Calibrating procedure by teach-in robotised flexible manufacturing system.
Radulescu, Corneliu ; Varga, Stefan ; Grigorescu, Sanda 等
Abstract: One of the industrial re-technology objectives is buying
a great number of robotized Flexible Manufacturing System--FMS. Once the
technical application is identified and the equipment is procured, a
quick installation process is required. Although the robotized FMS components are executed with great precision, because of some important
systematic situation errors, caused by foundation and installation
imprecision, the duration of the first put in service can be extended
very much, having an unjustified effect at the expenses increases. This
paper presents a new calibration method based on teach-in implementation
that reduces the losses caused by the difficulty of putting into service
of the robotized FMS.
Key words: Flexible Manufacturing System, Robot, Calibration,
Each robotized FMS contains at least one robot and a certain number
of the peripheral components. If the robot co-operates with the
peripheral components, the functional parameters must be automatically
correlated. If the functional parameters are variable, they are
correlated by special application software. If the functional parameters
are constant, having a reference role, calibrating can correlate them.
The calibration can be done using an outside-robotized FMS
instrumentation, or using the robot sensorial capacity (Coiffet, 1991).
In the second case, there is a teach-in implementation with many
advantages because it eliminates the system's systematic errors.
The problem is to calibrate the FMS peripheral components relative
situations, according to the robot that serves these components.
The calibrating methodology of the system depends on the
robot's guiding devices and their peripheral components, and can be
described with direct or inverse geometrical models (Hartenberg &
Denavit, 1964), (Craig, 1986).
Other people use successive teaching of the application in every
workplace served by robot. This method creates time losses, especially
for complex applications, because a lot of precision points need to be
If between the robotized FMS components, there are unknown
positioning and orientation errors, the transformation matrix from a
peripheral component to the robot, must be experimentally determined. In
order to do this, on every peripheral component, there are some
calibration points. The general form of the transformation matrix,
introduce by its elements 12 unknown variables. Because one spatial
point situation needs three coordinates, for one peripheral component
there are 12 / 3 = 4 calibration points (O, Q1, Q2, Q3). The 4
calibration points are chosen in different planes, in order to define on
every peripheral component a new frame. In the teach-in phase these
calibration points must be effectively materialized. In order to do
this, some pegs or markers are fixed on the every peripheral component
calibrate base that will be used. After the four calibration points
coordinates are established, the elements of the transformation matrix
are calculated (Varga, 2001).
We have done two calibrating algorithms based on transformation
matrixes used to adapt the robotized FMS, with a real positioning of the
components, at application programs elaborated "off line" or
"on line" in the other system, with different real components
positioning using the same application.
These algorithms can be implemented in the robot software, robot
that was mounted with situations errors according to peripheral work
place. The algorithms allow an automatically software adaptation of what
was initially defined for a similar FMS, but with different layout
errors. Using the "on-line" acquisition of the calibration
points coordinates, for the initial FMS and for the new FMS, the
calibrating algorithms can automat calculate the transformation matrix
from the every peripheral components to the robot frame. With these
matrixes the initial FMS software databases are redefined, resulting a
new database, valid to command a new FMS robot.
2.1 Using the calibrating algorithm to implement an "off
line" elaborated application program inverse geometrical model
This algorithm is based on the premise that in the "off
line" elaborated application program, the precision points
coordinates are expressed in comparison with the frame, united with
ideal robotized FMS peripheral component. The algorithm needs to execute
the following steps:
(1) By "on line" sensing the calibration points positions
materialized on real robotized FMS peripheral component are measured.
(2) Applying the relations of the direct geometrical model the
co-ordinates of the every calibration points can be determinates.
(3) The elements of transformation matrix are calculated.
(4) The application program is loaded into the robot control system
(5) The precision points co-ordinates, defined on the application
program as a database, are transposed from the calibration points frame
into the reference frame.
(6) The inverse geometrical calculus is done.
(7) The impulses numbers are deduced for every axis and every
precision point, and they are memorized into a new database, because
they are the reference values of the control signals on the energetic
axis numerical control. This calculus must be done once for each
program, after that the robot from real FMS can execute the application,
with the new database.
2.2 Using the calibrating algorithm for "off line"
implementation of the "on line" elaborated application program
inverse geometrical model
To formulate this algorithm, two theoretically identical robotized
FMS must exist, made from the same layout, but practically they are with
different real situation of the components. It is supposed that on these
two robotized FMS theoretically identical applications must be executed,
after an "on line" elaborated program on one of them (Fig. 1).
In this case the algorithm to follows reduces the calibration program.
It is important that the "on line" elaborated program into the
first robotized FMS, defines the application precision points by the
impulses numbers proportional with this system robot joint variables.
This algorithm needs to run the following steps:
(1) Based on the impulses numbers for every energetic axis and
every precision point, defined for the considered application, the joint
variables are determined.
(2) With the resulted joint variables we calculate for all the
precision points' co-ordinates in comparison with the fixed frame,
which is united with the first robot.
