homogenous by absorption,
chemisorptions and chemical reaction [Marcu, 1979].
Absorption: gas molecules from atmosphere are absorption on clean
surfaces each degassing and are formed monomolecular layer of oxidants
agents as Oxygen and Nitrogen. The layer thickness is (0.2-0.3)nm, and
molecules of absorb gas is holding by Van der Walls forces with bound
energy of 0.05eV (Fig.2).
Chemisorptions: molecules of oxygen had dissociated in atoms and
then in ions by caption of free electrons which appeared at metal
surface. The oxygen is suffered a chemisorptions with a bound energy of
(1-8)eV. The layer thickness is (1-2)nm and is forming in some minutes
(Fig.3). Chemical reaction: metallic ions, which had lost one electron
is get in chemical reaction with gas ions, which are captured one
electron. In film has migration, both gas ions and metallic ions. The
chemical reaction is done slow, the surface of workpiece, in our case
cylinder shirt from cast iron, is getting a film of [Fe.sub.2][O.sub.3]
with thickness of 10nm (Fig.4).
The chemical process of oxidation has realized in two phases, in
first phase is formed FeO, which at smaller temperature is passing in
FeO + 1/[20.sub.2] [right arrow] [Fe.sub.2][O.sub.3] (1)
The atoms of oxygen absorbed at metallic surface is arise at
electrical dipoles behind of partial ionization process of oxygen atoms
with metallic electrons [Marcu, 1979] (fig.5).
The most important tribo-technical system of spark ignition engine
is composed from: piston-segments-shirt of cylinder, engine block. All
the elements of this system are engaged in a permanent mechanical,
thermal and chemical interaction [Balasiu,1990]. Mechanical stress and
thermal action, physic-chemical effects can destroy or rebuild
microstructure of surface layers on surface of cylinder shirt of engine.
Inside of shirt cylinders is raise a disintegration process of ones
molecules oil and fuel following by dissolution of heterogeneous film of
organ-metallic adhesions on metallic surface. By reducer process of
iron's oxides ([Fe.sub.2][O.sub.3]) on inner surface of cylinders
at small temperatures and carbureted of FeO, following by removing from
friction is formed very fine metallic powders [Marcu,1979]. These
reactions are:
In addition, by dissociation of aromatics hydrocarbons fractions
are formed radicals with change of atoms:
C[H.sub.4] [right arrow] C[H.sub.3] + H RH + C[H.sub.3] [right
arrow] R + C[H.sub.4] RH + H [right arrow] R + [H.sub.2] (3)
By active resulted hydrogen actions from decomposition under
pressure and explosion of fuel in mixture with air about iron oxides
FeO + [H.sub.2] [right arrow] Fe + [H.sub.2]O [Fe.sub.2][O.sub.3] +
3[H.sub.2] [right arrow] 2Fe + 3[H.sub.2]O (4)
removing by friction in segments-cylinder couple, characteristic by
higher speeds-(8-12)m/s, temperatures of (200-250)oC at superior part of
cylinder shirt, random grease with alter of friction mode along stroke,
mixed-limited friction on superior part of shirt, stopped lubricate at
start of cold (fig.6).
For improving antifriction molecular treatment of inner surface of
cylinder at spark ignition engine, the lubricated oils are additive with
addition of solid lubricates under micropowder form as: polyethylene
terephthalate (PETE), colloidal graphite, bisulfate of molybdenum
(Mo[S.sub.2]), which compacted heterogeneous antifriction film, reducing
coefficient of sliding friction in piston-cylinder couple (fig.7)
The colloidal graphite has presented under particle form less of
5im granulation, which has mixed in composition of engine oils in small
quantity, being in suspension as its little density and remaining in
stability until a temperature of 4000C.
The bisulfate of molybdenum (Mo[S.sub.2]), under microgranules has
natural antifriction properties, being stable in air until at 3800C. The
chemical composition of Mo[S.sub.2] [Catalog Mo[S.sub.2]] is: Mo-min
58.8%, S-min 38.5%, Si[O.sub.2]-max 0.1%, Femax 0.2%, Cu-max 0.1%,
Pb-max 0.1% and Zn-max 0.1%.
For enhance adhesion of micro-particle of graphite or Mo[S.sub.2]
by metallic surface of cylinder shirt is required a chemical treatment
with tension-active solutions on base of amines and sulfur, which is
other objective research of authors.
For improving the properties of: adhesion, greasy, stretching and
covering of asperity surface going in relative moving from each other,
is required chemical treatment of solid lubricates with micro-powder of
polar tension-active substance.
Antifriction molecular treatment of system
piston-segments-cylinder, by addition of engine oil solid additives
lubricates, bisulfate of molybdenum (Mo[S.sub.2]), colloidal graphite,
polyethylene terephthalate (PETE) has positive technoeconomic effects.
These effects are: reducing of power lost of spark ignition engines,
decreasing friction at warm and cold of surfaces in relative motion,
reducing of fuel consumption with 2-3% and of oil consumption, enhance
compression capacity of engines, warn reducer of segments and cylinder
shirts, improving age spark ignition engines.
Antifriction molecular treatments of system pistonsegmentscylinder
have positive effects for environment by: reducer emission of HC
combustion in environment at a normal operating of spark ignition
engines, reducing the environment pollution by reducer of fuel and
lubricates consumption.
Balasiu, D. (1990). Techniques of Investigation for Deterioration
Processes, Technical Editor, Bucharest
Kragelsky, I.V. & al. (1978). Friction Wear Lubrification, Vol.
I-II, Tribology Handbook, Mir Publishers, Moscow Marcu, G. (1979),
Chemical of Metals, Didactical & Pedagogical Editor, Bucharest.
Schrader, G.F., Elshennawy, A.K. (2000). Manufacturing Processes
& Materials, SME Editor, ISBN-087263-517-1, Dearborn, Michigan, USA
Ungur, P.; Pop, P.A.; Gordan, M., Caraban,A. (2007), Industrial
Wastes Using For Green Cleaning Of Lubricant Oils of Exhausted Motor,
Proceeding of Inter. Scientific Conference microCAD 2007, pp.155-160,
ISBN 978-963661-742-4 O, ISBN 978-963-661-744-8, Innov. & Tech.
Transfer Center and University of Miskolc Publisher.
***. Catalog of Produces on Base of Bisulfate of Molybdenum,
Romanian Minister of Industry and Commerce, CNCAF MINVEST Deva, Branch
of Stei, Romania.