Mechanical design of a hip joint for an anthropomorphic leg.
Vatau, Steliana ; Cioi, Daniel ; Radulescu, Corneliu 等
Abstract: The design and development of legged robots has been one
of the main topics in advanced robotic research. The research in this
field is been oriented to the development of humanoid robots. In this
paper it presents the work done on the original construction of a hip
joint for an antropomorphic leg.
Key words: humanoid, robot, hip, joint, leg
Very little of the world is accessible by wheels robots. Biped
robots can adapt easily to various types of grounds especially those
unknown environment with a lot of constraint and obstacles. Biped robots
can be used to explore inaccessible or hazardous locations, provide
service in the places that are dangerous or not reachable for human
beings. For the widely potential use, biped robot has been researched
for dozens of years by a lot of research groups. There are still many
issues to be studied and there is still a long distance between the
humanoid robot and us human beings. Several humanoid robots have been
developed in these years.
One of them is WABIAN constructed by Waseda University (Yamaguchi
et al., 1999). WABIAN is succeed by WABOT-1 (WAseda roBOT-1), which is
the world's first life-sized humanoid robot constructed in 1973 by
late Prof. KATO's laboratory. It is no exaggeration to say that he
was a pioneer in the development of humanoid robot. WABIN-RII has a
completely humanoid figure with two legs, two arms, two hands, and two
eyes, and is capable of walking and even dancing.
The most impressive humanoid robot should be HONDA humanoid robots.
When P2, the second prototype HONDA humanoid robot, was revealed in 1996
after ten years secret research, the robotics world was stunned. P2 is
the world's first cable-less humanoid robot, which can walk and can
go up/down stairs (Hirai, 1997). In 2000, further downsizing P3, ASIMO that stands for Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility appeared with
children-size (1200 [mm] height, 450 [mm] width, 43 [kg] weight
including batteries, 6 D.O.F./Leg, 5 D.O.F./Arm, 1 D.O.F./Hand, 2
D.O.F./Head) and new walking technology (i-WALK). The introduction of
i-WALK technology allowed ASIMO to walk continuously while changing
directions, and gave the robot even greater stability in response to
sudden movements. It is no exaggeration to say that the great success of
HONDA humanoid robot makes the current research on the world's
humanoid robot to become very active area.
The credit for a success of these humanoid robots nearly goes to
the zero moment point (ZMP) theory invented by Prof. Vukobratovic
(Vukobratovic & Juricic, 1969). He is also one of the inventors for
anthropomorphic mechanisms and biped locomotion.
The more humanoid robots which can walk and can go up/down stairs
are developed, the more humanoid robots are expected to perform several
application tasks in an actual human living environment. However the
application area of humanoid robots has still limited to the amusement
and the entertainment.
There are many papers that detailed the design process of
particular joints, but no one present the design process itself. This
paper, will address the main consideration taken in designing a hip
joint for an anthropomorphic leg.
There is various design consideration when designing this hip
joint. Among the various factors being considered are (Choong et al.,
* robot size selection
* degrees of freedom (DOF)
* actuator selection
* loads at joints
* sensor selection
* control hardware
2.1 Robot size selection
When we design a robot, we will eventually come to the questions:
"What size should it be?" and "How large/tall should we
design it?". To answer those questions above, we need to consider
various factors that are affected by the size of the robot. The space
available and the power requirement to move the robot will place
constraints on the size of the robot. Anyway, we want the robot to be
anthropomorphic. So, the size of an 8 year-old child was chosen. Its
height up to hip is approximately 0.62m, and the weights of the two
lower limbs are about 10kg.
2.2 Degrees of freedom (DOF)
Its want that the robot be able to move in 3 dimensions (3D). That
means that the robot must be physically capable of changing walking
directions, walking up stairs, and others similar tasks. To be able to
do these tasks, the robot needs to have sufficient DOFs. Say, if want to
only move the legs forwards and backwards (no sideway movements), would
not be able to change the walking direction, and would find walking up
stairs very difficult.
