Competitiveness strategies for the international scientific--academic associations and clusters.
Popa, Horia Liviu ; Mocan, Marian Liviu ; Pater, Liana Rodica 等
Abstract: The coopetition among International Academic and Research
& Development Associations {IARDA} and among clusters requires the
development and implementation of a new innovative and integrative
management of the competitiveness. For the {IARDA} and clusters have not
been yet rigorously studied the specific ways and programs for
competitiveness increase. We define a unitary methodology for the
competitiveness strategy of IARDA and clusters that include
International Academic and Research & Development Associations.
Key words: competitiveness strategy, unitary methodology, {IARDA}.
The universities {U}, resear ch-development institutes {R&DI},
their associations {ARDA} and their international associations {IARDA}
have always been, are and will be leading organizations in the
knowledge, education, innovation and social progress. The process of
accelerated globalisation after 1970 determines the U, R&DI, ARDA,
IARDA and clusters to become competitive on short time, to be
competitive as long time as possible, or to pass away on medium-long
The paper's aim is to contribute at elaborating of a new
method in strategic management which, developed and applied can
determine the systematic increase of the {IARDA} and cluster's
Further research will elaborate the results of this paper.
The competitiveness management of the IARDA and cluster is more
complex than the management of the universities competitiveness (Popa,
2005), because the IARDA and clusters coopetition achieves in all the 7
external international environments (Popa & Mocan, 2005).
The strategic management of the IARDA and cluster competitiveness
takes place continuously, having a cycle of two years and the management
process meets four periods.
A unitary method for the strategic competitiveness management of
the IARDA and cluster develops on 12 stages (Fig. 1):
1) The strategic competitiveness management object definition (OMK)
and the formulation way of the competitiveness plan,
2) The elaboration / actualisation of the competitiveness profile
of the OMK (multidimensional identification: absolutely, relatively,
profile, market value etc.),
3) The competitiveness analysis of the OMK in a given time of [+ or
-] 3 years (the SWOT complex method, with the check list
"1+10"; portfolio methods, benchmarking etc.), the result
being the competitiveness diagnosis,
4) The market and external / internal environments survey and the
marketing opportunities analysis for the OMK in a given time of + 5
years grouped on target markets / segments / niches, as an OMK
adaptation basis firstly to all external environments,
5) The formulation / actualisation of the DAS strategical actions
directions for the OMK competitiveness development in target markets /
segments / niches, for a given very long time of + (10,....35) years,
based on the diagnoses and prognoses from stages 3) and 4), on the aims
and competitiveness / objectives for the entity; from these performances
recurrently and integrative are deducted in the competitiveness plan the
aims and objectives for L) Long-term successive-parallel strategies
(2--10 years, depending on the life-cycle duration of the entity and on
its products), A) Average-term successive-parallel tactics (1--2 years),
S) Short-term successive-parallel schedules (less than 1 year),
6) The vision, aim, mission and objectives {[y.sub.p]} definition
on long (> 2 years) and medium term (1 ... 2 years) for OMK on
reasonable and feasible alternatives {[V.sub.j]} in correlation with the
strategical action direction DAS formulated in the stage 5),
7) The {[V.sub.j]} strategical competitive alternatives elaboration
for the OMK in a detailed and correlated manner:
--Strategies of marketing & OMK strategies (> 2 years)
--Marketing-mix strategies & OMK subsystem strategies (1--2
--Marketing-mix component parts strategies & function f
strategies (1--2 years) for entity
8) The strategically alternatives {[V.sub.j]} analysis with
portfolio, risk, efficiency, etc. methods and the optimal strategies
selection {[V.sub.opt]} for OMK on very long, long and medium term,
grounded with multi-attribute mathematical methods,
9) The formal details of the optimal strategies for the OMK (Popa
et al., 2002), (Popa, 2003).
10) The competitive strategies application in an inter-correlated
manner and the mobilisation and development of all resources around the
optimal strategies for OMK.
11) The monitorisation of the optimal strategies application for
the OMK at all hierarchical levels,
12) The continuous strategical control and the competitiveness
control for the OMK and its external environments realised at all levels
of the strategical / tactical planning, organisation, processing, and
The long term development of the OMK competitiveness requires also
the competitiveness quantification for all stages of the strategical /
tactical process, using in an inter-correlated manner the variety of
assessments (Popa & Pater, 2006).
The new elaborated unitary methodology in the strategic management
of the IARDA and cluster competitiveness allows the efficient
application of the competitiveness integrative management at all levels.
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