Identifying sources of electromagnetic field for a naval ship and the risk effects on the human body.
Samoilescu, Gheorghe ; Sotir, Alexandru ; Grozeanu, Silvestru 等
Abstract: The paper focuses on the main sources of electromagnetic
field in the case of a naval ship, their pollution and the risk effects
upon the environment. The choice for the environmental study is a naval
ship, due to the special conditions in which people are working and
living for a period of maximum 8 months per year. This limited space is
habitat with many different and poorly studied characteristics. Onboard
a naval ship there is a variety of electromagnetic sources which cover a
wide range of frequencies from zero to 20 GHz. All these represent
sources of electromagnetic changes transmitted through conduction and
through the field. These changes can influence the proper functioning of
the board equipments and the life of the crew.
Keywords: risk, electromagnetic disturbance, electric
conductibility, electromagnetic field.
The risk may be defined by means of alternate ways [1, 3]. As far
as the risk estimate is concerned, we may distinguish among the
following categories: a). Identifying risk factors resides in
establishing the nature of the potential negative aspects; b). The
estimate of the doses--effect ratio establishes the quantity ratio
between the danger and the estimated adverse effect and the influence
doses. c). The estimate of exposure determines exposure or, if possible,
the doses administered to a certain target organ from the body of one of
the persons exposed to a certain pathogenic aggression d). Risk
characterization determines the action of harmful factors, taking into
account the real terms of aggression. We make a distinction between the
exposure and the dose.
This restricted space represents a less studied habitat, with many
various characteristics (they are people living and unfolding their
activity for a long period of time). Onboard a naval ship there is a
great variety of electromagnetic sources which cover a large range of
frequencies between 0 and 20 GHz consisting of: synchronous generators,
electric engines, converters, radio communication systems,
radiolocation, telecommunication, radiotelephones, and calculator
networks. All these represent sources of electromagnetic perturbations
transmitted both by conduction as well as by field. The perturbations
may influence the good functioning of the equipment onboard as well as
the life of the crew producing major pollution. [3, 4, 5].
The data obtained hereby have been compared to the already known
data in the field, establishing a number of 22 "points" for
which these norms have been exceeded. As to the resulting situation some
protection measures of the personnel must be taken such as protection
suits, shields, protection screens, protection curtains. The
measurements meant to determine the density of the power flux of the
electromagnetic field onboard the ship have been performed in 2006. When
performing the measurements we have used the complex measurement system
Narda, 8718 model, USA, with sounding lines within 300kHz--50 GHz. On
the basis of the data obtained by measurements we have drawn the
electromagnetic chart of the ship.
First of all, we have established the 22 points of the ship where
we have deemed proper to make measurements, these points being situated
on decks, in areas where the ship personnel is directly exposed to the
radiation fields. With a view to checking the stability of the
measurements, we have performed repeated measurements, over a day, or
day by day, in the main measurement points, noticing identical or very
close values of the density of electromagnetic power [1, 6, 7, 8]
radiated in the same source context. As a result of measurements it
results that:
a). the values obtained in the same point, in two days, between the
same hours (8-16), and in the same perturbing context, with the same
operating sources respectively, have a very slight variation among
themselves: 13.1 [mu] W/[cm.sup.2] as compared to 12.5 [mu] W/[cm.sup.2]
b). the measured values in the two days are at the same size order.
Taking into account the average values measured during a 8-hour
span and comparing them to the limited provided by the General Norms of
Labour Protection, Annex 48/1996, edited by the Labour and Protection
Ministry [11, 12], we noticed that in the 22 measurement selected points
on the naval ship under study, the maximum level is over seeded, by 12.5
[mu] W/[cm.sup.2] /8 hours, or is very close to this level.