(3) Applying the (1), (2) and (3) phases presented in [section]
2.1, for the first robotized FMS, the transformation matrix is
determined from the peripheral component of the first system to their
(4) The inverse of this transformation matrix are done, and the
precision points co-ordinates are transformed from robots frame in Q1
origin frame, that is united with the first robotized FMS peripheral
component basis. Because the two robotized FMS execute the same
application, having the same precision points P1 [equivalent to] P2,
results that their co-ordinates relative to the frames, connected to the
two robotized FMS have to be the identical. As a result they can be
transferred from the first to the second FMS and the problem is same
like the case presented in [section] 2.1.
The robot will co-operate correctly with the second FMS peripheral
component, where the relative situation between the components differ
from that found in the first system, only after applying the seven
phases of the algorithm presented in [section] 2.1, but using the second
robot and the calibration points materialized on the second robotized
These algorithms can be adapted, with minor changing, on different
robotized FMS layouts. In the FMS presented in Fig. 2, one single robot
serves two theoretically identical peripheral components, but with
different real positioning relative to the robot. In this case the only
modification that has to be operated in the calibrating algorithm
presented in this section is that we can skip the program transfer
phase. After the "on line" program elaboration and the
application precision points definition relative to the Q1 peripheral
component, the Q2 component calibration can be made, in order to adapt
the joint variables to the real situation of the robot into origin O.
In the end it is mentioned that the presented algorithms depend on
the robotized FMS structure. A complex guiding device, or a peripheral
component with proper mobility, lead to modifying the system geometrical
models, so that the parameters number taken in account increases.
It is known that the applications program transfer and the
calibrating programs of the systems with more components that execute
the same applications represent efficient techniques to reduce the
duration of the first put into service of the robotized FMS and also the
related expenses. The time gain can be estimated by the ratio between
the necessary precision points into the system (as shown, there are 4
points needed for each component) and the needed precision points that
define the application.
The robotized FMS manufacturer use the beneficiary staff teaching
to do on a prototype system temporarily installed in their testing
workshop. At this moment the prototype system is programmed for the
required application. Usually this program is lost. If this program is
saved and transferred to the beneficiary and it is adapted through
calibration to the components' real relative positioning, after
their reinstallation at the beneficiary, the application programming
time can be saved, considering just the first component.
Of course, the greatest economies are not done thanks to the
reduced programming time for a calibrated FMS they are done because of
the rapid introduction of the FMS into the fabrication process where it
starts generating profit. Instead of calibrating the FMS components
physical layout (weight objects precise moving, vague foundation, etc.),
our method propose the software calibration on every imprecise layout.
In this manner, this new calibrating algorithms replace the hard work of
many people with the easier computer work.
It is obvious that in future it is needed to elaborate, for the
robotized FMS calibrating, the "tool" program, that allows to
adapt the application program in a short time. These "tool"
programs have to operate into the database, that have archived the
information about application precision points, from the initial
application program, to recognize this information, to decode them, to
modify the acquisition reference values on one of the peripheral
component and transform these into needed values for other components,
to re-code and to re-archive into another database in the same order as
they are extracted. The application program resulted for the real
situation of the components from the calibrated system, can be extended
to the many robotized FMS, and must be accessible in automatically mode
on every application execution.
If one robot serves more theoretically identical peripheral
components, but placed into different real situation, the application
that has to be executed is the program used for the calibration of the
peripheral component that is put into service. In future we can be use
the 3D CompuGauge System--Dynalog, Inc., (bought by Grant 112 CEEX
II-03/15.09.2006--Simulation, Control and Tasting Platform applied in
Mechatronics, CNMP Bucuresti INFOSOC), to know the real positions of the
4 calibration points on the every peripheral components of the FMS.
The calibration of the robotized FMS serves to obtain an adjustment
of the positioning parameters of the system components. Into the
calibrated FMS, the components automatically co-operate, following the
application programs, even if they are placed with relatively great
positioning and orientation errors.
The calibration can be made by "on line" teach-in of the
system. In order to do this, on the robot peripheral components 4
non-coplanar calibrations point must be materialized and there position
are recognized by sensing.
The calibration algorithms give the "tool" program that
allows controlling the system computer in order to automatically adjust
the application precision points to the real situation of the FMS
By the FMS calibration a lot of time is gained, accelerating the
first put into service, and also profit can be gained by accelerating
the start the production.
Coiffet, Ph. (1991) Les Robots, Hermes Publishing, Paris
Craig, J.J. (1986) Introduction to Robotics, Addison--Wesley
Publishing, ISBN 0-201-10326-5, Massachusetts
Hartenberg, R.S. & Denavit, J. (1964) Kinematic Synthesis of
Linkages, Mc. Grow--Hill Book Company, New York, San Francisco, Toronto,
Varga, S. (2001), Zero Rank Calibrating Procedure by Teach-In
Robotized Flexible Manufacturing System, International Journal
"Robotics & Management", Vol. 6, No. 1, June 2001, pp.
16-21, ISSN 1453--2069