Therefore, the robot needs to have at least 12 DOF for it to be
able to walk in 3D (hip--3 DOF, knee--1 DOF, ankle--2 DOF, total 6 DOF/
leg). Figure 1 shows the location and the arrangements of the joints on
the robot.
The ranges of motion for the joints are modelled after the human
joints. So, the hip joint has the following limits of motion, which are
show in Table 1.
The three bending movements of the body are made possible in the
hip region. The hip joint is equipped with a self-lock mechanism
preventing it from collapsing in case of a power loss. Figure 2 shows
one of the found solutions. The angular flexibility of the three flexion axes of the hip joint is show in Table 1. It can use Cardan joints for
to construction the hip joint.
2.3 Actuator selection
For choice the actuator is needed some information. After
simulation, it's obtained the data for the torque and speed. These
dates are show in Table 1. The actuators preferably should have a high
power: weight ratio and also lightweight.
The three most common types of actuators are the hydraulic
actuator, pneumatic actuator and electric motors. Hydraulic actuators
have good power: weight ratios, but they are definitely not lightweight.
Pneumatic actuators are lightweight, but they do not have good power:
weight ratios. Further to that, both require a very bulky pump or
compressor, which is not feasible for walking robots.
So, each joint is actuated by Maxon's EC motors via
distributed control with harmonic drive gear.
2.4 Load at joint
From previous studies of the human hip joints, it was found that
the loads on the hip could reach up to 7 times the body weight
respectively (Blaha, 1993). The estimated weight of the biped robot is
approximately 10kg. For a load factor of 7 on the hip, the load would be
700N. This load needs to be taken into account when sizing the materials
for the hip joint. Further to that, a safety factor is incorporated. The
most critical part is at the hip which takes the highest amount of
impact loading. The deflection of the shaft caused by the loading was
also taken into consideration. However, it can reduce the impact load on
the joint. This can be achieved by incorporating a shock absorbing
material, say rubber, at the joints. This will reduce the impact on the
joint during landing (Hirai et al., 1998). This has a positive effect to
inhibit vibrations of the hip joint.
2.5 Sensor selection
One of the most important information required is the joint
position and velocity. This information can be obtained via a
potentiometer or an encoder mounted onto a joint. However, choosing
between either is not as straightforward. Each has its own advantages
and disadvantages. The signal from a potentiometer tends to be rather
noisy. Some filtering might be required before it becomes useful. As for
the quadrature encoder, there arises the task of reading the signals
(pulses). This can be easily solved by using a quadrature counter.
However, the cost of the entire setup (quadrature encoder and counter)
could be prohibitive. Same goes for a good potentiometer.
2.6 Control hardware
Recently, PCI bus becomes the most popular bus in industrial field.
However, employing PCI bus brings an issue. It is that PCI bus accepts
only four or less PCI boards without a bus-bridge. This is an important
issue for constructing a humanoid robot. Because, several kinds of
function such as DA, AD, counter, and Digital Input / Output, and
multichannels are necessary for control the humanoid robot.
The design steps outlined in this paper provides a systematic
approach to design a hip joint for an anthropomorphic leg. It describes
the considerations and the strategy towards achieving the specifications
laid out in the beginning.
What can be done in the future? Well, it will be make this hip
joint and design the knee joint and ankle joint for construction entire
anthropomorphic leg.
This work was made at Vienna University of Technology, Institute of
Handling Devices and Robotics in frame of CEEPUS RO 124-04/05. The
authors would like to thanks to Univ. Prof. Dipl.- Ing. Dr. Dr. h. c.
mult. Peter Kopacek.
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Table 1. The limits of motion for hip joint
Min. Max. Max. Max.
Joint angle angle torque speed
Hip roll -50 50 20 3
Hip pitch -30 100 50 0.3
Hip yaw -180 60 10 0.3