Chip breaker geometry selection using FEM simulation.
Croitoru, Sorin Mihai ; Patrascu, Gabriela ; Dragomirescu, Cristian George 等
Abstract: This paper presents a methodology for selection of
removable inserts with chip breaker in roughing turning operations based
on FEM simulation. The optimization objective includes the contributing
effects of cutting forces and effective stress maximum values. Case
studies are presented to demonstrate its application in the selection of
cutting tool inserts chip breaker geometry.
Key words: FEM simulation, cutting process, cutting forces, tool
In practice, when selecting inserts for turning operations,
chip-breaking diagrams are helpful and they are commonly used (Kalhori,
2001). Such diagrams are published by tool manufacturers and show the
application range under standardized and simplified conditions such as
turning operation, side cutting edge angle, large work diameter, etc.,
for the variation of feed and depth of cut only. Because of the
complicated rake face geometries of these inserts, analytical prediction
of cutting forces, tool life, etc., is extremely difficult (Miner,
2005), (Patrascu & Croitoru, 2005). Thus, modelling the
three-dimensional chip breaking process was initially restricted to
these conditions. Predicting stress and temperature distributions using
finite element (FEM) based on numerical simulation of chip formation has
the ultimate potential for identifying optimum tool geometry and the
cutting conditions. By using this knowledge, tool life and surface
finish can be improved in high speed machining and better inserts can be
selected and designed (Mohora et al., 2001).
This paper presents a methodology for selection of removable
inserts with chip breaker in roughing turning operations based on FEM
simulation. The optimization objective includes the contributing effects
of cutting forces and effective stress maximum values. The simulation
software DEFORM3D[TM], specifically developed for large strain
deformations, automatically separates the chip from the workpiece around
the tool tip based on metal flow, material properties and tool geometry.
Different insert geometries were used. No lubricant is used at the
tool-workpiece interface.
The model of the simulation is plane-strain and nonisothermal. In
the simulations the workpiece is assumed to be rigid-plastic and to have
a rectangular shape.
For simulation of turning process it was used a plane strain
deformation model. The insert and a part of workpiece were meshed in
order to have a practical number of elements for calculations (Patrascu,
2004). Workpiece (fig. 1) was made of Romanian OLC45 steel. Depth of cut
was 1 mm, cutting speed 300m/min, and feed 1 mm/rev. The round inserts
([phi] = 25 mm) without and with chip breaker geometry were made
available in STL form, generated from CATIA V5R16 system (fig. 2)
(Patrascu & Croitoru, 2005).
Relief angle was 7[degrees]. The design of round insert with
spherical radial cells chip breaker (fig. 2, c) used the idea that only
an additional deformation would lead to the chip break, which is a
wanted phenomenon in case of cutting steel. In this case, the steel tend
to deliver long curly chips, which tangle between themselves - on one
hand - or with the cutting tool--on the other hand. This implies
additional efforts to take the chips out of the active cutting zone.
In figures 3, 4 and 5 the graphics of the cutting force components
for the 4 studied cases are presented. It can be observed (table 1) that
cutting force is lower in case of bi-truncated cones chip breaker, feed
force is lower for inserts without chip breaker and radial force is
lower for bi-truncated cones chip breaker. After the analysis of the
cutting force components' values (fig. 3...5) and maximum effective
stress values the following table can be stated.
Cutting simulations are developed to become an instrument for
design of cutting tools. These computational will increase the
understanding of the cutting process. Simulations can reduce the number
of experiments required during the design process. It is also possible
to perform parametric studies in a way that is difficult to achieve by
experiments. It is now simple to choose from the studied cases the type
of chip breaker. Obviously, the first criterion is the minimum values of
the cutting force components. There is another criterion to be used when
choose the chip breaker: the fact that the chip breaks. This breakage
will appear when the equivalent stresses are greater than the specific
break stress limit of the work piece material. In conclusion, for
practical cases, we will use inserts with bi-truncated cones chip
Acknowledgements: The authors would like to thank Prof. Jawahir
I.S. from University of Kentucky for his support and Mr. Erwin Reiss of
Scientific Forming Technologies Corporation (SFTC) for the use of three
month free evaluation license of DEFORM 2D and 3D software and for his
helpful suggestions and discussions.
Kalhori, V. (2001). Modelling and Simulation of Mechanical Cutting,
PhD Thesis, Lulea University of Technology, Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Sweden, pp. 5-27.
Miner, W.D. (2005). A Tool Wear Comparative Study in Turning Versus
Computer Simulation in 1018 Steel, MS Thesis, Brigham Young University,
pp. 5-20.
Mohora, C., Cotet, C.E. & Patrascu, G. (2001). Simularea
sistemelor de productie. Simularea proceselor, fluxurilor materiale si
informationale, Editura Academiei Romane and Editura Agir, ISBN 973-27-0868-9 and ISBN 973-8130-69-7, Bucharest.
Patrascu, G. (2004). 3D Simulation of Turning Process using FEM
Software, Proceedings of the International Conference on Manufacturing
Systems ICMaS 2004, Constantin, I., Ghionea, A., Constantin, G. (Ed.),
pp. 297-300, ISBN 973-27-1102-7, Bucharest, 2004 October, Editura
Academiei Romane, Bucharest.
Patrascu G., Croitoru S.M. (2005). Prediction of Cutting Forces
using FEM Simulation and Modelling for Optimal Selection of Chip Breaker
Inserts Geometry, Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Management of
Innovative Technologies (MIT'2005), Mihael Junkar, Paul R. Levy,
(Ed.), pp. 187-191, TAVO & LAT, ISBN 961-6238-96-5, Fiesa, Slovenia.
Table 1. Cutting forces simulated values.
Fx, [N] Fy, [N] Fz, [N] stress
without chip breaker 173,69 6840,13 890,79 1512,49
bi-truncated cones chip 334,64 5209,5 319,39 1533,43
spherical radial cells chip 397,34 5251,19 415,54 1515,32
radial canals chip breaker 390,18 6532,24 1945,57 1495,8