Management by projects, structural model of quality progress in projects management.
Mateescu, Liviu Mihail
Abstract: The management activity came out at the same time with
the collectivity work and developed simultaneously with the material and
spiritual development of human society. This activity is known under the
name of "management" and the specialists doing it
"managers". The management technique is destined to lead to a
better utilization of the existent resources at the company level,
leading to a modern management system with a view to solve the intricate
problems which weed a very different kind of activity ensembles
unfolding and implicitly ask for a wide range specialists participation
and integration in an independent structure of the project.
Key words: management by projects; management resources; quality;
objectives; performance; implementation.
Beyond the present difficulties of the companies, during the next
years the enterprising persons and the managers will have to face more
and more complex business medium challenges. These will result from the
escalade of some elements as salaries level, raw materials price,
syndicate rising requirements, shareholders urge; and all the due to the
sharpeners of the competition climate. At present, the managers are
trying to prevent and limit the medium elements effects by massive
programmes of cut in prices. The more often results of these programmes
are the retirements before time limit, dismissals, sometimes the finance
of more and more equipment acquisition projects and everything is
destined to try the productivity improvement by the limitation of hand
work weight. One of the key points in improving the performances of an
organization consists in obtaining the best utilization control of the
unity resources. Consequently, a responsible and close analysis of the
company internal situation care lead to the best solutions
identification. The manager start following the way the company
activities are managed, the management by projects and the project
management becoming necessary to be known since possible progress
modalities are aimed at. Starting with this supposition, must be
analysed the approach of some aspects within the project management
complex draft, with connotation upon: the classical organization
structure analyse in related to the project management requirements; the
quality components in the project management; the opportunity
substantiation study and project feasibility details--on the structural
model of the project medium and the existent correlation between the
project objectives and the company strategies; the management and
company functions, making a differential comparison between
"Management by Projects" versus "The Project
Management"; the structural analyse specific to the management by
project respectively the matrix structure, regarding the implementation
rules, the advantages and drawbacks of the elements and at the same time
specialized elements to implement (Kerzer, 2001).
The specific instruments and techniques used to the projects
management, time and budget resources, the equipments and the logistics
involved in the programmes, as well as essential elements of decisive
approaches during the research--developments programme implementation of
the developed project in all respects of the subsequent developments of
the solutions assimilated for the time being. Taking the organisation as
cybernetic system, two functional situations can be identified in all
situations: a managing one (management) with the causative links between
its constitutive elements. The managing system includes the total
decision and managing bodies, expression the essential component of the
organizational system. The managers confront events and limit states and
in these conditions they resort to a principle complex, systems methods,
techniques, rules and instruments to solve correctly and fast the
problems. The managed system includes the performer's multitude,
the subordinated persons, constituting the second organizational system
The project management is a relative modern notion in the managing
methods field. A project consists of combination the organization
resources to create a new product / position and obtain performances in
the projection and the implementation of organizational strategies. To
understand the notion we must start from what constitute the theme as a
notion: personal wishes; business plans; instrument to achieve purposes;
physical, organizational and social systems; different nays and types of
documentation; projecting integrates system.
An applicative research relies on the fundamental research results,
achieved during long period. The economic efficiency determinations as
part of the feasibility study within these projects, presents great
difficulties. On the conditions, we point out that a project
doesn't unfurl as a simple constant process and totally
predictable. There is a succession of elements and information's
which make us have au entirely other attitude towards a project
approach: the initial data complexity and uncertainty; the temporal
sphere available to materialize the project; the technical objectives
and the predicated costs; the project team resources; the promoting
technology justness.
A project consists of combination the organisation resources to
create a new product / position and obtain performances in the
projection and the implementation of organizational strategies. On the
international plane ISO divided the projects management ensemble in
processes allowing the entrance data to turn into exit data which are
able to give further data, marking the project main stages. The
management by projects allows: to treat all processes as independent
processes; to spread a project culture and the ability to interpret the
medium; to galvanize the management by passing from a task to another
one, from a project to another one; to project, develop and improve the
investment recovery through project; to change the project objectives
depending on the resources limit; to administrate the conflicts and to
provide structural adjustments; to mobilize and integrate the internal
and or external experience; to orientate the project depending on the
applicant customer needs.
