Management of the acceptance degree for a technology transfer in automation field.
Omrani, Hichem ; Popescu, Catalin ; Boussier, Jean Marie 等
Abstract: For technology transfer to be successful in automation
field, it has to suit the culture of the end user. Managerial and
organizational methods adopted in industrialized countries may face
serious problems when applied in developing countries. The way people
think, feel and react is a result of their traditional ideas and their
attached values such as comfort, worries for losing their job. An
approach based on the belief and utility theory proposes to quantify an
indicator of acceptance degree that could help the manager to focus
his/her dissemination work on pertinent criteria affecting the
technology transfer and to follow its evolution before and during the
implementation of the project.
Key words: acceptance degree, transfer technology, belief theory,
utility theory
The different human, cultural, social and behavioural patterns of
the people in developing countries demand that management systems of
industrialized countries require prior adjustment or adaptation before
they are transferred. Implementation of cultural calibration, however,
is difficult due to the lack of relevant information on ethnic or
cultural variability and the rather limited role that the Human Factors
Engineering specialist is able to play during detailed engineering and
short project time scales.
Several works exist, but they are generally focused on efficiency
or effectiveness of implementation of an automation process (Hendrikse
& McKinney, 2000). Studies of end user participation are limited or
brought very late to the project with a simple evaluation for
satisfaction that gives an indication of the acceptance of handling a
device (Meister, 1985), without possibility to manage it.
However, define and quantify an indicator illustrating effects of
several criteria causes many problems: how to take into account
heterogeneous perceptions of criteria effects, which are the pertinent
criteria, how to manage the indecision.
Let us take an example of one criterion like "worry to lose a
job" related to the installation of an automated chain in a company
situated in a developing country (such as Romania). Let
[OMEGA]={[H.sub.i],i=1, ..., p} be the domain of criteria levels which
represent a finite set of mutually exclusive and exhaustive hypotheses,
called the frame of discernment. In our application [OMEGA] =
{Absolutely worried, Partly worried, Partly reassured, Absolutely
reassured}={A.W, P.W, P.R, A.R}. A questionnaire is submitted to workers
concerned by these changes and responses can be as singletons (one of
levels) or as disjunctions (between two successive levels). By applying
belief theory (Demspter, 1968), the indecision (frequently observed
before implementation of a project) or the ignorance can be taken into
account. Mass assignment is done by using frequency analysis (Denoeux,
2006), as is shown in figure 1.
Beliefs can be transformed into a probability measure denoted by
BetP (Smets, 1994):
where [absolute value of B] denotes the number of elements in the
set B and m([empty set]) is the mass allowed to the conflict between
workers' opinions. The results provided to the project manager are
in numerical form starting from the computation of a utility ([u.sub.i])
for the criterion ([C.sub.i]):
[u.sub.i] = [P.summation over (k=1)]u([H.sub.k] x BetP([H.sub.k)
where: u([H.sub.k]) is the utility of an evaluation level
[H.sub.k], u([H.sub.k+1])[greater than or equal to]u([H.sub.k]) if
[H.sub.k+1] is preferred to [H.sub.k], and BetP([H.sub.k]) is the
"pignistic" probability related to [H.sub.k]. By using a
linear function on the evaluation levels (e.g. u(A.W, P.W, P.W or P.R,
P.R, A.R)=(0.25, 0.5, 0.75,1)), we obtain an utility (i.e. score) for
"worry to lose the job" equal to 0.57. We will show in section
4 how this utility, which is an average value taking into account all
workers responses will be exploited for acceptance level quantification.
The method for estimating criteria weights is based on the judgment
of the evaluators and the belief theory. Let {[W.sub.i], i=1, ..., p}
represent a group of workers and {[C.sub.k], k=1,..,n} be a group of
criteria whose weights we want to determine {[[omega].sub.k], k=1, ...,
n}. In our application the set of 'pertinence degree' was
defined using 4 levels. The estimation of the criteria weights is given
by the following equation:
where: i[member of] [OMEGA]={1,2,3,4}={Not Pertinent, Less
Pertinent, Pertinent, Very Pertinent} is the set of pertinent degrees;
Freq(i): frequency of appearance of pertinence degrees i; [absolute
value of j]: cardinality of the set j, V (i) is level of degree of
importance with a linear analytic form:
V (i) = (i-1)/(m-1) (4)
with m levels of pertinence and i [member of] [1;m]
After weights computation (equation 1), normalisation is necessary.
Now, we consider that two criteria are tested: "worry to lose a
job" (J) and "time efficiency at work" (E). In our
application the pertinence degree of the criteria was evaluate by 6
workers (noted by [W.sub.i]). If a criterion is unknown, a respondent
can reply by UNK "I do not know" (Table 1).