The exposure of human body to electromagnetic fields. In this
section we shall make a distinction between the exposure with cumulative
biochemical effects (long-term) and the exposure with acute (immediate)
biochemical effects. [6, 7, 9, 10, 13, 14].
a). the exposure with cumulative biochemical effects is
characterized by: 1). The preponderant action of very weak magnetic
fields, of (0,1 / 0,2) [mu] T order, existing in domestic environments,
as well as in occupational environments; 2). Quasi-permanent nature,
which triggers the name of background field equivalent to the average
exposure of a human being (domestic exposure); 3). Possible biochemical
actions, which, during a long span of time, may lead to genetic
alterations. The significant specific parameter in the case of
cumulative biochemical effects is the magnetic field dose accumulated by
the human being over a long period of time, like tens of years. The
domestic dose corresponds to an average exposure of 0,13 [mu] T, which,
in the case of an average individual, who is not supplementary exposed
during work hours, leads to an annual value of 0,13 [mu]T x 8760
hours/year = 1,14 x 103 [mu]T. h/year= 1140 mT.h/year.
b). Exposures with biochemical acute effects is characterized by
:1). Temporary action of some magnetic fields with exceed values of a
couple of mT order, specific fields for some occupational environments
(for instance, the vicinity of some electric ovens with induction); 2).
Acute biochemical effects appear together with the surpassing of a
critical value of the magnetic field intensity and disappear at the same
time with the field disappearance; 3). Establishing limitations for the
instantaneous action, which, unless surpassed, ensure the avoidance of
acute biochemical effects. The limitations have been set by the World
Health Organization and the International Board for Protection against
Non-ionized Radiation (ICNIRP); 4). The existence of a monotonously
rising dependence between the intensity of the magnetic field, which
exposure is occurring at, and its biochemical effects. In table 2 we
have presented an estimate of the exposure time in magnetic field, for
various working positions in the engine room and the doses of
accumulated exposure over a year are of 14 mT.h/year.
On the basis of the exposure doses we have been able to calculate
the risk factors. The total annual doses is:
* For a person working in the engine room with electric equipment:
Dt=[D.sub.0] +[D.sub.d] = 13520 +(8760 - 1600) 0,13+ 14450 nT.h/year =
14 mT.h/year. Therefore, the dosis is of 13 times greater, as compared
to a person who is not occupationally exposed (1,14 mT/h/year).
* For a person working in telecommunication and transmission
stations: Dt=[D.sub.0] +[D.sub.d] = 55630 +(8760 - 1600) 0,13 =55560
[mu]T.h/year =56 mT.h/year. Therefore, the doses is 50 times greater,
than in the case of a not occupationally- exposed person.
The total annual doses is practically determined, only by
activities deployed in the close vicinity of the central command point
and is accumulated during time intervals, which, if summed up, represent
the following percentages out of the whole occupational duration: 43 %
in the case of stations and 34% in the case of electric generators.
For cummulative exposures in magnetic field of 3,1 [mu]T we have
determined the relative risk factors RR = 2,41 for acute leukemia (non
lymphocytic leukemia ANLL) and RR = 3,15 for myeloid acute leukemia
(acute myeloidleukemia AML). For cummulative exposures in magnetic field
of 2 [mu]T we have determined the relative risk factors: RR = 2,36 for
ANLL and RR= 2,25 for AML. We have noticed an incerased frequency,
towards the persons working in other occupational environments, of brain
cancer, in the case of people working in electroenergetic installations.
The risk factor in the case of brain cancer is RR = 1,64, for inductions
of (0,2 -0,3) [mu]T. For other various locations of cancer (skin
melanome, prostatis, lungs) the relative risk factor, determined for
these workers, is RR = 0,96, for exposure to inductions of (0,2 -0,3)
[mu]T, RR = 1,51 respectively, for exposure to fields greater than 0,3
As a result, assigning the personnel in the 22 points may lead, in
time, to a degradation of the health status, with negative effects on
the board activities. One of the decks most affected by radiations is
the main deck, where the watch is deployed involving every member of the
1. we suggest that the personnel working in the engine rooms and
with low frequency manning gear (like asynchronous electric engine,
eletric transformers, electric distribution pannels, electric
converters), be protected by means of costumes and protection shields,
together with measures to ensure the anti-perturbant protection of the
electronic equipment.
2. As a result of research done, we have drawn an electromagnetic
chart of the ship, with an accurate location for the increased density
areas of the field, namely the energy, in various operating modes of the
3. We have established the relative risk factors correlated with
various diseases.
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Table 2 Doses of accumulated exposure over a year for the
boarding personnel in the engine room
Working position
In on deck
contact at a (15-20)m related
(L<1m) distance (5-6)m activities Total
stations 20 300 370 700 1600
stations 3100 9440 890 90 13520
working 12 244 294 1050 1600
working 8550 30620 16320 140 55630