There also is a succession of management by projects drawbacks,
bound up to some incompatibilities as: the difficulty of harmonizing the
project organizational network with the company structure--functional
element; the company conflict situations frequency and force
increase--social element. The company management points to the values
appreciated by the customers. A changing from the company traditional
structure to the one organized on projects and programmes brings about
many transformations and disturbances (Newell, 2003). The employed
persons roles and values will develop, the jobs will be different, the
work simplified and the hired persons rewarding systems will be adjusted
to the new created situations. The project management is destinated to
control the resources of an organisation allotted to a specific activity
complying with the time limitations, cost and performance. If the
project is destinated to an external customer, then a fourth limitation
occurs: good relationships with the customer.
The management by projects ensures the organisation a frame where
the organisation management model is bidimensional. Thus is created OBS
(Organisation Breakdown Structure) representing formalism associated to
the question who / what's doing and allows the association for each
part of activity with the necessary resources and the managers assigned
to implement the objectives. Beginning with this idea, we specify the
following quantitative methods used in the project management: GANTT
Diagram Method or Calendar Phasing Diagrams; Critical Path Method--CPM;
PERT Method.
The progress and fast changing's evolution, the social
evolution and the industrial one, had and have a strong impact on the
management and organisation systems of the quality insurances as an
answer to the prices keeping on rising of the marker demand. The
integrator notion of the quality insurances developed in the course of
time depending on the changes required to be done on technical plane,
technological, managing and professional, as an answer to the market
demand raising evolutions and to the customers regarding the necessary
quality achievement.
This notion outruns the inspection and the quality control and
spreads all over the company activities, beginning with customer needs
identification, conceiving the products and services demanded up to the
before-selling, passing the rough fabrication and supplying as well as
commercial, administrative, financial and functional services. With a
view to establish an organisational system it is necessary to take into
account the two independent elements of the company: the procedural
organisation and the structural organisation. The project success can be
measured most of the time by the actions of the three groups: (1) the
project manager and his team, (2) the organisation he belongs to (mother
organisation) and (3) the customer organisation. These must work
together becoming a functional block (Phillips, 2004).
The most well-known method used in project management in UE is the
Log Frame Analyses--LFA. This is a developed management instrument,
specific for the project management which consists of a correspondingly
notions set helping to: stand out the objectives; show the impact
influence of the external elements; stand out the minimal requirements
to succeed; to organise and present essential information's in
order to obtain better results. The logical matrix is a method to
analyse, plan and estimate the programmes and project, using instruments
of raising the transparency and the participation of different interest
groups and the improvement of the orientations to the objectives. It
offers precise information's on the following aspects: the reason
for a project achievement; the expected project results; the way used to
obtaining the results, external element determined for the project
success; the necessary means to achieve the project; cost. A research
where was made the conceptual model of management by projects is the
Regional Development Institution Building Programme. At the end of such
an interactive process, the estimate "ex-ante" vas a key
element in understanding the strategy and the financial resources
allocation, justifying the choices made. The estimate becomes integrant part of the programme even if for transparency reasons it is advisable
that the materials made by experts should be included in a single
document. The analyse made should cove the six main elements of a
programme: the taking into account of a prevision experience; the
socioeconomical context of the industry; to quantify the objectives; to
estimate the socio-economical impact and the resources allocation; the
implementation system of the programme.
The Project Management offers to any company developing such
activities a large spectrum of possibilities to improve the
performances. Respecting the time limits, framing within the budget
limits, avoiding the deviation from technological performance conditions
and the quality of the objectives requested by the beneficiary, become
all together challenges easy to be outrun by an appropriate application
of the management method by projects and a professional program
Kerzer, H. (2001) Project Management, A Systems Approach to
Planning, Scheduling and Controlling, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New
York, ISBN 0471225770
Newell, W., M. (2003) The Project Management Question and Answer
Book, AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn, ISBN 0814471641.
Phillips, J. (2004) PMP Project Management Professional Study
Guide, McGraw--Hill Professional Book Company, ISBN 0072230622.
Table 1. Specifically elements to define TQM
All activities, > Satisfying the > Quality is a
processes, products, customer demands problem of managerial
services of a company through the concept management
from every stage of "zero fault" > Involving all the
the quality spiral > Improving staff to the obtain
are interconnected to continuously the the best results from
improve the quality product previously their activity