After normalisation, equation (3) becomes: [[omega].sub.J]=0.56 and
[[omega].sub.E] = 0.44. These weights allow a manager to have an
"average" classification of criteria that could affect the
acceptance degree and to do a complementary work to correct the most
important (in our case, the "worry to lose their job").
We considered that the indicator for acceptance degree must
illustrate the effects of all criteria tested by the manager. Generally
a simple method of aggregation is applied for it which is based on the
multi-attribute utility theory (MAUT) techniques. However, utility
function is not necessary additive because the criteria set can be in
interaction (in synergy or in redundancy). For it, we adapted the
criteria aggregation by the 2-additive form of the Choquet integral (Rico, 2002) where global utility is:
u = [n.summation over (i=1)][[omega].sub.i] x [u.sub.i] - 1/2
[n.summation over (s=1)][n.summation over (t=s+1)] (5) [] x
[absolute value of [u.sub.s]-[u.sub.t]] (5)
with: [[omega].sub.i] is the weight of the criterion [C.sub.i];
[u.sub.i] is the average value of utility defined by equation (3) and
[] is the interaction between the criteria Cs and Ct which must
be must computed.
For it a recent work (Grabisch & Perny, 2003) has proposed the
concept of k-additive measure and some methods for computing the weights
of interactions between criteria. These methods deal with classification
problems (i.e. candidates ranking etc.) and they are not adequate in our
Our method is based on the belief theory. Let {[E.sub.i], i=1, ...,
p} be a set of workers and {[C.sub.k], k=1,..,n} be a set of criteria
whose index interactions we want to determine {[I.sub.ij], i,j=1, ...,
n}. We define a set of levels for importance of interactions that the
workers use for giving their opinion. In our application, this set
contains 5 levels as follow: [OMEGA]={High Negative Interaction (-2),
Less positive Interaction (-1), Not Interaction (0), Less positive
Interaction (+1), High positive Interaction (+2)}.
Weights of interactions are computed as follow:
where k' [member of][OMEGA]; Freq(k') is frequency of
appearance of levels for importance of interaction; [absolute value of
l]: cardinality of the set l; BetP(k') is the "pignistic
probability". V(k') reflects the importance of an interaction
and it is given by the following equation:
V(k') = 2/(n=1) x k' (7)
For three interactions studied related to the criteria ("Worry
to lose a job" (J.), Security level (S.), "Time efficiency at
work"(E.)), the frequency of apparition is done in Table 2.
Interaction indexes are respectively: {J., S.}=0; {J, E.}=-0,875;
{S., E.}= 0,625. Two pairs of criteria are strongly correlated but the
effect of interaction "worry to lose his job" and "time
efficiency at work" is the most important and it is perceived as
harmful by the end users. By applying Equation 5, a value of acceptance
degree for a phase of implementation of the project can be computed.
This operation has an interest only if a comparative approach is
designed. Suppose that this indicator is evaluated for several phases
(before and during the implementation of the automation chain); average
value of utility associated to each criterion could change, as well as
weights of interactions perceived by end users. A manager could have a
realistic idea of global perception of impacts of the project (using
acceptance degree) and can imagine corrective strategies to manage a
successful transfer technology (using weights of criteria and of
Power and hierarchical decision-making, individual versus
collective practices, and the perceived consequences may require
consideration when technology is transferred. We have proposed a
methodology for the evaluation of acceptance degree for a technology
transfer in automation field, under the framework of utility and belief
theory. Its interest is the capacity to combine linguistic evaluations
of end users in an effective way, taking into account indecision,
ignorance and suspicion. The manager is able to estimate pertinent
criteria, evolution of acceptance degree and to establish corrective
strategies during the implementation of the project.
This approach will be tested in Romanian companies, especially in
automobile field where people attitudes concerning automation processes
have been strongly affected during last few years, due to the success of
transfer technology.
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Table 1: Opinions of workers
Workers/Criteria [W.sub.1] [W.sub.2] [W.sub.3]
J 1 2 3
E 1 {1,2} 3
Workers/Criteria [W.sub.4] [W.sub.5] [W.sub.6]
J 3 3 UNK
E 3 3 1
Table 2: Frequency of apparition
Levels/ -2 1 0 1 2 -2,- 1,2 UNK
{J., S.} 0 0 0.5 0 0 0 0 0.5
{J., E} 0.5 0 0 0 0 0.5 0 0
{S, E} 0 0 0 0.5 0 0 0.5 0